
Below I provide a simple bash tool which, given RA, DEC and cone radius,
will return the light curve in W1 and W2 bands of the NEOWISE

WISE (PI: Ned Wright) was launched in December 2009 and surveyed
the full sky at [3.4,4.6,12,22] microns until September, 2010 when
it ran out of solid hydrogen. The temperature of the space craft
rose and the longer bands suffered from the increased (local)
background noise. "NEOWISE" survey in W1 and W2 was undertaken for
four months after which the satellite was put into hibernation.

Under the leadership of Amy Mainzer project "NEOWISE Reactivation"
was funded to undertake sky survey in W1 and W2. The survey started
in December 2013 and is continuing as of today (November 2020).
The main value of NEOWISE-R is that it provides light curves in W1
and W2 at a pretty good level of sensitivity (detection threshold
of 0.1 mJy).

E. L. Wright  https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010AJ....140.1868W/abstract
A. Mainzer  https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014ApJ...792...30M/abstract

See attached program "lcNEOWISE"