#!/bin/bash #qsSim .. quick syummary of output of "csSim" # qsSim [-v VERBOSITY] {-h} file | pipe # input file is the output of csSim #----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERB=1; HELP=; NREFMAX=30 #not call ADS nrefs > NREFMAX JSON_FILE="qsSim.json" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- TF="OUT_qsSim.tmp" TFt=${TF}t :> $TF; : > $TFt trap "[ -e $TF ] && rm $TF; [ -e $TFt ] && rm $TFt" EXIT #----------------------------------------------------------------------- while getopts v:h OPTVAL do case $OPTVAL in v) VERB=$OPTARG;; h) HELP=1;; *) echo "qsSim -h for help"; exit -1;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ $HELP ]; then echo "qsSim [-v VERBOSITY] {-h} file | pipe" echo "-v [1] for top-level summary; 2 add IDs; 3 add references" echo "input file is supplied by csSim" exit fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # check to see if data is being supplied by pipe #----------------------------------------------------------------------- case $# in 0) if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then set -- "/dev/stdin" #set $1=/dev/stdin else echo "no file given nor is there a trailing pipe" exit -1; fi cat $1 > $TF; IF=$TF;; 1) IF=$1;; *) echo "can accept only one file"; exit -1;; esac #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #preparing json file #----------------------------------------------------------------------- printf "program\tqsSim\n" >>$TFt printf "facility\tSimbad\n" >>$TFt #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #No source found #----------------------------------------------------------------------- grep '^!! No astronomical' $IF > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "qsSim: nada" awk '/coord/{print "ra\t"$2;print "dec\t"$3;print "name_simbad\tnada"}' $IF >> $TFt radius=$(grep 'coord' $IF | sed 's/^.*radius://;s/arcsec//' |xargs) printf "radius\t%d" $radius >> $TFt col2json $TFt > $JSON_FILE exit fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #One source found #----------------------------------------------------------------------- Object=$(grep '^Object ' $IF) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then RADEC=$(grep '^Coordinates(ICRS' $IF | awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7}' | coco -d -b) echo $RADEC | awk '{print "ra\t",$1; print "dec\t",$2}' >> $TFt Name=$(echo $Object | sed 's/\(^Object \)\([^-]*\)\(.*$\)/\2/;s/^ *//;s/ *$//;s/.*/&/') Type=$(echo $Object | sed 's/\(^[^-]*---\)\([^-]*\)\(.*$\)/\2/;s/ //g') printf "name_simbad\t%s\n" "$Name" >> $TFt printf "type\t%s\n" "$Type" >> $TFt ID=$(grep '^Identifiers' $IF) nID=$(echo $ID | sed 's;\(^Identifiers[^(]*(\)\([0-9]*\)\().*\);\2;') IDENTIFIERS=$(sed -n '/^Identifiers/,/^ *$/p' $IF | gsed '1d;s/^ *//;s/ */,/g' |xargs | sed 's/,$//' | awk -F"," 'BEGIN{printf("[")}{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){sub(/^ */,"",$i);printf("\"%s\",",$i)};printf("\"%s\"]\n",$NF)}') printf "number_avatars\t%s\n" $nID >> $TFt printf "avatars\t%s\n" "$IDENTIFIERS" >> $TFt Bib=$(grep '^Bibcodes' $IF) nBib=$(echo $Bib | sed 's/^Bibcodes[^(]*(//;s/) *(//;s/).*$//') BIBCODE=$(sed -n '/^Bibcodes/,/^Measures/p' $IF | gsed '1d;$d;s/^ *//;s/ *$//;/^$/d') NBibCode=$(echo $BIBCODE | awk '{print NF}') printf "nbibliography\t%s\n" "$nBib" >> $TFt printf "BibCodes\t" >>$TFt sed -n '/^Bibcodes/,/^ *$/p' $IF | sed '1d;/^ *$/d;s/^ *//g' | xargs | awk 'BEGIN{printf "["}{for (i=1;i<NF;i++){printf("\"%s\",",$i)};printf("\"%s\"]\n",$NF)}' >> $TFt Notes=$(sed -n '/^Notes/,/^ *$/p' $IF | gsed '1d;/^ *$/d;s/\t//g'|tr '\n' ' ') printf "Notes\t%s" "$Notes" >> $TFt if [ $VERB -ge 1 ]; then echo -e "Simbad obj:$Name type:$Type avatars:$nID refs: $nBib" fi if [ $VERB -eq 2 ]; then echo "Simbad: number of references: $NBibCode" echo "Notes: $Notes" exit fi if [ $VERB -ge 3 ]; then echo -n "Simbad: number of references: $NBibCode." if [ $NBibCode -le $NREFMAX ]; then bc2top "$BIBCODE" else echo "popular object. Not calling ADS" fi fi col2json $TFt > $JSON_FILE exit fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #Mutiple objects found #----------------------------------------------------------------------- NumberOfObjects=$(grep '^Number of object' $IF) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then nSources=$(grep "Number of objects" $IF| awk -F":" '{print $NF}' | sed 's/ //g') echo $nSources " sources within error circle" if [ $VERB -ge 2 ]; then dline grep "|" $IF | awk -F'|' \ '/^[^1-9]/{print $2,$3,$4,$12} /^[1-9]/{print $2,$3,$4,$12; if ($12>mxbib){mxbib=$12;mxobj=$3;mxoffset=$2;}} END{sub(/ *$/,"",mxobj); sub(/^ */,"",mxoffset) print "\""mxobj"\"", mxoffset, mxbib}' fi if [ $VERB -ge 3 ]; then echo "hello $VERB" fi fi