NAS Members
My friend Dale Frail wanted to correlatd Stanford's "top 2%" astromomers
with members of the NAS.

To this end I visited the NAS site
and seleted "astronomy". There were 100 astronomers I  found but each
page displayed only 10

Inspecting the first page I found that each member is noted on a like like this.
      <a href="http://www.nasonline.org/member-directory/members/53898.html">K. I. Kellermann</a></p>

So we filter on it and get rid of html stuff. Use awk to add "\t" preceding the
last number (can handle Dutch names like Harry van Woerden); sort on the last name and use tr to get rid of "\t".

A simple loop downloads successive pages and quits if no members are found in 
the latest download. The downloaded data are concatenated to a file which
is analyzed as described above.

NOTE: I am using "zsh" which allows for both "print" and graceful brace 

$ cat listNAS

#usage: listNAS section 
# listNAS                  #lists members of 12-astronomy (living & dead)
# listNAS 13-physics       #lists members of 13-physics (")
# listNAS 11-mathematics   #lists members of 11-mathematics (")
# output on screen & "Members.dat" and "PastMembers.dat"
# BUG: maximum number of pages to download is 100

TFILE="t_list"               #temporary file
CLASS=${1:-"12-astronomy"}   #default is "12-astronomy"
PAGEMAX=100		     #maximum number of pages to download

:>$TFILE                     #empty the output file
for PAGENO in {1..$PAGEMAX} 
  curl -s  "http://www.nasonline.org/member-directory/member-search-results.html?primary_section_new=section-$CLASS&page=$PAGENO" > a
  [ $(grep -c '/members/' a) -eq 0 ] && break 
  cat a >> $TFILE
  print "page " $PAGENO

	#living members
print "NAS members (astronomy)\n"
grep '/members/' $TFILE | sed 's/^.*">//;s/<.*$//' |\
awk '{$NF="\t"$NF;print}' |\
sort -t$'\t' -k2 | tr '\t' ' ' | tee Members.txt

	#dead members
print "\nDeceased Astronmers\n"
grep '/deceased-members/' $TFILE | sed 's/^.*">//;s/<.*$//'| awk '{$NF="\t"$NF;print}' | sort -t$'\t' -k2 | tr '\t' ' ' | tee PastMembers.txt