Problem: Anna Ho has a Keck style star-list file. She wants to generate
Finding Charts via the PTF Marshal. 

$ more GrahamAGN.txt
J012016-092028  01 20 16.8 -9 20 28.6 2000 prio=3 18.0m z0.49
J012214+390703  01 22 14.4 39 07 03.3 2000 prio=3 18.3m z1.21

For each source she needs to generate a command like this

Clearly, html protocol requires (html sometimes does not like blanks and explicit symbols such as + and -)
	blank -> %3A
	+ -> %2B
	- -> %2D

1. We need only name, ra and dec. So we get rid of all characters starting
with " 2000" through the end of the line
$ sed 's/ 2000.*//' GrahamAGN.txt > a.txt

J012016-092028  01 20 16.8 -9 20 28.6
J012214+390703  01 22 14.4 39 07 03.3

2. First we change the "+/-" to ASCII code.
$ sed 's/-/%2D/g;s/+/%2B/g' a.txt  > b.txt

J012016%2D092028  01 20 16.8 %2D9 20 28.6
J012214%2B390703  01 22 14.4 39 07 03.3

[You can be clever and combine the two 
$ sed 's/-/%2D/g;s/+/%2B/g;s/ 2000.*//' GrahamAGN.txt > b

3. Next we add in the cgi/html stuff (here $1 is the first entry, $2 is the
second entry etc.)

$ awk '{bl="%3A"; print "<a href=\""$2bl$3bl$4"&dec="$5bl$6bl$7"&name="$1"\">"$1"</a><br>"}' b.txt  > FC.html

<a href="">J012016%2D092028</a><br>
<a href="">J012214%2B390703</a><br>

[You can be clever and pipe step 1+2 into step 3]

4. Open the html file
$ open FC.html

and start clicking on sources!