
FluxReply requested_flux()

Return the flux of the most recent reply to a request_flux command.


The following example tells the kuband receiver to integrate 10 seconds of raw fluxes from the antenna beam. It then waits for the receiver to finish integrating the flux, and when the flux arrives, it uses the requested_flux() function to look up the returned flux, and prints this along with its uncertainty.
 request_flux kuband, ant, 0:0:10
 until $acquired(flux)
 print "Received flux = ", $requested_flux.flux, " +/- ", $requested_flux.sdev

This function returns the averaged flux that was most recently received in response to a request_flux command, along with its undertainty. The return value is a an aggregate FluxReply datatype, which may either be assigned to a variable of this type, or directly dereferenced to access one of its members.

Beware that the units and originating channel of the flux are determined by the receiver that was queried, such that the fluxes from different receivers can not usefully be compared. These fluxes are not designed for astronomical use, but rather for peaking up on a source, by adjusting the focus or pointing of the telescope.

The returned standard deviation is equal to the standard deviation of the samples that went into the average flux, divided by the square root of the number of samples that went into the averaged flux.

For more details, please read the documentation of the request_flux command, and the FluxReply data-type.

Martin Shepherd (16-Mar-2010)