
Displaying a register value in a page.

To have the dynamically changing value of a control system register displayed in a page involves finding an unoccupied cell at the desired location, clicking the right mouse over it to bring up the Field Create menu, and selecting its Register entry. Alternatively, if the target cell is already displaying another register value, then clicking the right mouse button over it will bring up a menu that allows you to change which register is displayed there. If the cell contains a label, then to display a register there you would first have to either delete the label by clicking the right mouse button over it and selecting the Delete Field option, or you could use the mouse to move it to another cell.

The register configuration dialog

The configuration dialog that is displayed when you create or modify a label, allows you to select the color of the background of the field, the color of the text displaying the value of the register, where to display the values within the field, the register to be monitored, the textual format to use to display the value, whether to allocate place for a sign character when a number is positive, whether to highlight out-of-range values, the range of values that are to be considered as within range, and three other attributes that depend on the selected display format.

Justifying the text within the field

The position of the text within the field is specified via the "justify" option menu button. Clicking on this button brings up a menu of possible positions. The options are to center the text within the field, left justify it, or right justify it.

Register specification

The easiest way to specify the register to be displayed is to click on the green list button next to the register entry field. This results in a menu of board names being displayed, and when the mouse is placed over one of these board names, a sub-menu is displayed that displays the names of the registers on that board. Selecting one of these registers results in the corresponding register specification being written into the register specification field.

Except when string and date formats are being used, register specifications should refer to a single element of a register. Thus if the selected register contains an array of values, you should specify the index of the register to display. For example, in the CBI, the register is actually an array of 13 values. To show element 5, one would specify,[5].

The provided display formats

Enabling warnings for out of range values

To provide some indication of when a register value is outside of its optimum range, you can specify that a colored border be drawn when this range is exceeded. By default this border is drawn in red, but this is configurable via the page configuration dialog.

The range of valid values is specified in two numeric entry fields. Although these must be specified as numbers, this doesn't prevent this facility from being used with the enum and bit formats, because these formats simply give names to underlying numbers.

Having specified a range of values, depress the button that says, "Highlight field values that are out of range.".

Martin Shepherd (4-Nov-1999)