Links I find useful:

CDS's Portal.

Code for finding what constellation your object is in. Original code by Nancy Roman (1987), updated for J2000 coordinates

Annotation in R with expression.

R color palette

Link to Gaia DR2 form on VizieR.

The arXiv sanity preserver.

Object visibility STARALT.

IRTF spectral library

JPL molecular spectroscopic database

Flexible curve fitting tool

PhotoDissociation Region Toolbox

Radio astronomy temperature summary

Spectral libraries:
* Compilation by VOSA
* Kesseli+2017 BOSS library
* X-Shooter library
* Ca II triplet library

Use sed to strip comments from a LaTeX document.
sed -E '/^[[:space:]]*%/d; s/([^\\])%.*/\1/' yourfile.tex

If you want to also clean up the excess newlines.
sed -E '/^[[:space:]]*%/d; s/([^\\])%.*/\1/' yourfile.tex | sed '/^$/N;/\n$/D'