
TrackingOffsets requested_flux()

Get the current tracking offsets.


Example 1:
The following example stores the current tracking offsets in a TrackingOffsets variable called f. It then does an indeterminate number of things, including changing the azimuth and elevation offsets. Then finally it restores the original azimuth and elevation tracking offsets in the f variable.
 TrackingOffsets f = $tracking_offsets()
 offset az=1:0:30, el=0:10:12
 offset az=$, el=$f.el
Example 2:
The following example just displays the values of all of the current forms of tracking offset.
 TrackingOffsets f = $tracking_offsets()
 print "Horizon offsets: az=", $, "el=", $f.el
 print "Equatorial offsets: ra=", $f.ra, "dec=", $f.dec
 print "Sky offsets: x=", $f.x, "y=", $f.y

This function returns the current tracking offsets. Its main purpose is for schedules and procedures that make temporary changes to the offsets, allowing them to keep a record of what the offsets were before they started, and restore these offsets when they end.

Martin Shepherd (19-Mar-2010)