Comparison - Here we compare the parameter fits using
DAOPHOT Uncalibrated, and
DAOPHOT Calibrated
photometry. This calibration used a g' color term of 0.116 mag, a g' zero
point of 26.553, a g' airmass coefficient of 0.150, a r' color term of 0.,
a r' zero point of 26.039, and a r' airmass term of 0.100. These values
come from CJP's
standard star analysis of Dec 14th, 2004 for Queue Run 04AQ02.
The first plot
is the chip-to-chip color term slope relative to the reference chip,
indicated by the vertical dot-dashed line, the second is the chip-to-chip
color term zeropoint, and the third is the exposure-to-exposure color term
zeropoint relative to the first exposure. All y values are in magnitudes.