#!/bin/bash # find nearest Gaia star for given RA, DEC # fnsGaia [-v VERBOSITY] [-d DFS] {-h} RAdeg DECdeg (or pipe) # -r initial CONERADIUS in integer arcseconds [30] # -d DFS is the field separator for output file # -v VERBOSITY, [1],2,3 # 1 February 2021 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- RADIUS=60; DFS="\t"; VERBOSITY=1; JSON_FILE="fnsGaia.json" JSON_ADD='"program":"fnsGaia", "utility":"Gaia",' DLM_FILE="fnsGaia.dlm" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- TF="OUT_fnsGaia" TFt=${TF}".tmp" TFo=${TF}".out" TFd=${TF}".dat" echo "nada">$TFt trap "rm $TFt $TFo $TFd" EXIT #----------------------------------------------------------------------- while getopts r:d:v:h optval do case $optval in r) RADIUS=$OPTARG;; d) DFS=$OPTARG;; v) VERBOSITY=$OPTARG;; h) HELP=1;; *) echo "fnsGaia -h for help"; exit -1 esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ $HELP ]; then echo "fnsGaia [-r RADIUS][-d DFS] [-v VERBOSITY] [-g GaiaV] {-h} RAd DECd ..| pipe" echo "-r radius of cone search in arcseconds [30]" echo '-d DFS, the field separator for output ["\t"]' echo "-v VERBOSITY, [1],2,3 for increasing columns" exit fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #input from pipe? if so, convert to positional parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then PIPE=$(cat -) set -- $PIPE else echo "mergeGaia: no inputs from pipe or command line"; exit -1 fi fi if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "csGia: need a minimum pair of RA, DEC" exit -1 fi RA=$1; DEC=$2;shift 2 while grep "^nada" $TFt > /dev/null do csGaia -r $RADIUS -d $DFS -v $VERBOSITY $RA $DEC > $TFt RADIUS=$((2*RADIUS)) done RADIUS=$((RADIUS/2)) #number of objects (recall, first line is header) nobj=$(wc -l <$TFt) NOBJ=$((nobj-1)) awk -F"$DFS" -v RA=$RA -v DEC=$DEC -v nobj=$NOBJ -v radius=$RADIUS\ 'BEGIN{pi=3.141592653589793;thetamin=radius;i=1} NR>=2 {++i; ra[i]=$3; dec[i]=$4; dra=(ra[i]-RA)*cos(dec[i]*pi/180)*3600; ddec=(dec[i]-DEC)*3600 theta[i]=sqrt(dra*dra+ddec*ddec) if (theta[i]<thetamin){thetamin=theta[i];imin=i} printf ("%0.7f %0.7f %0.1f\n",ra[i],dec[i],theta[i])} END{printf ("%0.7f %0.7f %0.1f %d\n",ra[imin],dec[imin],theta[imin],imin)}' $TFt > $TFo tail -1 $TFo > $TFd read ra dec offset IND <$TFd awk -v ind=$IND 'NR==1;NR==ind' $TFt > $DLM_FILE dlm2json $DLM_FILE | gsed 's/{/{'"$JSON_ADD"'/' > $JSON_FILE Gmag=$(jq -r '.[] | .phot_g_mean_mag' $JSON_FILE) echo $ra $dec $Gmag $offset\"