tr allows you to substitute (character to character), delete character(s),
squeeze out repeated characters. Complementary selection is also possible.

sed has almost all the capability of tr. however, tr has smaller learning 
curve and can handle control characters (especially \n) 
more gracefully than sed. [gsed, not sed, can also handle \n).

tr copies standard input to standard output. It does not accept files like
most other programs. Inputs have to be directed in.

-c complement the set of values in string1
-d delete characters in string1 from input
-s Squeeze multiple occurrences of the characters listed in the
   last operand (either string1 or string2) in the input into a
   single instance of the character. This occurs after all deletion
   and translation is completed.

Now we proceed with examples, with increasing complexity.

I. Remap characters 

Say, our goal is to replace "{..}" by "(..)".
$ tr '{}' '()' <infile  # "{"  -> "(",  "}" -> ")"

	#mapping can accept range
	#last char of smaller string is repeated to match length of longer string
$ tr "A-Z" "a-z" <infile >outfile              #convert case

$ tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" <infile >outfile   #classes can be used 

	#usual character sets 
	#	[:digit:]
	#	[:alpha:]	[a-zA-Z]
	#	[:alnum:]	[a-zA-Z0-9]
	#	[:blank:]	space, tab
	#	[:space:]	\t,\nl,\cr,\v, \f and " "
	#	[:cntrl:]	octal 000 through 037 and 117 DEL)
	#	[:punct:]	punctuation (long list)
	#	[:print:]	printable chars (includes space but not tab)

II. Deleting characters

$ echo "abc123" | tr -d "a"	#delete a specific character

$ echo "abc123" | tr -d "a1"       #delete chars in list

$ tr -d '\r' <infile >outfile       #can delete named char (DOS -> UNIX)

$ tr -d \015  <infile >outfile     #chars can be specified by octal value (\015 is \r)
$ echo "abc123" | tr -d [:digit:]	#chars in classes can be deleted
$ echo "abc123" | tr -cd "[:digit:]"	#delete all non-digits
123		#but missing \n

$ tr -cd "[:print:]" < infile       #remove all non-print characters

III. Squeeze out runs of strings of same char

Squeeze out successive characters to only one
$ cho "Hello Kitty  From   Tokyo" | tr -s " "
Hello Kitty From Tokyo

$ tr -cs "[:alpha:]" "\n" < infile  #convert file to a list of words

Useful Example
# Very useful: number header line entries
# you have a row of headers with the entries separated by ","
# you wish to assign them column numbers
# e.g. header line:    Index, Object Name, RA, DEC, z 

echo Index, Object Name, RA, Dec, z | tr ',' '\n' | nl
     1	Index
     2	 Object Name
     3	 RA
     4	 Dec
     5	 z

PAINFUL CAVEAT (work in progress)

LANG settings