gcut: extract range of characters and range of fields

WARNING: the delimiter for gcut or cut is restricted to one characters.
Be aware!
$ echo "a b c" | gcut -d " " -f3

$ echo "a b  c" | gcut -d " " -f3
		#returns \n

Use cut with caution

$ gcut -b LIST -c LIST -d DELIMITER -f LIST -s DELIMITER Infile

The utility allows you to extract bytes (-b) , characters (-c) or
fields defined by delimiters (-f). Other sophistications include
complementing the selection criteria, ignoring certain kinds of
lines, and an output field separator (OFS).  [GNU cut has powerful
features relative to BSD cut, whence gcut instead of cut.]

-b bytes (extract bytes)
-c characters (extract characters, including multi-byte chars)
-d DELIMITER (only one char!)  [default: tab]
-f fields (extract fields)
-s do not print lines not containing delimiters

DELIMITER is alas restricted one character (but see "feature")
LIST  can be a number or range (n-m) or comma separated list (n,m-p) 
      start number, default=1
      end number, default=end of line (symbolically, $)
      thus -3 is equivalent to 1-3
      thus 3- is equivalent to 3-$

Additional GNU options:
$ gcut --output=STRING 
$ gcut --complement -b LIST -c LIST -d DELIMITER -f LIST 
--output specifies delimiter for output (cf. OFS)
--complements the output (prints what is not selected)

$ echo "abcde" | gcut -b 1    #-b stands for bytes

$ echo "abcde" | gcut -c 1-3   #-c stands for (multibyte) characters 

$ echo "abcde" | gcut -b 1,3,5

$ echo "abcde" | gcut -b 3-     

$ echo "abcde" | gcut -b -3
	#cut by complement (everything that is not stated)
$ echo "abcde" | gcut --complement -c 1-3

$ echo "a b c d e" | cut -d " " -f 1

$ echo "a:b:c" | cut -d":" -f1

$echo  "a b c d e" | cut -d " " -f1-3
a b c

	#normally output delimiter is same as input 
	#you can change that
$ echo "a b c d e" | gcut -d " " --output-delimiter="," -f 1-3

$ cat RabbitFoodRanking
%This is a comment line
%Comment lines do not contain delimiters 
%Rusty's choices
Hay, 4
Lettuce, 3
Feed, 2
Sweet peas, 1 

$ gcut -d, -s -f1 HelloRabbit    #ignore lines which do not contain delimiter
Sweet peas