
Placing a label on the grid.

Creating a new label on a page is a matter of finding an unoccupied cell on the page at the desired location, clicking the right mouse over it to bring up the Field Create menu, and selecting Label. Alternatively, if the target cell already contains a label, then clicking the right mouse button over it will bring up a menu that allows you to modify the label. If the cell contains a register display field, then to place a label there you would first have to either delete the register display field by clicking the right mouse button over it and selecting the Delete Field option, or you could move it to another cell with the mouse.

The label configuration dialog

The configuration dialog that is displayed when you create or modify a label, allows you to select the background color of the field, the color of the text of the label, where to place the label within the field, and the text that you want to have displayed in the field.

The position of the text within the field is specified via the "justify" option menu button. Clicking on this button brings up a menu of possible positions. The options are to center the text within the field, left justify it, or right justify it.

Martin Shepherd (4-Nov-1999)