
Displaying archive data

To display data from the archive, pull down the File menu of the main telviewer window, and select "Load Archive Data from Disk". This brings up an archive in which you can specify the directory in which to look for archive files, the range of times that you are interested in, the calibration file to use to convert register values from archive units to convenient display units, whether to subsample the data to speed loading, whether to plot the data while loading, instead of waiting until it has been loaded, and whether to discard previously plotted data, or merge it with the new data.

Unless the archive directory was explicitly specified when the program was started, the archive directory initially defaults to the value of $TCS_ARC_DIR if this is provided, or the current directory otherwise.

The default calibration file is $TCS_DIR/conf/cal.

The start time should either be a blank string to request the earliest available time in the archive, or a UTC date and time string formatted like dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss, where dd is the integer day of the month, mmm is a three letter month abbreviation, yyyy is a four digit year, hh is the hour of day, mm is the minute within the hour, and ss is the number of seconds into the minute. Omitted trailing components of the time default to zero, and if the time is omitted completely, midnight is assumed.

The end time can be a blank string to request the latest available time in the archive, a date and time as described above, or the name of the computer on which the control program is running. In the latter case data will be read from the archive, starting with the specified start time, up until the end of the archive is reached, at which point the viewer will connect to the control program to get future data. This allows one to prime a real-time plot with data from the archive.

Martin Shepherd (6-Nov-1999)