------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Country Codes & Country Populations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this exercise, we will first extract a comma-separated table of the population of countries around the world. Next, we will extact a a table of country codes (2-letter or 3-letter). Finally, we will "join" the two tables. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Population of countries ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our starting point is the Worldometer site https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/population-by-country/ We save the ouput using "text" option to file "pop_html.txt". The data are found between lines starting "Share" and "Source". We extract those lines Notice the elegant way by which we get rid of the input file once the data are extracted. $ infile=pop_html.txt $ gsed '1,/^Share/d;/^Source:/,$d;/^$/d' $infile > pop.out && rm $infile $ cat pop.out 1 China <https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/china-population/> 1,439,323,776 0.39 % 5,540,090 153 9,388,211 -348,399 1.7 38 61 % 18.47 % 2 India <https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/india-population/> 1,380,004,385 0.99 % 13,586,631 464 2,973,190 -532,687 2.2 28 35 % 17.70 % . . Notice that each country's information starts with a regular pattern /^[1-9][0-9]* \t/. Thus, unlike the usual records, the Record Separator (RS) is not at the end of the text but at the beginning. I will use the term Beginning Record Separator (BRS) to distinguish this term from RS. Furthermore, the text for each country is spread over the next two or three lines (it varies). So our task is to create a record by grouping all the text between two BRSs. The solution here is to use the "multi-line" feature of awk. To this end we first do the following $ gsed '/gsed '1!{/^[1-9][0-9]* \t/{x;p;x}};$G' pop.out 1 China <https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/china-population/> 1,439,323,776 0.39 % 5,540,090 153 9,388,211 -348,399 1.7 38 61 % 18.47 % 2 India <https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/india-population/> 1,380,004,385 0.99 % 13,586,631 464 2,973,190 -532,687 2.2 28 35 % 17.70 % 3 United States Notice the line preceding each country is a blank line (/^$/), except for the first country (China) and the last line of the output is a blank line. We can now use some curious but powerful features of awk to read such multi-line records. The input field separator (IFS) is now set to "\n" and the record separator, RS="" (which is almost the same as "\n\n+"). $ gsed '/gsed '1!{/^[1-9][0-9]* \t/{x;p;x}};$G' pop.out | \ awk -F"\n" '{gsub("/\n/"," ")}' RS="" 1 China <https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/china-population/> 1,439,323,776 0.39 % 5,540,090 153 9,388,211 -348,399 1.7 38 61 % 18.47 % 2 India <https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/india-population/> 1,380,004,385 0.99 % 13,586,631 464 2,973,190 -532,687 2.2 28 35 % 17.70 % 3 United States <https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/us-population/> 331,002,651 0.59 % 1,937,734 36 9,147,420 954,806 1.8 38 83 % 4.25 % Now the data for each country is one line. We will filter out the inessential parts. $ gsed '/gsed '1!{/^[1-9][0-9]* \t/{x;p;x}};$G' pop.out | \ awk -F"\n" '{gsub("/\n/"," ")}' RS="" | \ gsed 's/^[1-9][0-9]* \t/"/;s/,//g;s/ <.*>/", /;s/ %/%,/g;s/[0-9] /&,/g;s/,$//' > Worldometer_WP.csv $ head -n 5 Worldometer_WP.csv "China", 1439323776 , 0.39%, 5540090 , 153 , 9388211 , -348399 , 1.7 , 38 ,61%, 18.47% "India", 1380004385 , 0.99%, 13586631 , 464 , 2973190 , -532687 , 2.2 , 28 ,35%, 17.70% "United States", 331002651 , 0.59%, 1937734 , 36 , 9147420 , 954806 , 1.8 , 38 , 83%, 4.25% "Indonesia", 273523615 , 1.07%, 2898047 , 151 , 1811570 , -98955 , 2.3 , 30 , 56%, 3.51% "Pakistan", 220892340 , 2.00%, 4327022 , 287 , 770880 , -233379 , 3.6 , 23 , 35%, 2.83% Now with the csv file in hand we are ready to rock-n-roll. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Country 2-letter and 3-letter codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ISO provides a 3-letter country code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_numeric We will use the country code list provided by the International Banking Association which can be obtained at $ URL="https://www.iban.com/country-codes" $ curl -o a.txt $URL Review file a.txt $ curl $URL | sed -n '/<tbody>/,/<\/tbody>/p' | gsed -E '1d;$d;s:</?t[dr]>::g;/^\t*$/d;s/\t//g' | paste - - - - | datamash reverse > ISO_country_codes.dat Most of the sed stuff is cleaning up. However, notice the clever use of paste to create a table with four columns (from four successive lines of data) and also the use of datamash to reverse the ordering of the table. [In a table it helps to have strings as the last column]. $ head ISO_country_codes.dat; echo ".\n."; tail ISO_country_codes.dat 004 AFG AF Afghanistan 248 ALA AX Åland Islands 008 ALB AL Albania 012 DZA DZ Algeria 016 ASM AS American Samoa 020 AND AD Andorra 024 AGO AO Angola 660 AIA AI Anguilla 010 ATA AQ Antarctica 028 ATG AG Antigua and Barbuda . . 548 VUT VU Vanuatu 862 VEN VE Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 704 VNM VN Viet Nam 092 VGB VG Virgin Islands (British) 850 VIR VI Virgin Islands (U.S.) 876 WLF WF Wallis and Futuna 732 ESH EH Western Sahara 887 YEM YE Yemen 894 ZMB ZM Zambia 716 ZWE ZW Zimbabwe