------------------------------------------------------------------------ Explanation of prizes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dan David Prize 2017 ... initiating and developing the field of time domain astronomy ($1M purse shared with Gehrels, Udalski) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shaw Prize in 2024 The Shaw Prize, sometimes called the Nobel of the East, is given for subjects not covered by the Nobel prize: mathematics, life sciences and astronomy. I was the sole winner of the $1.2M purse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NSF Alan T. Waterman Award. 1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the US this is valued highly. This is awarded by the National Science Foundation and is given once a year to the most accomplished scientist/doctor/engineer (all fields) working in the US and under the age of 35 years. The first astronomer to receive this prize. Clearly, a lot of luck in winning this jackpot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AD White Professor-At-Large, Cornell University. Appointed 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Andrew D. White Professor-at-large was founded in celebration of Cornell's first centenary and named in honor of the first president of Cornell University. "At any one time, twenty outstanding intellectuals from across the globe hold the title of Andrew Dickson White Professor-at-Large and are considered full members of the Cornell faculty ... to enliven the intellectual and culturval life of the University". Past professors include John Cleese (Monty Python), Sir Fred Hoyle, Har Gobin Khorana, Barbara McClintock, Amartya Sen, M. S. Swaminathan and Kip Thorne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jansky Award 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Jansky Lectureship is awarded each year by the Trustees of Associated Universities, Inc., to recognize outstanding contributions to the advancement of astronomy. First awarded in 1966, it is named in honor of the man who, in 1932, first detected radio waves from a cosmic source. Karl Jansky's discovery of radio waves from the central region of our Milky Way Galaxy started the science of radio astronomy. http://www.nrao.edu/jansky ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fellow of the Royal Society (London). Elected 2001. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In recognition of my discovery of the first millisecond pulsar, the first brown dwarf and contributions to the field of high energy transients -- soft gamma ray repeaters and gamma ray bursts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IIT Delhi Distinguished Alumni Award. 1996 Co-shared with Y. Deveshwar, Chairman, Indian Tobacco Corporation, India ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Helen B. Warner Prize. 1991 This is awarded to an astronomer in North America (US, Canada, Mexico) under the age of 35 years who has made outstanding contributions to astronomy and astrophysics. For my work on globular cluster pulsars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Packard Fellowship. 1990 Every year, the Packard Foundation awards 20 Fellowships across all sciences and engineering to those considered outstanding (and within three years of their appointment to a faculty position). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vainu Bappu Memorial Award. 1990 This is awarded to an astronomer under the age of 35 years and who has made outstanding contributions to astronomy and astrophysics. This is awarded by the Astronomical Society of India. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award. 1988. Awarded by the US National Science Foundation for new faculty members on the basis of future promise. The certificate is from the US President.