Richard Ellis
Astronomy 249-17, Caltech
Pasadena CA 91125
Position: Visiting Associate:
On September 1st 2015 I moved to a new position at University College London and my contact
details are on my UCL web page
- However the US communication details below are still functional
Secretary: (626)-395-4970
Fax: (626)-568-9352
Overview of Research:
I am working primarily in observational cosmology addressing issues
related to the nature of the world model, the origin and evolution of galaxies,
the growth of large scale structure and the nature and distribution of
dark matter. My recent focus is on addressing the origin of the earliest
galaxies and understanding their role in cosmic reionisation.I am enthusiastic
about the use of new instruments and observational opportunities when
they further the progress that can be made in these areas.
Popular Talks and Presentations:
Read the
interview on Searching for the First Stars sponsored by the Kavli
Watch the two supernova cosmology
teams present reminiscences and anecdotes at Stockholm University as part of the 2011 Nobel Prize
in Physics celebrations (mp4 format)
Read the Scientific
Background on the Accelerating Universe awarded the 2011 Nobel
Physics Prize in part to the Supernova Cosmology Project
(led by Saul Perlmutter )
Listen to an interview
on BBC Radio Wales on how I became an astronomer (light entertainment only!)
Scientific Publications:
Check my scientific output on Google Scholar
Past and Present Students:
Check my proud list of successful graduate students!
Personal Details:
Research Programs:
My current interests fall under 4 main headings:
Gravitational lensing: I have been interested in the role that gravitational
lensing can play in cosmology and galaxy formation since the
late 1980's. I was a member of three independent teams that first detected cosmic
shear, the weak lensing by large scale structure, in 2000. The subject
has advanced enormously, culminating in the successful
launch of Euclid) which aims to
trace the growth of structure from the time-dependent clustering of
dark matter. On small scales I have used strong lensing to separate dark and baryonic matter
distributions in clusters to understand how baryons influence the dark matter profile.
Strong lensing also magnifies and enlarges the apparent sizes of background sources and I have used this
phenomenon to locate distant galaxies and study their internal properties such as
their abundance gradients and velocity fields, as well as determine the faint
end of the galaxy luminosity function at high redshift.
Distant Supernovae: I took part in one of the earliest successful studies to
locate and characterize cosmologically-distant Type Ia supernovae (SNe
Ia) and later joined the Supernova Cosmology Project .
The resulting "accelerating Universe",whiich was awarded the
2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, is a bewildering result which has motivated
a number of more ambitious ongoing and future supernovae surveys. I put most of
my effort into examining the validity of using Type Ia SNe for future studies. My
research included examining the environmental dependence of supernova properties as
well as the question of possible spectral evolution such as might arise from changes in
the progenitor composition. This work was undertaken with
spectrographs on Keck and HST. Most recently I've been involved in
analyses of a multiply-imaged SN Ia at a redshift z=2 which offers the
prospect of a precise measure of the cosmic distance scale.
Large Scale Structure: I have been an enthusiastic promoter of multi-object
spectroscopy since the 1980's, working with colleagues to develop early robotic positioners
for the former Anglo-Australian Telescope and several
multi-slit spectrographs. This work culminated in the
2 degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey which demonstrated the presence of a baryonic acoustic peak
in the large scale distribution of nearby galaxies whose precise measurement at various
epochs is a powerful cosmological probe. I have worked since 2006 with an international team to build
the Prime Focus Spectrograph for
the Subaru 8m Telescope. Now fully commissioned
this will undertake a survey of millions of faint galaxies to directly
map the cosmic expansion history to beyond a redshift z=2 as well as probe the stellar
halo of our Galaxy and M31. Read the
detailed science case for this remarkable instrument. In 2016 I also led a ESO Working
Group that would take the next logical step towards a dedicated 12 meter
telescope with a 3 square degree field. This has now become a major
future project called the Wide
Field Spectroscopic Telescope. Check out a recently completed Scientific White Paper.
Galaxy Formation and Evolution: I have been interested in studying the properties
of distant galaxies since I was a postdoc in the late 1970's. I have used the combination of HST images,
Spitzer photometry, ground-based K-band imaging and, most of all, Keck/VLT spectroscopy to
better understand the origin of the wide diversity of galaxy morphologies. Key questions
I am working now on include the luminosity evolution and mass-dependent assembly of galaxies over the redshift range 7 to 15,
and tracing cosmic reionisation through deep JWST imaging and spectroscopy. Keeping up with the astonishing pace of JWST
results is challenging; see below for two of my review talks. Closer to home I also study the onset of ordered
rotation and surprisingly compact nature in distant spiral and elliptical galaxies respectively.
Recent Review Talks and Historic Conference Summaries:
'The JWST Revolution: Progress in Studies of Early Galaxies and Cosmic
Reionisation' (Invited Plenary Review Talk at the 2004 IAU General Assembly, Cape Town)
'Progress and Surprises in Studies of Early Galaxies with
JWST (Invited Plenary Review Talk at the 2004 EAS Meeting, Padova)
Golden Webinar on Cosmic Dawn organised in 2021 by the Pontifical Catholic University in Santiago, Chile
`Gravitational Lensing: Einstein's Unfinished Symphony'
(Invited Review: United Nations `Year of Light' Series, Contemporary Physics, 2014)
`Cosmic Dawn: Studies of the Earliest Galaxies and
their Role in Cosmic Reionisation' (Invited Review: 26th Solvay Conference, Brussels October 2014)
Formation & Growth of Galaxies in
the Young Universe (Conference Summary, Obergurgl April 2014)
`A Century of Redshift Surveys' (Invited
Talk: Origins of the Expanding Universe, 2012)
`The Global Impact of ESO' (Invited Review),
ESO's 50th Anniversary, Garching 2012
`First Light and the Faintest Dwarfs'
(Conference Summary), KITP, Santa Barbara 2012
`New Horizons at High Redshift' (Conference
Summary), Cambridge 2011
`Early Star-Forming Galaxies and
the Reionisation of the Universe' (review published in Nature November 4th 2010)
`The Origin of Galaxies' (Conference Summary (ppt), Obergurgl, Austria Dec 2009)
`The Quest for Giant Telescopes: Four Centuries
of Challenge and Scientific Discovery' (Keynote Talk (ppt) at 2009 APS Meeting Denver, May 2009
`Scientific Opportunities
for 30 Meter Class Optical Telescopes' (invited talk (doc) at New Visions 400, Beijing 2008)
`Panoramic Views of
Galaxy Formation and Evolution' (Conference Summary (pdf), Hayama, Japan, Dec 2007)
Latest Refereed Papers (2025 submissions)
Glimmers in the Cosmic Dawn
- II: A variability census of supermassive black holes across the Universe
TiDES: The 4MOST Time Domain
Extragalactic Survey
The AURORA Survey:
The Evolution of Multi-phase Electron Densities at High Redshift
Latest Refereed Papers (2024 submissions)
A Comprehensive Photometric Selection of
LRDs in MIRI Fields: an IR-bright LRD at z=3.1386 with warm dust
Exploring the Nature of
Little Red Dots: Constraints on AGN and Stellar Contributions from PRIMER
MIRI Imaging
The Evolution of
[O III]+Hbeta Equivalent Widths from z=3 to 8: Implications
for the Production and Escape of Ionising Photons during Reionisation
The AURORA Survey: An
Extraordinarily Mature, Star-forming Galaxy at z=7
Broad-Line AGN at z=3.5-6:
The Black Hole Mass Function and a Connection with Little Red Dots
The AURORA Survey: The
Nebular Attenuation Curvey of a Galaxy at z=4.41 from the Ultraviolet to
Near-Infrared Wavelengths
21 Balmer Jump Street:
The Nebular Continuum at High Redshift and Implications for the
Bright Galaxy Problem, UV Continuum Slopes, and Early Stellar Populations
JWST/NIRSpec Observations
of Lyman alpha Emission in Star Forming Galaxies at z=6.5 to 13
Spectroscopic analysis of
the strongly lensed SN Encore: Constraints on the cosmic evolution
of Type Ia supernnovae
Rising from the ashes:
evidence of old stellar populations and rejuvenation events in
the very early universe
The AURORA Survey:
A New Era of Emission-line Diagrams with JWST/NIRSpec
JWST, ALMA and Keck
Spectroscopic Constraints on the UV Luminosity Functions at z=7-14:
Clumpiness and Compactness of the Brightest Galaxies in the Early Universe
Chemical Abundances of Early
Quiescent Galaxies: New Observations and Modeling Impacts
The JWST EXCELS survey: Too
much, too young, too fast? Ultra-massive quiescent galaxies at
redshifts z=3-5
Lya Profiles of Extreme
[O III] Emitting Galaxies at z > 2: Implications for Lya Visibility
in the Reionization Era
The Rise of Faint, Red AGN
at $z>4: A Sample of Little Red Dots in the JWST Extragalactic Legacy Fields
Lensed Type Ia Supernova
"Encore" at z=2: The First Instance of Two Multiply-Imaged Supernovae
in the Same Host Galaxy
Glimmers in the Cosmic
Dawn: A Census of the Youngest Supermassive Black Holes by Photometric
Galaxy Build-up in
the first 1.5 Gyr of Cosmic History: Insights from the Stellar
Mass Function at z=4-9 from JWST NIRCam Observations
multi-field determination of the evolving galaxy UV luminosity
function at redshifts z=9-15
Lyman alpha emission in
galaxies at z=5-6: new insight from JWST into the statistical
distributions of Lyman alpha properties at the end of reionization
Spatially Resolved Galactic
Winds at Cosmic Noon: Outflow Kinematics and Mass Loading in a Lensed
Star-forming Galaxy at z=1.87
Current Committees
Scientific Advisory Committee
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Beijing
Scientific Advisory Committee
ORIGINS Cluster, Munich
Royal Society
Research Professorships Panel
Editorial Board
Contemporary Physics
Caltech Teaching
Ay 123 Structure and Evolution of Stars
Ay 211 Extragalactic Astronomy
Ay 124 Structure and Dynamics of Galaxies
Page maintained by Richard Ellis
Last modified:1st January 2025