
Inserting and deleting rows.

Rows can be added and deleted by clicking the middle mouse button anywhere within a page and selecting the corresponding operation from the menu that this displays.

Deleting a row

To delete an existing row, and its contents, place the mouse cursor over the unwanted row, click the middle mouse button to display the row/col modification menu, and select the "Delete Row" option. This will delete the row and result in all of the rows that were below it being moved up by one row.

Inserting a new row.

To add a new row, place the mouse cursor over one of the rows that is next to where you want the new row to appear. Then click the left mouse button to bring up the row/col modification menu, and select either the "Insert row above" or the "Insert row below" options depending on whether you want the row to appear above or below the existing row. This will create an empty row, ready to have labels and register display fields added to it.
Martin Shepherd (5-Nov-1999)