
Date set_date(source, utc, horizon)

Return the nearest date and time at which a given source sets.

Source source
The source to describe.
Date utc
The date and time around which to search for the set time.
Double horizon
The elevation of the local horizon to be used when calculating the set time.

The following example displays the date and time at which Jupiter will set or already set below 43 degrees. If Jupiter doesn't set for more than 12 hours, the previous set time is shown. If Jupiter doesn't set at all, the zero point of Modified Julian Date (17-Nov-1858) is displayed.
 print $set_date(jupiter,$date(),43)
The following examples is used to switch to a 3c273 in time to use it as a calibrator 10 minutes before it sets.
 Date stop_time = $set_date(3c273,$date,-2) - 0:15:0
 catch $date >= $stop_time {
   ...primary observations...
 } {
   print "Doing calibration on 3c273 before it sets in 10 minutes."
   track 3c273
   until $elapsed > 0:10:0

Martin Shepherd (21-Aug-2000)