Querying the Transient Name Server (TNS)

Below find a program that queries TNS and returns a file of transients
(classified or unclassified) for every requested month-year.
Considerable effort was put to ensure that requested month-year are
valid.  Notice the curious construct on line 35. Apparently the
last entry provided by TNS does not have a "\nl".  This is rectified
on this line.

     1	#!/bin/zsh
     2	# query TNS for each of requested months [scale: 1-12] in a given year (YYYY)
     3	# output: one line per event, tsv format
     4	#
     5	# qTNS [-t type]  [-s] YYYY [START_MONTH [END_MONTH]]] 
     6	#    -t type where type=unclassified (u), classified [c] 
     7	#    -s display header 
     8	# output(s) are tsv with names: TNS_YEAR_MONTH.tsv  
     9	#
    10	# usage: 
    11	# qTNS         2021 1      % classified events for Jan, 2021 without header
    12	# qTNS         2020 1 2    % classified for Jan & Feb  2020 without header
    13	# qTNS         2020        % classified for all of 2020 without header
    14	# qTNS -s      2021 1      % classified for Jan,2021 with header
    15	# qTNS -s -t u 2021 1      % unclassified for Jan,2021 with header
    16	#
    17	#YETI: FRB option not implemented (not even sure if this option 
    18	#     works correctly on TNS)
    19	#YETI=yet to be implemented
    20	#
    21	# S.R.Kulkarni, 3-January-2021
    22	#=======================================================================
    23	# internal function: gets TNS events for a given month-year
    24	get1month () {
    25	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    26	PAGENO=0; N=1
    27	printf "%d %d- " $YEAR $MONTH 
    28	while [ $N -ne 0 ]
    29	do 
    30	  s0="https://www.wis-tns.org/search?&"
    31	  s2="date_start%5Bdate%5D=$YEAR-$MONTH-01&date_end%5Bdate%5D=$YEAR-$MONTH-31&"
    32	  s3="num_page=$NMAX&page=$PAGENO&format=tsv"
    33	  printf "%d:" $PAGENO
    34	  curl -s -o $TFILE "${s0}${s1}${s2}${s3}"
    35	  echo "" >> $TFILE		#supplying \n for last record
    36	  N=$(($(wc -l < $TFILE)-1))
    37	  [ $HEADR -eq 0 ] && sed -it 1d $TFILE
    38	  if [ $HEADR -eq 1 ]; then
    39		[ $PAGENO -gt 0 ] && sed -it 1d $TFILE
    40	  fi
    41	  cat $TFILE >> $OFILE
    43	  printf "%d " $N
    44	  PAGENO=$((PAGENO+1))
    45	done
    46	return $?
    47	}
    48	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    49	#set defaults
    50	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    51		NMAX=500; TYPE=c; HEADR=0; INVALID=;
    52		FNAME="TNS"
    53	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    54	        TFILE="z_$$.tsv"; touch $TFILE ${TFILE}t
    55		trap "rm $TFILE ${TFILE}t" EXIT
    56	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    57	#decode options 
    58	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    59	  while getopts t:s OPTION
    60	  do
    61	      case $OPTION in
    62		t) TYPE=$OPTARG;;        #classified (c) or unclassified (u)
    63		s) HEADR=1;;             #HEADR=1 means that HEADER is requested
    64		*) INVALID=1;;
    65	      esac
    66	  done
    67	  [ $INVALID ] && exit -1
    68	  shift $(($OPTIND-1))
    70			#the choice of events changes the call to TNS
    71			#here is where FRBs (in future) will be considered
    72	  case $TYPE in
    73		[cC]) s1="unclassified_at=0&classified_sne=1&include_frb=0&";;
    74		[uU]) s1="unclassified_at=1&classified_sne=0&include_frb=0&";;
    75		*) echo "quit - invalid choice of type " $TYPE; exit -1;
    76	  esac 
    77	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    78	# decode & verify: year (YEAR), start-month (MSTART) & end-month (MEND) 
    79	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    80		# at the very least, the YEAR has to be specified
    81		# note: TNS started in YEAR=2016
    82	  [ $# -lt 1 ] && {echo "quit - year not specified"; exit -1}
    83	  [ $1 -lt 2016 ] && {echo "quit - TNS started in 2016"; exit -1}   
    84	  YEAR=$1; shift
    85		#Decode the months 
    86	  case $# in
    87	    0) MSTART=01; MEND=12;;
    88	    1) MSTART=$1; MEND=$1;;
    89	    2) MSTART=$1; MEND=$2;;
    90	    *) echo "quit - parameters exceed pair for month start and end"; exit -1;;
    91	  esac
    92	  MSTART=$(printf "%02d" $MSTART); MEND=$(printf "%02d" $MEND);     # "0"prefix 
    93	  if [ $MSTART -gt $MEND ]; then
    94		echo "quit - start month $MSTART > end month $MEND"; exit -1
    95	  fi
    96	  if [ $MSTART -gt 12 ] || [ $MSTART -lt 1 ] || [ $MEND -gt 12 ] || [ $MEND -lt 1 ]
    97	  then
    98		echo "quit - invalid month values $MSTART, $MEND"; exit -1
    99	  fi
   101	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
   102	# Loop through the months
   103	# quit if year-month is in the future
   104	#-----------------------------------------------------------------------
   105	  for MONTH in {$MSTART..$MEND}
   106	  do
   107	    YR=$(date "+%Y"); M=$(date "+%m"); 
   108	    if [ $YEAR -gt $YR ] || ([ $YEAR -eq $(date "+%Y") ] && [ $MONTH -gt $(date "+%m") ]); then
   109	      echo "quit - unable to access the future"; exit
   110	    fi
   111	    OFILE="${FNAME}_${YEAR}_$MONTH.tsv"; :>$OFILE
   112	    get1month 
   113	    n=$(sed '/^"ID/d' $OFILE | wc -l | sed 's/ *//')
   114	    print " $OFILE ($n events)"
   115	  done