MegaCam Fringe Residuals

by James D. 'Don' Neill

D3 z' Fringe Residual Images and Plots

Observations - The cutouts pictured below were retrieved using CADC's Cutout Server. I selected the first observation from all z' sets for D3 (2003-2005). I picked a 651x801 pixel cutout of the region ([1350:2000,2700:3500]) of chip 11. These are all detrended (i.e. fringe corrected) images.

Analysis - I used imstatistics from IRAF to determine the mean value of each cutout. This value was subtracted off and each image was displayed within the range -100 to 100 counts. This allows the relative amplitude of the residual pattern to be assessed. I then did a screen capture of each image, cropped them, and resampled them by two to generate the images below.

Images and Plots - Follow the links below to see animated GIFs showing all 11 images (they loop 5 times). You can see how the residual fringe pattern changes amplitude and varies in shape. Below are the individual cutouts (raw and processed) and plots. Each plot is constructed by averaging lines 398 to 402 of the processed cutout. This is then smoothed with a 5 pixel boxcar that preserves the lower frequency residual fringe structure. The residual fringe amplitude varies from un-detectable (e.g. 696574) to a full amplitude of close to 60 counts (742979).

D3 z' image animations

Animation, processed images showing residuals: will loop 5 times.

Animation, fringe calib. images, raw images, and processed images: will loop 5 times (slower).

D3 z' image cutouts and plots


Last updated, 04 Apr 2005
Please send questions or comments to Don Neill at