SDSS - CFHT Color Term Measurement - PSF Stars

PSF Star Plots

Analysis - Fluxes used to calibrate the SNLS were compared to a pre-release DR5 SDSS catalog, kindly provided by David Schlegel. The psf stars are derived from our fluxscale standards and are culled using psf fitting and residual checking. The SDSS stars were also culled to include only those objects with errors less than 3%.

The slopes and zeropoints annotated on the plots were estimated using a Theil slope estimator written by Alex Conley. Error estimates come from a bootstrap resampling error analysis with 1000 resamplings. The color cuts are indicated in the plots by vertical dashed lines. The points within the cut are orange, the rest, yellow. A linear least-squares fit was also performed on the binned data shown by the red filled circles (within the color cuts) and the green filled circles (all points). The zeropoints for the full and cut samples from the Theil estimator are indicated by the large green and large red crosses, respectively.

The nominal CFHT color terms are indicated by the dotted black lines and the determinations by the French are indicated by the dashed blue lines, both of which are zeropointed at the full sample Theil zeropoint.

Last updated, 06 June 2006
Please send questions or comments to Don Neill at