
Saving and restoring the configuration of the viewer between sessions

The configuration of the viewer, its plots and its textual display pages, can be saved and restored by means of configuration files. The configurations of plots and pages can either be saved individually via the File menus of these windows, or one can save them all in a single file by pulling down the File menu of the main telviewer window and selecting "Save Configuration File". The dialog that this reveals allows you to specify the name of the output configuration file. By convention, such files have extensions of .cnf.

To restore a previously saved configuration, pull down the File menu of the main telviewer window and select "Load Configuration File. This will bring up a dialog for specification of the file name of the configuration file to load. Pressing the Replace button of this dialog will result in any existing plots and pages being deleted before the new configuration is read. If instead you want to add the plots and pages created by the configuration file, to those that are already there, press the Merge button.

Martin Shepherd (6-Nov-1999)