
slew [az=?, el=?]

Slew the telescope to a new pointing, then halt the telescope.

Mandatory arguments:
Optional Arguments:
Double az
The target azimuth of the telescope (degrees).
Double el
The target elevation of the telescope (degrees).

The following example parks the telescope by pointing it at the zenith. The azimuth of the telescope is left unchanged.
  slew el=90
The following example slews both axes.
  slew az=180, el=44
Whereas slew operations are normally conducted behind the scenes by the track command, this command can be used to orient the telescope for ease of maintenance, or to reduce wind loading during storms. Note that commonly used positions can also be recorded in the source catalog and reached via the track command.
If an attempt is made to slew to an elevation that exceeds either the lower or upper elevation limits, then the telescope is actually slewed to the limiting elevation.

Martin Shepherd (25-Nov-2009)