
Inserting, resizing and deleting columns.

Columns can be added, deleted or resized by clicking the middle mouse button anywhere within a page and selecting the corresponding operation from the menu that this displays.

Deleting a column

To delete an existing column, and its contents, place the mouse cursor over the unwanted column, click the middle mouse button to display the row/column modification menu, and select the "Delete Column" option. This will delete the column, and result in all of the columns that were to its right being moved one column to the left.

Inserting a new column.

To add a new column, place the mouse cursor over one of the columns that is next to where you want the new column to appear. Then click the left mouse button to bring up the row/column modification menu, and select either the "Insert column left" or the "Insert column right" options depending on which side of the existing column you want the new column to appear. This will create an empty column with the default width.

Changing the width of a column.

When a new column is created, it is given a default width. If the labels or register values displayed in this column exceed the default width, then some of their text will be truncated by the edges of the column.

To fix this you can either explicitly set the width of the column, or ask to have the column width set to the minimum width needed to accomodate the longest label or register value currently displayed in the column. In both cases, click the middle mouse button over the column of interest, and from the menu that this displays, select either "Set column width" or "Fit column width" respectively. The former of these two will display a dialog allowing you to see the current width and enter a new width, whereas the second will immediately adjust the column width according to the current contents of the column.

Column widths are specified as the number of average sized characters to allow for. As a result the actual width depends on the chosen font. Since all characters have slightly different widths, there may be occasions where, after having the width determined automatically, you have to manually set it to accomodate one character more or less.

Martin Shepherd (5-Nov-1999)