PSF subtraction of i' and g' images

Examined both the i' 520s exposure and g' 225s exposure coadded images. Generated a variable PSF with DAOPHOT for each chip (multiple passes rejecting high profile errors). Used substar to subtract refined PSF. Examined all the 'final' standards in the subtracted image and removed objects with problematic residuals (barely resolved galaxies or highly blended stars). Also made a magnitude cut at 22.5 i'.

The rejected stars are classified with the following single letter codes:

  • e - off the edge of the image
  • s - saturated in both i520 and g225 images
  • g - galaxy-like residuals
  • n - neighbour too close and too bright
  • b - bad residuals

  1. D1 lists for each chip are in the gzipped tar archive ( D1mas.tar.gz) which will untar to D1/master/ccd*_good.reg and ccd*_bad.reg.
  2. D2 lists for each chip are in the gzipped tar archive ( D2mas.tar.gz) which will untar to D2/master/ccd*_good.reg and ccd*_bad.reg. We also have HST ACS imaging of this field to check our culling at higher resolution. It looks like we are doing a good job of conservatively culling to the best list of PSF standards.
  3. D3 lists for each chip are in the gzipped tar archive ( D3mas.tar.gz) which will untar to D3/master/ccd*_good.reg and ccd*_bad.reg.
  4. D4 lists for each chip are in the gzipped tar archive ( D4mas.tar.gz) which will untar to D4/[i520|g225]/*_good.reg and *_bad.reg.