The world's greatest astronomer(s)

Recently my colleague T. Padmanabhan ("Paddy") of IUCAA (also the
author of a well-known series of textbooks for graduate students
in Astronomy) became interested in cataloging the world's greatest
scientists in XX field. He sent me an Excel spreadsheet
"WorldScientist2percent.xlsx" produced by the greatest brains at
Stanford which ostensibly lists the top 2% of scientists across
humanity (in present times).  [This file can be found in
../../LargeFiles/WorldScientist2percent.xlsx ]

IUCAA, Paddy's home institution, is primarily an astronomy place.
So I thought  it would be useful to produce such a list for Paddy
using the Stanford database.

Paddy is a high quality scientist well known for his efforts in
Quantizing Gravity, arguably the foremost problem in modern physics.
I did not want him to waste time in printing the catalog and manually
going through the catalog.  Doing so would have set back progress in
Quantum Gravity by a year (at least).  Given the additional problems
we are now facing (COVID, climate change, Trump & polarized US) it would be
tragic for any such delays to occur.

Fortunately, the intended task is trivial for an amateur of the
Unix OS. Equally, the solution provides a useful lesson for a
beginner.  So I added this solution to my Unix exercise list (which
I use to teach the occasional Caltech student who is interested in

Step 1: I saved the Excel spreadsheet as a "tab separated format"
(tsv), "S.tsv".  A visual review of the file shows presence of
non-ASCII characters.  Some of the classic Unix tasks (e.g. tr,
sort) cannot cope up with non-ASCII characters. So let us get rid
of the umlauts etc. [This means the Feryal Oz\"el -> Feryal Ozl].

$ iconv -c -t UTF-8 S.tsv > Stanford.tsv

The file "Stanford.tsv" is now our basic file.

I. A Reconnaissance of the data base

Step 2: Figure out which column is what.

$ head -1 Stanford.tsv | tr '\t' '\n' | nl
     1	Author Name
     2	Institute Name
     3	Country
     4	Number of Papers
     5	firstyr
     6	lastyr
     7	c score
     8	Subject Field
     9	Rank within field
    10	Total authors within field

[Fewer keystrokes
$ csvcut -n -t  Stanford.tsv
$ csvcut -nt Stanford.tsv    #!!

It is useful to look at a typical entry. What better than my own.

$ grep Shrinivas Stanford.tsv
"Kulkarni, Shrinivas R."	California Institute of Technology	usa	577	1982	2020	4.021087902	Astronomy & Astrophysics	236	42624

So it appears that my first paper was published in 1982 and my last
paper in 2020. I have apparently been involved in 577 papers and
and a resident of "usa". According to the Stanford database there
are 42,624 scientists in the field of "Astronomy & Astrophysics"
and "c-score" is 4.021 and my rank is 236.

Exercise: Find Paddy's entry in the data base but in one shot
(problem: there are several other Padmanabhans).

"Padmanabhan, T."	Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics India	ind	324	1977	2020	4.534670853	Nuclear & Particle Physics	24	110499
Not surprisingly we find Paddy up at the top of the Particle Physics group.

The next step is to understand the dimensions and integrity of the
database.  To this end we use the Swiss-army knife, "datamash".

$ datamash check < Stanford.tsv
159684 lines, 10 fields

So the number of records is 159,684 and the database is uniform
(every record has the same number of fields). This means that our
one-liner need not worry about making exceptions.

Finally, out of curiosity let us look at the fields (classifications)
and the corresponding fraction but expressed as ppt (parts per
thousand).  So we need to bin the data by an attribute (the field)
-- a task that is elegantly suited to associative arrays of awk.

$ sed 1d Stanford.tsv | \
      awk -F"\t" '{a[$8]++; ntot=NR} \
                  END{for (i in a) \
                  {printf "%-45s\t%d\t%-0.2f\n", i,a[i],a[i]/ntot*1000}}' | sort | nl

#        Field                                       Number     ppt
     1	                                             	751	4.70
     2	"Art Practice, History & Theory"             	33	0.21
     3	"History of Science, Technology & Medicine"  	49	0.31
     4	"Sport, Leisure & Tourism"                   	132	0.83
     5	"Strategic, Defense & Security Studies"      	360	2.25
     6	Accounting                                   	95	0.59
     7	Acoustics                                    	599	3.75
     8	Aerospace & Aeronautics                      	979	6.13

The database admits of 175 fields.  Apparently, the Stanford
scientists were not able to classify the field for 751 people.
There are 1658 astronomers who amount to 10.38 ppt (parts per
thousand) or 1.038% of the total number of entries in the database.
This fraction can be compared with 3% for Applied Physics & 4.3%
for Neurology and 0.04% for Folklore & 0.17% for Geology (!).

II. Analysis: Astronomy

Rather than deal with the full database let us now focus on

$ grep "Astronomy & Astrophysics" Stanford.tsv  > Astro_Stanford.tsv
$ wc -l !$
    1658   Astro_Stanford.tsv

There are 1658 entries for Astronomy. Earlier, we had learnt that
according to the database the number of astronomers world wide is
42,624 - a rather staggering number for professional star-gazers).
Thus, it appears that the database has 3.8% of the top ranked
astronomers (as opposed to what Paddy informed me - 2%).

Exercise: Using datamash determine min, max, q1, q2, q3 of the
scores for Astronomy.

Moving on we wish to construct a rank-ordered list of astronomers

$ sort -t $'\t' -k9n Astro_Stanford.tsv|sed 's/"//g' | \
  awk -F"\t" '{print $9,$1,$2,$3}' OFS="\t" > paddy.tsv

As all aficionados know, the key metric in a one-liner is the
(smallest) number of key strokes. This exercise is instructive for
observers who have to deal with real-life data.  Motivated thus, I
break it into steps and offer an explanation for each step:

$ sort -t $'\t' -k9n |                        #1
  sed 's/"//g' |                              #2
  awk -F"\t" '{print $9,$1,$2,$3}' OFS="\t"   #3
  > paddy.tsv                                 #4

#1 We wish to sort on column 9 (rank).  We need to inform sort that
   the file a tab separated file. The character following the option
   -t should be a tab.  However, sort is an old program and so does
   not accept the modern representation for tab "\t".  We have two
   choices:  -t $'\t' (modern bash, ksh, zsh) or going back to the
   basics (Unix arcana) use  -t "cntrl+v tab" (control+v followed
   by tab; as in vi).  This is the sort of arcana that gives Unix
   a bad name.
#2 Get rid of annoying double quotes around the names
#3 rearrange the four columns for printing using "\t" as the output
   field separator (OFS="\t")
#4 in honor of Paddy, the output file is named "paddy.tsv"

"paddy.tsv" is a handy file and you are now ready to explore the
world of the greatest astronomers. It can be found in the Appendix.

III. Explore the greats of modern astronomy

Let us first histogram astronomer by their country of residence.

$ awk -F"\t" '{print $NF}' paddy.tsv | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1n

   1  hrv
   1  prt
   1  ukr
   2  are
   2  cze
   2  grc
   2  hun
   3  arg
   3  aut
   3  irl
   3  nor
   4  fin
   4  hkg
   4  ind
   4  twn
   5  bra
   6  bel
   7  kor
   7  mex
  11  chl
  11  pol
  11  swe
  12  dnk
  12  zaf
  16  chn
  17  rus
  22  che
  24  esp
  28  isr
  36  jpn
  40  nld
  50  aus
  55  can
  73  ita
  78  fra
 110  deu
 160  gbr
 828  usa
[These are ISO-standard 3-letter does for country. See
	https://www.iban.com/country-codes     ]

[How about this instead (saves key strokes!)
$ csvcut -H -t -c4 paddy.tsv | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1n 
$ csvcut -Htc4 paddy.tsv  | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1n  #? no comprehendo!?

I was not aware of astronomy in Finland. So 

$ grep 'fin$' paddy.tsv 
343	Usoskin, Ilya, Oulun Yliopisto, fin
820	Salo, H., Oulun Yliopisto, fin
832	Muinonen, Karri, Helsingin Yliopisto, fin
1151	Juvela, Mika, Helsingin Yliopisto, fin

Perhaps you are visiting China next month. You want to be tactful
or devilishly clever.

$ grep ' chn$' paddy.tsv
16	Ho, L. C.	Peking University	chn
340	Jing, Y. P.	Shanghai Jiao Tong University	chn
612	Han, Zhan Wen	National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences	chn
696	Dai, Z. G.	Nanjing University	chn
842	Hobbs, George	National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences	chn
960	Yuan, F.	Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences	chn
1003	Li, Hui	Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University	chn
1006	Ma, Jun Ling	Beijing Cancer Hospital	chn
1017	Zhao, Gong Bo	National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences	chn
1056	Li, Li Xin	Peking University	chn
1098	Cui, W.	Tsinghua University	chn
1117	Qian, Shengbang	Chinese Academy of Sciences	chn
1132	Bai, Xue Ning	Tsinghua University	chn
1344	Zhu, Zong Hong	Beijing Normal University	chn
1430	Zhang, Shuang Nan	Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science	chn
1463	Chen, P. F.	Nanjing University	chn

As you can see I am already reaping the benefits of my modest
investment of time. Mark Twain, were he to be alive today, would
certainly have said  "There is something fascinating about Unix.
One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling
investment of key strokes."

A histogram of the scores would give the reader some insight into
the precision of the scores.

$ cut -f7 paddy.tsv | datamash --full bin:0.05 1 | cut -f2 | sort -k1nr | uniq -c | awk '{a+=$1; print $2 "\t" $1 "\t" a}'

score   #       cumulative  
4.85	1	1             <top-rank score
4.75	2	3
4.7	1	4
4.65	1	5
4.6	1	6
4.5	5	11
4.45	12	23
4.4	5	28
4.35	6	34
4.3	11	45
4.25	14	59
4.2	29	88
4.15	24	112
4.1	41	153
4.05	39	192   <- SRK rank
4	65	257
3.95	64	321
3.9	78	399
3.85	89	488
3.8	105	593
3.75	108	701
3.7	159	860
3.65	156	1016
3.6	186	1202
3.55	167	1369
3.5	210	1579
3.45	79	1658      <- bottom rank


The master astronomy file. You can use this file strategically.
[You are at a cocktail party. You meet a famous astronomer. You
impress them by informing them their Stanford rank! Perhaps not!]

$ cat paddy.csv
1	Springel, Volker, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
2	Fabian, Andrew C., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
3	Hernquist, Lars, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
4	Kennicutt, R. C., The University of Arizona, usa
5	Woosley, S. E., University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
6	Tegmark, Max, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, usa
7	Draine, B. T., Princeton University, usa
8	McLennan, Scott M., Stony Brook University, usa
9	Aharonian, F., Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, deu
10	Spergel, David N., Princeton University, usa
11	Tielens, Alexander G.G.M., Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
12	Van Dokkum, P. G., Yale University, usa
13	Piran, Tsvi, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, isr
14	Filippenko, Alexei V., University of California, Berkeley, usa
15	Chabrier, G., Ecole Normale Suprieure de Lyon, fra
16	Ho, L. C., Peking University, chn
17	Mszros, Peter, Pennsylvania State University, usa
18	Head, James W., Brown University, usa
19	Rees, Martin J., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
20	Loeb, Abraham, Harvard University, usa
21	Kroupa, Pavel, Universitt Bonn, deu
22	Hopkins, P., California Institute of Technology, usa
23	Narayan, R., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
24	Silk, Joseph, Johns Hopkins University, usa
25	Madau, P., University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
26	Kasting, James F., Pennsylvania State University, usa
27	Wright, Edward L., University of California, Los Angeles, usa
28	Melosh, H. J., College of Science, usa
29	Kochanek, Christopher S., The Ohio State University, usa
30	Burrows, Adam, Princeton University, usa
31	Cardoso, J. F., Sorbonne Universite, fra
32	Elmegreen, Bruce G., IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, usa
33	Efstathiou, George, Institute of Astronomy, gbr
34	Orgel, Leslie E., Salk Institute for Biological Studies, usa
35	Zhang, Bing, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, usa
36	White, Simon D.M., Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
37	Begelman, Mitchell C., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
38	Merritt, D., Rochester Institute of Technology, usa
39	Hartmann, Lee, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
40	Kauffmann, Guinevere, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
41	Christensen, P. R., School of Earth and Space Exploration, usa
42	Heckman, Timothy M., Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, usa
43	Gould, Andrew, The Ohio State University, usa
44	Asplund, Martin, Australian National University, aus
45	Herbst, Eric, University of Virginia, usa
46	McKay, C. P., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
47	Bethe, Hans A., Cornell University, usa
48	Van Dishoeck, E. F., Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
49	Dermer, C. D., The George Washington University, usa
50	Cooray, Asantha, University of California, Irvine, usa
51	Gehrels, N., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
52	Stevenson, D. J., Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, usa
53	Squyres, S., Cornell University, usa
54	Janka, H. Thomas, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
55	Riess, A. G., Johns Hopkins University, usa
56	Eisenstein, Daniel J., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
57	Burkert, Andreas, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, deu
58	Blandford, R. D., Stanford University, usa
59	Grotzinger, John P., Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, usa
60	Moore, B., University of Zurich, che
61	Ellis, Richard S., UCL, gbr
62	Baker, Victor R., The University of Arizona, usa
63	Aschwanden, Markus J., Lockheed Martin Corporation, usa
64	Steidel, Charles C., California Institute of Technology, usa
65	Zuber, M. T., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, usa
66	Cen, Renyue, Princeton University Observatory, usa
67	Schaye, Joop, Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
68	Tremaine, Scott, Institute for Advanced Studies, usa
69	King, Andrew, Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
70	Henning, Th, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, deu
71	Boss, Alan P., Carnegie Institution of Washington, usa
72	Brandenburg, A., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
73	Lazarian, Alex, University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
74	Laskar, Jacques, L'Observatoire de Paris, fra
75	Fan, Xiaohui, The University of Arizona, usa
76	Quataert, Eliot, University of California, Berkeley, usa
77	Conselice, Christopher J., University of Nottingham, gbr
78	Deamer, David, University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
79	Lin, R. P., Space Sciences Laboratory at UC Berkeley, usa
80	Bell, Eric F., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
81	Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jrgen, Aarhus Universitet, dnk
82	Berger, E., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
83	Solanki, S. K., Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, deu
84	Waxman, Eli, Weizmann Institute of Science Israel, isr
85	Frail, D. A., National Radio Astronomy Observatory Socorro, usa
86	Udalski, A., University of Warsaw, pol
87	Dekel, Avishai, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, isr
88	Tonry, J., University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
89	Ghisellini, Gabriele, Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, ita
90	Lilly, Simon J., ETH Zrich, che
91	Calzetti, Daniela, University of Massachusetts Amherst, usa
92	Ostriker, Jeremiah P., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
93	Bate, Matthew R., University of Exeter, gbr
94	Lissauer, Jack J., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
95	Kravtsov, Andrey V., The Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, usa
96	Harris, William E., McMaster University, can
97	Morbidelli, A., Observatoire de la Cte d'Azur, fra
98	Chevalier, R. A., University of Virginia, usa
99	Weinberg, David H., The Ohio State University, usa
100	Elvis, Martin, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
101	Kaiser, N., cole Normale Suprieure, fra
102	Smith, Nathan, The University of Arizona, usa
103	Reynolds, Christopher S., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
104	Prochaska, J. Xavier, University of Tokyo, jpn
105	Solomon, Sean C., Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, usa
106	Van Den Bosch, Frank C., Yale University, usa
107	Fender, R. P., University of Oxford, gbr
108	Howard, A. D., University of Virginia, usa
109	York, Donald G., The Enrico Fermi Institute, usa
110	McGaugh, Stacy S., Case Western Reserve University, usa
111	Bond, J. R., Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, can
112	Renzini, A., Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, ita
113	Hillenbrand, Lynne A., California Institute of Technology, usa
114	Sheth, Ravi K., University of Pennsylvania, usa
115	Lodders, Katharina, Washington University in St. Louis, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, usa
116	Cole, Shaun, University of Durham, gbr
117	Torres, D. F., Instituci Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avanats, esp
118	Menten, K. M., Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, deu
119	Frenk, Carlos S., University of Durham, gbr
120	Boynton, W. V., The University of Arizona, usa
121	Jewitt, David C., University of California, Los Angeles, usa
122	Peebles, P. J.E., Princeton University, usa
123	Schneider, Peter, Universitt Bonn, deu
124	Miralda-Escud, Jordi, Instituci Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avanats, esp
125	Krumholz, Mark R., Australian National University, aus
126	Pringle, J. E., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
127	Greeley, Ronald, School of Earth and Space Exploration, usa
128	Luhman, Kevin L., Pennsylvania State University, usa
129	Klessen, Ralf, Universitt Heidelberg, deu
130	Manchester, Richard N., Australia Telescope National Facility, aus
131	Netzer, H., Tel Aviv University, isr
132	Bower, Richard G., University of Durham, gbr
133	Miller, Stanley L., University of California, San Diego, usa
134	Szalay, A. S., Johns Hopkins University, usa
135	Peacock, John A., University of Edinburgh, Institute for Astronomy, gbr
136	Condon, J. J., National Radio Astronomy Observatory, usa
137	Navarro, Julio F., University of Victoria, can
138	Reid, I. N., STScI, usa
139	Fryer, C. L., Los Alamos National Laboratory, usa
140	Schrijver, Carolus J., International Space Science Institute, che
141	Zank, Gary P., Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research, usa
142	Binney, James, University of Oxford, gbr
143	Paczynski, B., Princeton University Observatory, usa
144	Romani, Roger W., Stanford University, usa
145	Myers, Philip C., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
146	Stetson, Peter B., National Research Council Canada, can
147	Haiman, Z., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
148	Maraston, C., University of Portsmouth, gbr
149	Lorenz, R. D., Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, usa
150	Daddi, Emanuele, Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
151	Cappellari, Michele, University of Oxford, gbr
152	Blanton, Michael R., The Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, usa
153	Sari, Re'Em, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, isr
154	Bildsten, Lars, University of California, Santa Barbara, usa
155	Gnedin, Nickolay Y., The University of Chicago, usa
156	Carr, Michael, United States Geological Survey, usa
157	Somerville, R. S., Simons Foundation, usa
158	Pieters, C., Brown University, usa
159	Graham, Alister W., Swinburne University of Technology, aus
160	Majewski, Steven R., University of Virginia, usa
161	Bada, Jeffrey L., Scripps Institution of Oceanography, usa
162	Livio, Mario, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, usa
163	McEwen, A. S., The University of Arizona, usa
164	Gopalswamy, N., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
165	Hartmann, William K., Planetary Science Institute, usa
166	Spruit, H. C., Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
167	van der Klis, Michiel, Universiteit van Amsterdam, nld
168	Thomas, P. C., Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, usa
169	Reames, Donald V., University of Maryland, usa
170	Reid, M. J., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
171	Miller, J., University of Maryland, usa
172	Balbus, Steven A., University of Oxford, gbr
173	Zaritsky, Dennis, The University of Arizona, usa
174	Perlmutter, S., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, usa
175	Seager, Sara, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, usa
176	Beers, Timothy C., University of Notre Dame, usa
177	Andersson, N., University of Southampton, gbr
178	Wang, Y. M., Naval Research Laboratory, usa
179	Lunine, J. I., Cornell University, usa
180	Soker, Noam, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, isr
181	Finkbeiner, Douglas P., Harvard University, usa
182	Krolik, Julian H., Johns Hopkins University, usa
183	Hapke, Bruce, University of Pittsburgh, usa
184	Frieman, J., Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, usa
185	Dav, Romeel, University of the Western Cape, zaf
186	Shibata, Kazunari, Kyoto University, jpn
187	Mateo, Mario, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
188	Genzel, R., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
189	Rieke, George H., The University of Arizona, usa
190	Lada, Charles J., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
191	Bartelmann, Matthias, Universitt Heidelberg, deu
192	Hasinger, Gnther, European Space Astronomy Centre, esp
193	Malin, Michael C., Malin Space Science Systems, usa
194	Rowan-Robinson, Michael, Imperial College London, gbr
195	Murray, Norm, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, can
196	Ferrarese, Laura, National Research Council Canada, can
197	Langer, Norbert, Universitt Bonn, deu
198	Johnson, Robert E., University of Virginia, usa
199	Ratra, Bharat, Kansas State University, usa
200	Thompson, D. J., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
201	Gammie, C. F., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, usa
202	Hudson, Hugh S., University of Glasgow, gbr
203	Sanders, David B., University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
204	Davis, Marc, University of California, Berkeley, usa
205	Evans, Neal J., The University of Texas at Austin, usa
206	Carpenter, John M., Atacama Large Millimeter-submillimeter Array, chl
207	Burgasser, Adam J., Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences, usa
208	Pollack, James B., University of Idaho, usa
209	Mushotzky, Richard, University of Maryland, usa
210	Treu, Tommaso, University of California, Los Angeles, usa
211	Balsara, Dinshaw S., University of Notre Dame, usa
212	Kenyon, Scott J., Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, usa
213	Zuckerman, B., University of California, Los Angeles, usa
214	Mustard, J. F., Brown University, usa
215	Allen, S., Stanford University, usa
216	Franx, Marijn, Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
217	Schaerer, D., Universit de Genve, che
218	Portegies Zwart, Simon, Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
219	Wilson, Lionel, Lancaster Environment Centre, gbr
220	Veilleux, Sylvain, University of Maryland, usa
221	Maeder, Andre, Universit de Genve, che
222	Van Der Marel, R. P., STScI, usa
223	Cumming, A., University of Glasgow, gbr
224	Blain, Andrew, University of Leicester, gbr
225	Carilli, Christopher L., National Radio Astronomy Observatory Socorro, usa
226	Bekki, Kenji, University of Western Australia, aus
227	Harding, Alice K., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
228	Stern, D., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
229	Burlaga, L. F., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
230	Sheeley, N. R., Naval Research Laboratory, usa
231	Lyne, A. G., University of Manchester, gbr
232	Teyssier, Romain, University of Zurich, che
233	Stone, James M., Princeton University, usa
234	Kaspi, V. M., McGill University, can
235	Markevitch, Maxim, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
236	Kulkarni, Shrinivas R., California Institute of Technology, usa
237	Kirkpatrick, J. Davy, Infrared Processing & Analysis Center, usa
238	Girardi, L., Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, ita
239	Cernicharo, J., CSIC - Instituto de Fisica Fundamental (IFF), esp
240	Giavalisco, Mauro, University of Massachusetts Amherst, usa
241	Nomoto, Ken'ichi, University of Tokyo, jpn
242	Basu, Sarbani, Yale University, usa
243	Phillips, Mark, Las Campanas Observatory, chl
244	Lai, Dong, Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, usa
245	Dopita, Michael A., Australian National University, aus
246	Schubert, Gerald, University of California, Los Angeles, usa
247	Katz, Neal, University of Massachusetts Amherst, usa
248	Volonteri, Marta, Institut d 'Astrophysique de Paris, fra
249	Zhang, M., Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
250	Des Marais, D. J., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
251	McComas, D. J., Princeton University, usa
252	Bland-Hawthorn, Joss, The University of Sydney, aus
253	Hawley, John F., University of Virginia, usa
254	Hauschildt, Peter H., Universitt Hamburg, deu
255	Kalogera, Vicky, Northwestern University, usa
256	Cohen, Judith, California Institute of Technology, usa
257	Schlickeiser, R., Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, deu
258	Goldsmith, Paul F., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
259	Miller, Jon M., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
260	Smartt, S. J., Queen's University Belfast, gbr
261	Athanassoula, E., Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, fra
262	Shapley, Alice E., University of California, Los Angeles, usa
263	Ip, Wing H., National Central University Taiwan, twn
264	Garca-Bellido, Juan, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, esp
265	Beloborodov, Andrei M., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
266	Schneider, D. P., Pennsylvania State University, usa
267	Benson, Andrew, Carnegie Observatories, usa
268	Bessell, Michael A., Australian National University, aus
269	Guillot, Tristan, Observatoire de la Cte d'Azur, fra
270	Hubeny, Ivan, The University of Arizona, usa
271	Torres, Guillermo, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
272	De Blok, W. J.G., University of Cape Town, zaf
273	Conroy, Charlie, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
274	Matthaeus, W. H., The Bartol Research Institute, usa
275	Hogan, Craig, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, usa
276	Cockell, Charles S., University of Edinburgh, gbr
277	Taylor, G. B., The University of New Mexico, usa
278	Wagner, Stefan, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fsicas, bra
279	Schaefer, Bradley E., Louisiana State University, usa
280	Rich, R. Michael, University of California, Los Angeles, usa
281	Mereghetti, S., INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Milan, ita
282	Santos, Nuno C., Universidade do Porto, Centro de Astrofsica, prt
283	Bromm, V., The University of Texas at Austin, usa
284	Antonucci, R., University of California, Santa Barbara, usa
285	Freedman, Wendy L., The University of Chicago, usa
286	Carlberg, Raymond G., University of Toronto, can
287	Nimmo, F., University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
288	Beck, Rainer, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, deu
289	Adams, Fred C., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
290	Zahnle, Kevin J., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
291	Laor, Ari, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, isr
292	Baugh, Carlton M., University of Durham, gbr
293	Ferland, G. J., University of Kentucky, usa
294	Dullemond, Cornelis P., Universitt Heidelberg, deu
295	Oka, Takeshi, The Enrico Fermi Institute, usa
296	Hoekstra, Henk, Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
297	Krasnopolsky, Vladimir A., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, rus
298	Scoccimarro, Roman, The Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, usa
299	Cordes, J. M., Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, usa
300	Cohen, M., University of California, Berkeley, usa
301	Ford, Eric B., Pennsylvania State University, usa
302	Kramer, Michael, University of Manchester, gbr
303	Nakar, Ehud, Tel Aviv University, isr
304	Kosovichev, A. G., New Jersey Institute of Technology, usa
305	Combes, Franoise, CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, fra
306	Evans, N. W., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
307	Salpeter, Edwin E., Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, usa
308	Mazzali, P. A., Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
309	Percival, Will J., University of Waterloo, can
310	Griest, K., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
311	Smith, Michael D., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
312	Dolphin, A. E., Raytheon, usa
313	Luhmann, J. G., Space Sciences Laboratory at UC Berkeley, usa
314	Knox, L., University of California, Davis, usa
315	Lorimer, D. R., West Virginia University, usa
316	Zinner, Ernst K., Washington University in St. Louis, usa
317	Lambert, David L., The University of Texas at Austin, usa
318	Bahcall, Neta A., Princeton University, usa
319	Brown, Timothy M., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
320	Marcy, Geoffrey W., University of California, Berkeley, usa
321	Dwek, Eli, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
322	Hogg, David W., The Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, usa
323	Nelemans, G., Radboud University Nijmegen, nld
324	Evrard, A. E., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
325	Clark, Roger N., Planetary Science Institute, usa
326	Vikhlinin, Alexey, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
327	Gal-Yam, A., Weizmann Institute of Science Israel, isr
328	Massey, Philip, Lowell Observatory, usa
329	Brown, Michael E., Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, usa
330	Peterson, B. M., The Ohio State University, usa
331	Claret, A., Instituto de Astrofsica de Andaluca - CSIC, esp
332	Armitage, Philip J., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
333	Voit, G. Mark, Michigan State University, usa
334	Cranmer, Steven R., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
335	Jenkins, Adrian, University of Durham, gbr
336	Norris, John E., Australian National University, aus
337	Kumar, Pawan, The University of Texas at Austin, usa
338	Greiner, J., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
339	Dickinson, Mark E., National Optical Astronomy Observatory, usa
340	Jing, Y. P., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, chn
341	Arvidson, R. E., Washington University in St. Louis, usa
342	Wyatt, M. C., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
343	Usoskin, Ilya, Oulun Yliopisto, fin
344	Drury, Luke, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, irl
345	Helmi, Amina, University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, nld
346	Dehnen, Walter, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, deu
347	Fortney, Johnathan, University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
348	Leitherer, Claus, STScI, usa
349	Zdziarski, A. A., Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pol
350	Steinmetz, Matthias, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, deu
351	Strohmayer, T. E., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
352	Davies, Paul, The University of Adelaide, aus
353	Kasen, Daniel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, usa
354	Metzger, Brian D., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
355	Wang, Haimin, New Jersey Institute of Technology, usa
356	Nakariakov, Valery M., Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
357	Komatsu, Eiichiro, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
358	Kormendy, John, The University of Texas at Austin, usa
359	Feigelson, E. D., Pennsylvania State University, usa
360	Sandford, Scott A., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
361	Rasio, Frederic A., Northwestern University, usa
362	Strong, Andrew, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
363	Strauss, Michael A., Princeton University, usa
364	Scoville, Nicholas, California Institute of Technology, usa
365	Gaensler, B. M., University of Toronto, can
366	Neufeld, David, Johns Hopkins University, usa
367	Enlin, Torsten, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
368	Chambers, John, Carnegie Institution of Washington, usa
369	Kouveliotou, Chryssa, The George Washington University, usa
370	Pen, U., Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, can
371	Primack, Joel R., University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
372	Rhoads, J. E., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
373	Ivison, R. J., European Southern Observatory, deu
374	Van Leeuwen, Floor, Institute of Astronomy, gbr
375	Stern, S. A., Space Science and Engineering Division, usa
376	Weidenschilling, S. J., Planetary Science Institute, usa
377	Rosswog, Stephan, Stockholms universitet, swe
378	Klimchuk, James A., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
379	Gloeckler, George, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
380	Carretta, E., INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Bologna, ita
381	Bhringer, Hans, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
382	Van Den Bergh, S., National Research Council Canada, can
383	Abe, F., Nagoya University, jpn
384	Hopkins, A. M., Macquarie University, aus
385	Bloom, Joshua S., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, usa
386	Richards, Gordon T., Drexel University, usa
387	Raymond, John C., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
388	Maoz, Dan, Tel Aviv University, isr
389	Linsky, Jeffrey L., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
390	McKee, Christopher F., University of California, Berkeley, usa
391	Phillips, Roger J., Washington University in St. Louis, usa
392	Pinsonneault, Marc, The Ohio State University, usa
393	Dmoulin, Pascal, Universit PSL, fra
394	Van Paradijs, J., Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, nld
395	Grebel, Eva K., Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg, deu
396	Tsuneta, Saku, JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, jpn
397	Ida, Shigeru, Tokyo Institute of Technology, jpn
398	Seaton, M. J., UCL, gbr
399	Walter, Fabian, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, deu
400	Groenewegen, M. A.T., Royal Observatory of Belgium, bel
401	Parker, Eugene N., The University of Chicago, usa
402	Crowther, P. A., University of Sheffield, gbr
403	Gilliland, Ronald, STScI, usa
404	Gerhard, O., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
405	Bovy, Jo, University of Toronto, can
406	Papaloizou, John C.B., University of Cambridge, gbr
407	Benz, Willy, University of Bern, che
408	Ofman, Leon, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
409	Tokovinin, A., Cerro Tololo Inter American Observatory, chl
410	Schmitt, J. H.M.M., Universitt Hamburg, deu
411	Marsch, Eckart, Christian-Albrechts-Universitt zu Kiel, deu
412	Thomas, D., University of Portsmouth, gbr
413	Ferrara, Andrea, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, ita
414	Lites, Bruce, The Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory, usa
415	Thompson, T. A., The Ohio State University, usa
416	Makino, Jun'ichiro, Kobe University, jpn
417	Oguri, Masamune, University of Tokyo, jpn
418	Bally, John, University of Colorado Boulder, usa
419	Bennett, C. L., Johns Hopkins University, usa
420	Leggett, S. K., Gemini Observatory, usa
421	Horneck, Gerda, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- Und Raumfahrt, deu
422	Goodman, Jeremy, Princeton University, usa
423	Bryan, Greg L., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
424	Dubus, Guillaume, Universite Grenoble Alpes, fra
425	Best, P., Royal Observatory, gbr
426	Gilmore, G., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
427	Furlanetto, Steve R., University of California, Los Angeles, usa
428	Minniti, D., Universidad Andrs Bello, chl
429	Forbes, Duncan A., Swinburne University of Technology, aus
430	Ferris, James P., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, usa
431	Karachentsev, I. D., Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
432	Barnes, Joshua E., University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
433	Donati, J. F., CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, fra
434	Benz, Arnold O., Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, che
435	Rix, Hans Walter, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, deu
436	Maiolino, Roberto, Department of Physics, gbr
437	Southworth, John, Keele University, gbr
438	Hansen, Bradley M.S., University of California, Los Angeles, usa
439	Lucey, P. G., School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, usa
440	Goldreich, Peter, California Institute of Technology, usa
441	Weinberg, Martin D., University of Massachusetts Amherst, usa
442	Ostriker, Eve C., Princeton University, usa
443	Schultz, Peter H., Brown University, usa
444	O'Dea, Christopher P., Rochester Institute of Technology, usa
445	Wetherill, George, Carnegie Institution of Washington, usa
446	Allamandola, L. J., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
447	Owen, Tobias C., University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
448	Komissarov, Serguei S., University of Leeds, gbr
449	Martin, Crystal L., University of California, Santa Barbara, usa
450	Price, D. J., Monash University, aus
451	Hardcastle, M. J., University of Hertfordshire, gbr
452	Gratton, R., Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, ita
453	Thompson, Christopher, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, can
454	Martn, E. L., Centro de Astrobiologa (CSIC-INTA), esp
455	Lauer, T. R., National Science Foundation, usa
456	Charbonneau, Paul, University of Montreal, can
457	Bonnell, Ian, University of St Andrews, gbr
458	Morris, Mark R., University of California, Los Angeles, usa
459	Priest, E. R., University of St Andrews, gbr
460	Stanek, Krzysztof Z., The Ohio State University, usa
461	Basri, Gibor, University of California, Berkeley, usa
462	Dalcanton, Julianne J., University of Washington, Seattle, usa
463	Feldman, Uri, Artep Incorporated, usa
464	McConnachie, Alan W., National Research Council Canada, can
465	Pettini, Max, Institute of Astronomy, gbr
466	Nesvorny, David, SwRI, usa
467	Borucki, William, NASA Ames Research Center, usa
468	Levin, Yuri, Monash University, aus
469	Granot, J., Open University of Israel, isr
470	Edge, A. C., University of Durham, gbr
471	Hirata, Christopher M., The Ohio State University, usa
472	Ferguson, Henry C., STScI, usa
473	Sneden, C., The University of Texas at Austin, usa
474	Podsiadlowski, Philipp, University of Oxford, gbr
475	Ziurys, L. M., The University of Arizona, usa
476	Jura, Michael A., University of California, Los Angeles, usa
477	Wijnands, R., Universiteit van Amsterdam, nld
478	Rucinski, S., University of Toronto, can
479	Gdel, M., Universitat Wien, aut
480	Spitkovsky, Anatoly, Princeton University, usa
481	McKinney, Jonathan C., H2O.ai, usa
482	Di Matteo, Tiziana, Carnegie Mellon University, usa
483	Agol, Eric, University of Washington, Seattle, usa
484	Matt, G., Universit degli Studi Roma Tre, ita
485	Reipurth, Bo, University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
486	Tavani, M., Universit degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, ita
487	Lawrence, Andy, University of Edinburgh, Institute for Astronomy, gbr
488	Grillmair, C. J., California Institute of Technology, usa
489	Heavens, Alan F., Imperial College London, gbr
490	Dunlop, James, University of Edinburgh, Institute for Astronomy, gbr
491	Chapman, Clark R., Space Science and Engineering Division, usa
492	Ade, P., Cardiff University, gbr
493	Clarke, C., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
494	Cruikshank, Dale P., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
495	Kudritzki, Rolf Peter, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, deu
496	Taniguchi, Yoshiaki, The Open University of Japan, jpn
497	Stella, L., Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, ita
498	Baumgardt, H., University of Queensland, aus
499	McWilliam, Andrew, Carnegie Observatories, usa
500	Huber, Daniel, University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
501	Fan, Yuhong, The Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory, usa
502	Lutz, Dieter, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
503	Huchra, John P., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
504	Harris, Alan, More Data! Inc. La Caada, usa
505	Schlegel, David J., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, usa
506	Hatzes, A. P., Thuringer L. Tautenburg, deu
507	Matsubara, Takahiko, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, jpn
508	Hollenbach, David J., SETI Institute, usa
509	Herwig, F., University of Victoria, can
510	Worthey, Guy, Washington State University Pullman, usa
511	Djorgovski, S. G., California Institute of Technology, usa
512	McCarthy, Patrick J., Carnegie Observatories, usa
513	Loveday, J., University of Sussex, gbr
514	Churchwell, Ed, University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
515	Title, Alan M., Stanford University, usa
516	Nandra, Kirpal, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
517	Vokrouhlicky, D., Charles University, cze
518	Mo, Houjun, University of Massachusetts Amherst, usa
519	Binzel, Richard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, usa
520	Abel, Tom, Stanford University, usa
521	Haehnelt, Martin G., University of Cambridge, gbr
522	Crisp, David, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
523	Low, B. C., The Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory, usa
524	Gaztanaga, E., Instituto de Estudios Espaciales de Catalua, esp
525	Murase, Kohta, Pennsylvania State University, usa
526	Lahav, O., UCL, gbr
527	Shull, J. Michael, University of Colorado Boulder, usa
528	Meiksin, Avery, University of Edinburgh, Institute for Astronomy, gbr
529	Alexander, David M., University of Durham, gbr
530	Butler, R. P., Carnegie Institution of Washington, usa
531	Hamuy, M., Universidad de Chile, chl
532	Bttcher, M., North-West University, zaf
533	Sarazin, C. L., University of Virginia, usa
534	Gizis, John E., University of Delaware, usa
535	Woods, T. N., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
536	Andr, Ph, Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
537	Marigo, P., Universit degli Studi di Padova, ita
538	Fields, Brian D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, usa
539	Sellwood, J. A., The University of Arizona, usa
540	Hunter, D. A., Lowell Observatory, usa
541	Sarajedini, Ata, Florida Atlantic University, usa
542	Glazebrook, Karl, Swinburne University of Technology, aus
543	Bednarek, W., University of Lodz, pol
544	Lellouch, E., LESIA - Laboratoire d'Etudes Spatiales et d'Instrumentation en Astrophysique, fra
545	Heiles, C., University of California, Berkeley, usa
546	Takahashi, T., University of Tokyo, jpn
547	Kaaret, P., University of Iowa, usa
548	Collier Cameron, A., University of St Andrews, gbr
549	Melia, Fulvio, The University of Arizona, usa
550	Reach, William T., Universities Space Research Association, usa
551	Sasselov, Dimitar D., Harvard University, usa
552	Dolag, K., Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
553	Shen, Y., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, usa
554	Wheeler, J. C., The University of Texas at Austin, usa
555	Kjeldsen, Hans, Aarhus Universitet, dnk
556	Wilson, Christine D., McMaster University, can
557	Bailer-Jones, C. A.L., Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, deu
558	Vr_nak, Bojan, Sveu_ili_te u Zagrebu, Geodetski fakultet, hrv
559	Wyithe, J. S.B., University of Melbourne, aus
560	Readhead, A. C.S., California Institute of Technology, usa
561	Ruderman, Malvin A., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
562	Wang, Yun, California Institute of Technology, usa
563	Campana, S., Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, ita
564	Trmper, J., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
565	Canuto, V. M., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
566	Kargel, Jeffrey S., Planetary Science Institute, usa
567	Driver, S. P., University of Western Australia, aus
568	Foley, Ryan J., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, usa
569	Morris, R. V., NASA Johnson Space Center, usa
570	Ogilvie, Gordon I., Faculty of Mathematics, gbr
571	Mulchaey, John S., Carnegie Observatories, usa
572	Zhao, Hongsheng, University of St Andrews, gbr
573	Larsen, S., Radboud University Nijmegen, nld
574	Zarka, P., CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, fra
575	Russell, Michael J., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
576	Yoshida, Naoki, University of Tokyo, jpn
577	Marscher, A. P., Boston University, usa
578	Caselli, Paola, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
579	Mirabel, I. F., Universidad de Buenos Aires, arg
580	McCord, T. B., Bear Fight Institute, usa
581	Gibson, Brad K., University of Hull, gbr
582	Belloni, T., Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, ita
583	Jarrett, T., University of Cape Town, zaf
584	Fruchter, A., STScI, usa
585	Papovich, C., Texas A&M University, usa
586	Geballe, Thomas R., Gemini Observatory, usa
587	Rosen, Nathan, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, isr
588	Murchie, Scott L., Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, usa
589	Yelle, R. V., The University of Arizona, usa
590	Giommi, P., Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, ita
591	Shalchi, Andreas, University of Manitoba, can
592	zel, F., The University of Arizona, usa
593	Barkana, R., Tel Aviv University, isr
594	Done, Chris, University of Durham, gbr
595	Glatzmaier, Gary A., University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
596	Psaltis, Dimitrios, The University of Arizona, usa
597	Starck, Jean Luc, Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
598	Charnley, Steven B., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
599	Koopmans, L. V.E., University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, nld
600	Kndlseder, J., Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, fra
601	Gott, J. Richard, Princeton University, usa
602	Koester, D., Christian-Albrechts-Universitt zu Kiel, deu
603	Chaplin, W. J., University of Birmingham, gbr
604	Forget, F., Sorbonne Universite, fra
605	Chakrabarti, Sandip K., Indian Centre for Space Physics, ind
606	Martin, Peter G., Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, can
607	Dere, K. P., George Mason University, Fairfax Campus, usa
608	Malhotra, Renu, The University of Arizona, usa
609	Ma, Chung Pei, University of California, Berkeley, usa
610	Widrow, L. M., Queen's University, Kingston, can
611	Kirshner, Robert P., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
612	Han, Zhan Wen, National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences, chn
613	Antiochos, S. K., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
614	Mangold, Nicolas, Universite de Nantes, fra
615	M. Bernstein, Gary, University of Pennsylvania, usa
616	Bertaux, Jean Loup, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
617	Colless, Matthew, Australian National University, aus
618	Jenniskens, P., SETI Institute, usa
619	Walker, A. R., Cerro Tololo Inter American Observatory, chl
620	Belokurov, Vasily, Institute of Astronomy, gbr
621	Nordlund, ke, Kbenhavns Universitet, dnk
622	A'Hearn, Michael F., University of Maryland, usa
623	Cowie, L. L., University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
624	Bernardi, Mariangela, University of Pennsylvania, usa
625	Mamajek, E. E., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
626	Refregier, Alexandre, ETH Zrich, che
627	Smail, Ian, University of Durham, gbr
628	Croton, Darren J., Swinburne University of Technology, aus
629	Del Zanna, G., University of Cambridge, gbr
630	Laughlin, Gregory, Yale University, usa
631	Kahler, S. W., Kirtland Air Force Base, usa
632	Ingersoll, A. P., California Institute of Technology, usa
633	Lyubarsky, Yuri, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, isr
634	Mazeh, Tsevi, Tel Aviv University, isr
635	Henry, G. W., Tennessee State University, usa
636	De Pontieu, Bart, Universitetet i Oslo, nor
637	Melrose, Donald B., The University of Sydney, aus
638	Smoot, George, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, hkg
639	Ward, William R., Space Science and Engineering Division, usa
640	Jain, B., University of Pennsylvania, usa
641	Hughes, John J., Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick, usa
642	Ivezi_, _eljko, University of Washington, Seattle, usa
643	Greenberg, Richard, The University of Arizona, usa
644	Reiners, A., Universitt Gttingen, deu
645	Whitney, Barbara, University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
646	Vestergaard, M., Niels Bohr Institute, dnk
647	Jenkins, Edward B., Princeton University, usa
648	Longcope, D. W., Montana State University, usa
649	Lovelace, R. V.E., Cornell University, usa
650	Showman, Adam P., The University of Arizona, usa
651	Neukum, Gerhard, Freie Universitt Berlin, deu
652	Holz, Daniel E., The University of Chicago, usa
653	Horanyi, M., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
654	Meynet, Georges, Universit de Genve, che
655	Rafikov, Roman R., Faculty of Mathematics, gbr
656	Mellier, Y., Institut d 'Astrophysique de Paris, fra
657	Tavecchio, F., Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica, Rome, ita
658	Mayor, Michel, Universit de Genve, che
659	Totani, Tomonori, University of Tokyo, jpn
660	Wieczorek, Mark A., Observatoire de la Cte d'Azur, fra
661	Gnedin, Oleg Y., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
662	Stairs, I. H., The University of British Columbia, can
663	Warren, Harry P., Naval Research Laboratory, usa
664	Mac Low, M. M., American Museum of Natural History, usa
665	Potgieter, M. S., North-West University, zaf
666	Knigge, C., University of Southampton, gbr
667	Halpern, Jules P., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
668	Brandt, W. N., Pennsylvania State University, usa
669	Forbes, T. G., University of New Hampshire Durham, usa
670	Chyba, Christopher F., Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, usa
671	Cliver, Edward W., National Solar Observatory, usa
672	Norman, Michael L., Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences, usa
673	Asphaug, Erik, The University of Arizona, usa
674	Komossa, S., Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, deu
675	Ryde, F., The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), swe
676	Tinker, Jeremy, The Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, usa
677	Tinney, C. G., University of New South Wales (UNSW) Australia, aus
678	Johnston, Simon, Australia Telescope National Facility, aus
679	Elitzur, Moshe, University of Kentucky, usa
680	Bournaud, Frdric, Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
681	Faber, Sandra M., University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
682	Kuijken, Konrad, Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
683	Thomas, Peter A., Keele University, gbr
684	Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico, Niels Bohr Institute, dnk
685	Kley, W., Universitt Tbingen, deu
686	Padovani, P., European Southern Observatory, deu
687	Kunz, Martin, Universit de Genve, che
688	Sandage, Allan, Carnegie Observatories, usa
689	Borgani, Stefano, Universit degli Studi di Trieste, ita
690	Bastian, N., Liverpool John Moores University, gbr
691	Lubow, Stephen H., STScI, usa
692	Bregman, Joel N., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
693	Songaila, A., University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
694	Norris, J. P., University of Denver, usa
695	Gebhardt, Karl, The University of Texas at Austin, usa
696	Dai, Z. G., Nanjing University, chn
697	Usov, Vladimir V., Weizmann Institute of Science Israel, isr
698	Gonzalez, Guillermo, Ball State University, usa
699	Bouvier, J., Universite Grenoble Alpes, fra
700	Haberle, Robert M., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
701	Roddier, Franois, University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
702	Tumlinson, Jason, STScI, usa
703	Fabbiano, G., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
704	Potekhin, A. Y., Ioffe Institute, rus
705	Spencer, John R., Southwest Research Institute, usa
706	Bertoldi, F., Universitt Bonn, deu
707	Sollerman, Jesper, Stockholms universitet, swe
708	Glover, Simon C.O., Universitt Heidelberg, deu
709	Sturrock, P. A., Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, usa
710	Poutanen, Juri, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
711	Tozzi, P., Osservatorio Astrofisico Di Arcetri, ita
712	Petrosian, V., SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, usa
713	Nelson, R. P., Queen Mary, University of London, gbr
714	Feldman, W. C., Planetary Science Institute, usa
715	Wilhelm, Klaus, Max-Planck-Institut, deu
716	Inutsuka, Shu ichiro, Nagoya University, jpn
717	Freeman, Kenneth, Australian National University, aus
718	Federrath, Christoph, Australian National University, aus
719	Timmes, F. X., School of Earth and Space Exploration, usa
720	Poggianti, Bianca M., Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, ita
721	Blackman, Eric G., University of Rochester, usa
722	Nittler, Larry R., Carnegie Institution of Washington, usa
723	Kieffer, Hugh H., Space Science Institute, usa
724	Frhlich, Claus, Dhlenwaldstrasse 30, che
725	Ribas, I., Instituto de Estudios Espaciales de Catalua, esp
726	Snchez, Sebastin F., Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, mex
727	Birkinshaw, M., University of Bristol, gbr
728	Bentez, N., Instituto de Astrofsica de Andaluca - CSIC, esp
729	Panaitescu, A., Los Alamos National Laboratory, usa
730	Merloni, A., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
731	Maccarone, T. J., Texas Tech University, usa
732	Abramowicz, Marek, Gteborgs Universitet, swe
733	Finelli, F., INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Bologna, ita
734	Ettori, Stefano, INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Bologna, ita
735	Taylor, J. H., Princeton University, usa
736	Quillen, Alice C., University of Rochester, usa
737	Mayer, L., University of Zurich, che
738	Rttgering, H. J.A., Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
739	Strobel, D. F., Johns Hopkins University, usa
740	Hamilton, Andrew J.S., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
741	Omont, Alain, Sorbonne Universite, fra
742	Drake, Jeremy J., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
743	Caraveo, P. A., INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Milan, ita
744	Moskalenko, I. V., Stanford University, usa
745	Van Waerbeke, Ludovic, The University of British Columbia, can
746	Mao, Shude, University of Manchester, gbr
747	Levison, Harold F., Space Science and Engineering Division, usa
748	Nichol, R. C., University of Portsmouth, gbr
749	Winn, Joshua N., Princeton University, usa
750	Bandfield, J. L., University of Washington, Seattle, usa
751	Flower, D. R., University of Durham, gbr
752	Das, Tapas, Abbott Laboratories, usa
753	Gu, M. F., Space Sciences Laboratory at UC Berkeley, usa
754	Strassmeier, K. G., Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, deu
755	Cheng, K. S., The University of Hong Kong, hkg
756	Nayakshin, S., University of Leicester, gbr
757	Hamilton, D. C., University of Maryland, usa
758	Canup, Robin M., Space Science and Engineering Division, usa
759	Bennett, D. P., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
760	Catling, David C., University of Washington, Seattle, usa
761	Burns, Joseph A., Cornell University, usa
762	Ehrenfreund, Pascale, The George Washington University, usa
763	Testi, L., European Southern Observatory, deu
764	Vink, J., Universiteit van Amsterdam, nld
765	Jones, A. P., Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, fra
766	Lundin, R., Swedish Institute for Space, swe
767	Sesana, Alberto, University of Birmingham, gbr
768	Thaddeus, P., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
769	Reynolds, Stephen P., NC State University, usa
770	Kwok, Sun, The University of Hong Kong, hkg
771	Vink, J. S., Armagh Observatory, gbr
772	Kelson, Daniel D., Carnegie Observatories, usa
773	Boselli, Alessandro, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, fra
774	Skillman, Evan D., University of Minnesota, usa
775	Hamann, Fred, University of California, Riverside, usa
776	Haardt, Francesco, Universit degli Studi dell'Insubria, ita
777	Sternberg, Amiel, Tel Aviv University, isr
778	Gladman, Brett J., The University of British Columbia, can
779	Lyutikov, Maxim, College of Science, usa
780	Soszy_ski, Igor, University of Warsaw, pol
781	Li, Zhi Yun, University of Virginia, usa
782	Zhang, William W., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
783	Zheng, Wei, Johns Hopkins University, usa
784	Bresolin, F., University of Hawai_i System, usa
785	Wright, Jason T., Pennsylvania State University, usa
786	Baragiola, Ral A., University of Virginia, usa
787	Marsh, T. R., The University of Warwick, gbr
788	Haberl, F., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
789	Henry, J. Patrick, University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
790	Ioka, K., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, jpn
791	Lee, Young Wook, Yonsei University, kor
792	Theuns, Tom, University of Durham, gbr
793	Milgrom, Mordehai, Weizmann Institute of Science Israel, isr
794	Matteucci, F., Universit degli Studi di Trieste, ita
795	Ofek, E., Weizmann Institute of Science Israel, isr
796	Howell, Steve B., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
797	Lawler, James E., University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
798	Laming, J. M., Naval Research Laboratory, usa
799	Mellon, Michael T., Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, usa
800	Prantzos, N., Sorbonne Universite, fra
801	Crutcher, Richard M., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, usa
802	Schwadron, Nathan A., University of New Hampshire Durham, usa
803	Chiang, James, Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, usa
804	Challinor, A., University of Cambridge, gbr
805	Gough, D. O., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
806	Cameron, A. G.W., The University of Arizona, usa
807	Lasota, J. P., Sorbonne Universite, fra
808	Dressler, Alan, Carnegie Observatories, usa
809	Clark, B. C., Space Science Institute, usa
810	Gaidos, Eric, University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
811	Peng, Chien Y., GMTO Corporation, usa
812	Mller, Holger S.P., University of Cologne, deu
813	Gavazzi, Giuseppe, University of Milano - Bicocca, ita
814	Fegley, Bruce, Washington University in St. Louis, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, usa
815	Hillebrandt, W., Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
816	Keeton, Charles R., Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick, usa
817	Remillard, Ronald A., MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, usa
818	Williams, Jonathan P., University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
819	Howard, Andrew W., California Institute of Technology, usa
820	Salo, H., Oulun Yliopisto, fin
821	Pietrzy_ski, G., Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pol
822	Bachiller, R., Observatorio Astronomico Nacional, esp
823	Hathaway, David H., Stanford University, usa
824	Eales, Stephen A., Cardiff University, gbr
825	Morganti, R., University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, nld
826	Veverka, J., Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, usa
827	Wiegelmann, Thomas, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, deu
828	Subramanian, Kandaswamy, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics India, ind
829	Newman, Jeffrey A., University of Pittsburgh, usa
830	Yi, S. K., Yonsei University, kor
831	Storchi-Bergmann, T., Laboratrio Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia, bra
832	Muinonen, Karri, Helsingin Yliopisto, fin
833	Riley, Pete, Predictive Science Inc., usa
834	Titarchuk, L. G., University of Ferrara, ita
835	Bailyn, Charles, Yale University, usa
836	Geisler, Doug, Universidad de La Serena, chl
837	Smith, J. Allyn, Austin Peay State University, usa
838	Tully, R., University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
839	Shetrone, Matthew, The University of Texas at Austin, usa
840	Millar, T. J., Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
841	Bassett, Bruce A., African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, zaf
842	Hobbs, George, National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences, chn
843	Wang, Q. D., University of Massachusetts Amherst, usa
844	Holsapple, K. A., University of Washington, Seattle, usa
845	Charlot, Stephan, Institut d 'Astrophysique de Paris, fra
846	Carlstrom, J. E., The University of Chicago, usa
847	Zinnecker, Hans, Universidad Autnoma de Chile, chl
848	Greene, Jenny E., Princeton University, usa
849	Roberts, B., University of St Andrews, gbr
850	Hubbard, William B., The University of Arizona, usa
851	Bodenheimer, Peter, University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
852	Brggen, M., Universitt Hamburg, deu
853	Barklem, Paul S., Uppsala Universitet, swe
854	Marley, Mark S., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
855	Cannizzo, J. K., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
856	Sephton, Mark A., Imperial College London, gbr
857	Jimenez, Raul, Universitat de Barcelona, esp
858	Israel, F. P., Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
859	Lazzati, D., Oregon State University, usa
860	Bell, J. F., Arizona State University Downtown Phoenix Campus, usa
861	Liu, Michael C., University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
862	Savage, Blair D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
863	Gaffey, Michael J., University of North Dakota, usa
864	Urry, C. M., Yale University, usa
865	Sunyaev, R. A., Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
866	Hennebelle, Patrick, Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
867	Bedding, Timothy R., The University of Sydney, aus
868	Karakas, Amanda, Australian National University, aus
869	Johns-Krull, Christopher M., Rice University, usa
870	Mather, John, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
871	Bertschinger, Edmund, MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, usa
872	Fitzpatrick, E. L., Villanova University, usa
873	Robertson, Brant E., University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
874	Vaughan, S., University of Leicester, gbr
875	Szapudi, Istvn, University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
876	Hall, Patrick B., York University, can
877	Howard, R. A., Naval Research Laboratory, usa
878	Kogut, A. J., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
879	Monnier, John D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
880	Ivanov, Boris A., Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres, Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
881	Risaliti, G., Universit degli Studi di Firenze, ita
882	Wood, Peter R., Australian National University, aus
883	Van Ballegooijen, Adriaan, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
884	Schou, J., Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, deu
885	Blakeslee, John P., Gemini ObservatorySouthern Operations Center, chl
886	Landolt, Arlo U., Louisiana State University, usa
887	Charbonneau, David, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
888	Weigelt, G., Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, deu
889	Zheng, Zheng, The University of Utah, usa
890	Menou, Kristen, University of Toronto, can
891	Lagache, G., Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, fra
892	Vourlidas, Angelos, Johns Hopkins University, usa
893	Lynden-Bell, Donald, University of Durham, gbr
894	Jokipii, J. R., The University of Arizona, usa
895	Hui, Lam, Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
896	Scott, Douglas, The University of British Columbia, can
897	Sembach, K., STScI, usa
898	Howell, D. A., University of California, Santa Barbara, usa
899	Proga, Daniel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, usa
900	Elbaz, D., Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
901	Gilfanov, M., Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
902	Gunn, James E., Princeton University, usa
903	Leibundgut, B., European Southern Observatory, deu
904	Chiang, Eugene, University of California, Berkeley, usa
905	Chluba, Jens, University of Manchester, gbr
906	Sofue, Yoshiaki, University of Tokyo, jpn
907	Goto, Tomotsugu, National Tsing Hua University, twn
908	Johnson, John Asher, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
909	Voges, W., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
910	Niemeyer, Jens C., Universitt Gttingen, deu
911	Mannheim, K., Julius-Maximilians-Universitt Wrzburg, deu
912	Bergeron, P., University of Montreal, can
913	Iwasawa, Kazushi, Universitat de Barcelona, esp
914	Emsellem, Eric, European Southern Observatory, deu
915	Jaffe, Andrew H., Imperial College London, gbr
916	Mathis, J. S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
917	Chaboyer, B., Dartmouth College, usa
918	Roelof, E. C., Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, usa
919	Eichler, David, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, isr
920	VandenBerg, D. A., University of Victoria, can
921	Ebeling, Harald, University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
922	Gotthelf, E. V., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
923	Patat, Ferdinando, European Southern Observatory, deu
924	Kipping, David, Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
925	Brown, John, University of Glasgow, gbr
926	David Arnett, W., The University of Arizona, usa
927	Mathur, Smita, The Ohio State University, usa
928	Vidal-Madjar, A., Institut d 'Astrophysique de Paris, fra
929	Hogerheijde, M. R., Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
930	Buote, David A., University of California, Irvine, usa
931	Ruderman, Michael S., University of Sheffield, gbr
932	Vazdekis, Alexandre, Universidad de la Laguna, esp
933	Cloutis, Edward, University of Winnipeg, can
934	Haensel, P., Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pol
935	Barrado, D., Centro de Astrobiologa (CSIC-INTA), esp
936	Grski, Krzysztof M., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
937	Aschenbach, Bernd, PR Vaterstetten, deu
938	De Jong, R. S., Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, deu
939	Cargill, P. J., Imperial College London, gbr
940	Li, Aigen, University of Missouri, usa
941	O'Dell, C. R., Vanderbilt University, usa
942	Backer, Don, University of California, Berkeley, usa
943	Omukai, Kazuyuki, Tohoku University, jpn
944	Bellazzini, Michele, INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Bologna, ita
945	Alexander, Tal, Weizmann Institute of Science Israel, isr
946	Lamb, Don, The University of Chicago, usa
947	Khokhlov, Alexei M., The Enrico Fermi Institute, usa
948	Lewis, Geraint F., The University of Sydney, aus
949	Tanaka, Kenneth L., United States Geological Survey, usa
950	Belton, Michael J.S., Kitt Peak National Observatory, usa
951	Schenk, P. M., LPI, usa
952	Wambsganss, J., Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg, deu
953	McLaughlin, M. A., West Virginia University, usa
954	Kuulkers, E., ESTEC - European Space Research and Technology Centre, nld
955	Whittet, D., Department of Physics, usa
956	Ryan, Sean G., University of Hertfordshire, gbr
957	Rietmeijer, F. J.M., The University of New Mexico, usa
958	Lanza, A. F., Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, ita
959	Wardle, M., Macquarie University, aus
960	Yuan, F., Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences, chn
961	Fazio, Giovanni G., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
962	Hurley, K., Space Sciences Laboratory at UC Berkeley, usa
963	Hflich, P., Florida State University, usa
964	Aerts, C., Radboud University Nijmegen, nld
965	Golombek, M., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
966	Sutherland, Ralph S., Australian National University, aus
967	Bergin, E. A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
968	Madore, Barry F., Carnegie Observatories, usa
969	Zijlstra, A., The University of Hong Kong, hkg
970	Erdlyi, Rbert, University of Sheffield, gbr
971	Zensus, J. A., Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, deu
972	Vazquez-Semadeni, Enrique, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, mex
973	Wyse, Rosemary F.G., Johns Hopkins University, usa
974	Sugiyama, Naoshi, Nagoya University, jpn
975	Heinz, Sebastian, University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
976	Yanny, B., Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, usa
977	Plez, B., Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier, fra
978	Tormen, Giuseppe, Universit degli Studi di Padova, ita
979	Rauch, Michael, Carnegie Observatories, usa
980	Hinton, Jim, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, deu
981	De Grijs, R., Macquarie University, aus
982	Pont, F., Universit de Genve, che
983	Zurbuchen, T. H., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, usa
984	Wolfe, Arthur M., Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences, usa
985	Simpson, C., Gemini Observatory, usa
986	Wijers, R. A.M.J., Universiteit van Amsterdam, nld
987	Giannios, D., Panepistimio Kritis, grc
988	Panagia, Nino, STScI, usa
989	Cropper, Mark, UCL, gbr
990	Erb, Dawn K., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, usa
991	Salaris, M., Liverpool John Moores University, gbr
992	Camilo, Fernando, South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, zaf
993	Ceccarelli, Cecilia, Universite Grenoble Alpes, fra
994	Quirrenbach, A., Landessternwarte Heidelberg, deu
995	Maurin, Guillaume, Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, fra
996	Ellison, Sara L., University of Victoria, can
997	Fisk, L. A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
998	De Jager, O. C., North-West University, zaf
999	Bonanno, Alfio, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, ita
1000	Sikora, Marek, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pol
1001	Cassisi, Santi, Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica, Rome, ita
1002	Yaqoob, Tahir, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1003	Li, Hui, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, chn
1004	Balona, L. A., South African Astronomical Observatory, zaf
1005	Fynbo, J. P.U., Niels Bohr Institute, dnk
1006	Ma, Jun Ling, Beijing Cancer Hospital, chn
1007	Chakrabarty, D., MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, usa
1008	Van Der Tak, F. F.S., SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, nld
1009	Encrenaz, T., L'Observatoire de Paris, fra
1010	Duvall, Thomas L., Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, deu
1011	Makishima, K., Riken, jpn
1012	Fukui, Y., Nagoya University, jpn
1013	McNamara, B. R., University of Waterloo, can
1014	Davis, A. J., California Institute of Technology, usa
1015	Baraffe, I., University of Exeter, gbr
1016	Croft, Rupert A.C., Carnegie Mellon University, usa
1017	Zhao, Gong Bo, National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences, chn
1018	Bozza, V., Universit di Salerno, ita
1019	Vietri, M., Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, ita
1020	Courteau, Stphane, Queen's University, Kingston, can
1021	Baring, Matthew G., Rice University, usa
1022	Pojmanski, Grzegorz, University of Warsaw, pol
1023	Kocevski, D., NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, usa
1024	Young, Peter R., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1025	Bullock, James S., University of California, Irvine, usa
1026	Wisdom, Jack, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, usa
1027	Zweibel, Ellen G., University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
1028	Gruzinov, Andrei, New York University, usa
1029	Atreya, S. K., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
1030	Frster Schreiber, N. M., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
1031	Jenkins, Jon M., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
1032	Barthelmy, S. D., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1033	Stein, R. F., Michigan State University, usa
1034	Cattaneo, Fausto, The University of Chicago, usa
1035	Townsend, R. H.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
1036	Jolliff, Bradley L., Washington University in St. Louis, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, usa
1037	Maeda, Keiichi, Kyoto University, jpn
1038	Giacalone, J., The University of Arizona, usa
1039	Owocki, Stanley P., University of Delaware, usa
1040	Pogge, R. W., The Ohio State University, usa
1041	Nowak, Michael, Washington University in St. Louis, usa
1042	Grindlay, J., Harvard University, usa
1043	Andrews, Sean M., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1044	Kuntschner, Harald, European Southern Observatory, deu
1045	Malhotra, S., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1046	Shellard, E. P.S., University of Cambridge, gbr
1047	Keto, E., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1048	Meyer, B. S., Clemson University, usa
1049	Kneib, Jean Paul, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, che
1050	Stothers, Richard B., NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, usa
1051	Stenflo, J. O., ETH Zrich, che
1052	Miniati, F., University of Oxford, gbr
1053	Natta, A., Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, irl
1054	Hunten, D. M., The University of Arizona, usa
1055	Knigl, Arieh, The University of Chicago, usa
1056	Li, Li Xin, Peking University, chn
1057	Sanders, Jeremy S., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
1058	Brunetti, Gianfranco, Istituto Di Radioastronomia, Bologna, ita
1059	Hodapp, Klaus, University of Hawaii at Hilo, usa
1060	Markoff, S., Universiteit van Amsterdam, nld
1061	Piro, Anthony L., Carnegie Observatories, usa
1062	Van Den Heuvel, Edward P.J., Universiteit van Amsterdam, nld
1063	Blondin, J., NC State University, usa
1064	Klypin, Anatoly, New Mexico State University, usa
1065	Fox, Jane L., Wright State University, usa
1066	Livadiotis, George, Southwest Research Institute, usa
1067	Heber, Ulrich, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg, deu
1068	Carraro, Giovanni, Universit degli Studi di Padova, ita
1069	Udry, Stphane, Universit de Genve, che
1070	Cuzzi, Jeffrey N., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
1071	Fischer, Debra A., Yale University, usa
1072	Mould, Jeremy, Swinburne University of Technology, aus
1073	Cally, Paul S., Monash University, aus
1074	Griffin, M., Cardiff University, gbr
1075	Duley, Walt W., University of Waterloo, can
1076	Gnsicke, B. T., The University of Warwick, gbr
1077	Natarajan, Priyamvada, Yale University, usa
1078	Turner, Edwin L., Princeton University, usa
1079	Csabai, Istvan, Etvs Lornd University, hun
1080	Peale, Stanton J., University of California, Santa Barbara, usa
1081	Latham, David W., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1082	Arons, Jonathan, University of California, Berkeley, usa
1083	Davies, R. I., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
1084	Knapen, J. H., Universidad de la Laguna, esp
1085	Hnon, M., Observatoire de la Cte d'Azur, fra
1086	Stubbs, C. W., Harvard University, usa
1087	Irwin, Mike, Institute of Astronomy, gbr
1088	Arkani-Hamed, J., University of Toronto, can
1089	Stasi_ska, G., LUTH - Laboratoire de l'Univers et de ses Theories, fra
1090	Chen, Hsiao Wen, The University of Chicago, usa
1091	Gregory, P. C., The University of British Columbia, can
1092	West, Robert, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1093	Dickey, John M., University of Tasmania, aus
1094	Goodwin, Simon P., University of Sheffield, gbr
1095	Yusef-Zadeh, Farhad, Northwestern University, usa
1096	Chiappini, C., Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, deu
1097	Wozniak, P. R., Los Alamos National Laboratory, usa
1098	Cui, W., Tsinghua University, chn
1099	Grevesse, N., Universite de Liege, bel
1100	Vacca, W., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
1101	Hobson, Michael P., Department of Physics, gbr
1102	Bonifacio, Piercarlo, GEPI - Galaxies, Etoiles, Physique, Instrumentation, fra
1103	Buratti, B. J., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1104	Serabyn, Eugene, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1105	Harrison, Richard, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, gbr
1106	Barret, Didier, Universit Fdrale Toulouse Midi-Pyrnes, fra
1107	Webb, David F., Boston College, usa
1108	Simon, J. D., Carnegie Observatories, usa
1109	Kochukhov, O., Uppsala Universitet, swe
1110	Mihos, J. Christopher, Case Western Reserve University, usa
1111	Revnivtsev, M. G., Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
1112	Rdiger, Gnther, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, deu
1113	Mandelbaum, Rachel, Carnegie Mellon University, usa
1114	Oey, M. S., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
1115	Boylan-Kolchin, Michael, The University of Texas at Austin, usa
1116	Johnston, K. V., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
1117	Qian, Shengbang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, chn
1118	Fenimore, E., Los Alamos National Laboratory, usa
1119	Lodato, Giuseppe, Universit degli Studi di Milano, ita
1120	Wang, Lifan, Texas A&M University, usa
1121	Hellier, Coel, Keele University, gbr
1122	Schssler, M., Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, deu
1123	Werner, Michael, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1124	Tan, J. C., Chalmers University of Technology, swe
1125	Quinn, Thomas R., University of Washington, Seattle, usa
1126	Page, Dany, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, mex
1127	Uzdensky, Dmitri A., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
1128	Kronberg, Philipp P., Los Alamos National Laboratory Theoretical Division, usa
1129	Charbonnel, C., Universit de Genve, che
1130	Hut, Piet, Institute for Advanced Studies, usa
1131	Bucher, M., APC - AstroParticule et Cosmologie, fra
1132	Bai, Xue Ning, Tsinghua University, chn
1133	Shapiro, I. I., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1134	Crovisier, J., L'Observatoire de Paris, fra
1135	Liebert, James W., The University of Arizona, usa
1136	Braun, Robert, SKA Organisation, UK, gbr
1137	Hill, V., Observatoire de la Cte d'Azur, fra
1138	Nahar, S. N., The Ohio State University, usa
1139	Kaastra, Jelle S., SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, nld
1140	Sokoloff, D. D., Lomonosov Moscow State University, rus
1141	Rodrguez, Luis F., Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, mex
1142	Thorsett, Stephen E., Willamette University, usa
1143	Couchman, H. M., McMaster University, Faculty of Science, can
1144	Schawinski, Kevin, Modulos AG, che
1145	Militzer, Burkhard, University of California, Berkeley, usa
1146	Habib, Salman, Argonne National Laboratory, usa
1147	Brown, Robert, University of Manchester, gbr
1148	Catelan, Mrcio, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, chl
1149	Diaferio, Antonaldo, Universit degli Studi di Torino, ita
1150	Lupton, Robert, Princeton University, usa
1151	Juvela, Mika, Helsingin Yliopisto, fin
1152	Bailey, J., University of New South Wales (UNSW) Australia, aus
1153	Gombosi, Tamas I., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
1154	Andreon, S., Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, ita
1155	Bykov, Andrei M., Ioffe Institute, rus
1156	McHardy, I., University of Southampton, gbr
1157	Mathieu, Robert D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
1158	Tanvir, N. R., University of Leicester, gbr
1159	Bale, Stuart D., Space Sciences Laboratory at UC Berkeley, usa
1160	Ward-Thompson, Derek, University of Central Lancashire, gbr
1161	Antia, H. M., Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, ind
1162	Moore, J. M., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
1163	Miller, Steve, UCL, gbr
1164	Pentericci, L., Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, ita
1165	Buta, Ronald J., The University of Alabama, usa
1166	Guainazzi, Matteo, ESTEC - European Space Research and Technology Centre, nld
1167	Snchez-Lavega, Agustn, Universidad del Pais Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Campus Bizkaia, esp
1168	Landi, Enrico, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
1169	Barbuy, B., Universidade de Sao Paulo - USP, bra
1170	Sparks, William B., SETI Institute, usa
1171	Raymond, S. N., Universit de Bordeaux, fra
1172	Blum, J., Technische Universitt Braunschweig, deu
1173	Lemoine, M., Sorbonne Universite, fra
1174	Schwenn, R., Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, deu
1175	Wakker, B. P., University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
1176	Van Winckel, Hans, KU Leuven, bel
1177	Spaans, M., University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, nld
1178	Ellison, D. C., NC State University, usa
1179	Fahr, H. J., Universitt Bonn, deu
1180	Schmidt, Brian P., Australian National University, aus
1181	Jeffries, R. D., Keele University, gbr
1182	Band, David L., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1183	Frebel, Anna, MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, usa
1184	Matarrese, S., Universit degli Studi di Padova, ita
1185	Koekemoer, A. M., STScI, usa
1186	Venn, K. A., University of Victoria, can
1187	berg, Karin I., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1188	Kodama, Tadayuki, Tohoku University, jpn
1189	Szkody, Paula, University of Washington, Seattle, usa
1190	Raga, Alejandro C., Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares de la UNAM, mex
1191	Lee, Myung Gyoon, Seoul National University, kor
1192	Bono, Giuseppe, Universit degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, ita
1193	Dotter, A., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1194	Robitaille, Thomas P., Aperio Software, gbr
1195	Preibisch, Thomas, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, deu
1196	Tadhunter, Clive, University of Sheffield, gbr
1197	van Loon, Jacco Th, Keele University, gbr
1198	Siess, L., Universit libre de Bruxelles (ULB), bel
1199	Kallman, Timothy, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1200	Watters, Thomas R., Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, usa
1201	Lasenby, Anthony N., Department of Physics, gbr
1202	Dennis, Brian R., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1203	Jrgensen, Jes K., Kbenhavns Universitet, dnk
1204	Stanford, Spencer A., University of California, Davis, usa
1205	Wilner, David J., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1206	Ostro, Steven J., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1207	Wandelt, Benjamin, Sorbonne Universite, fra
1208	Porco, Carolyn, Space Sciences Laboratory at UC Berkeley, usa
1209	Kewley, Lisa J., Australian National University, aus
1210	Kliem, Bernhard, Universitt Potsdam, deu
1211	Rempel, Matthias, The Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory, usa
1212	Frisch, P. C., The University of Chicago, usa
1213	Wisotzki, L., Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, deu
1214	Turner, Barry, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, usa
1215	Arnaud, M., Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
1216	Madden, Suzanne C., Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
1217	Rosolowsky, Erik, University of Alberta, can
1218	Neuhuser, R., Astrophysical Institute and University Observatory, deu
1219	Uttley, Phil, Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, nld
1220	Bottke, W. F., Space Science and Engineering Division, usa
1221	Feast, Michael W., University of Cape Town, zaf
1222	Greenberg, J. M., Raymond and Beverly Sackler Laboratory for Astrophysics, nld
1223	Beichman, C., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1224	Barman, Travis S., The University of Arizona, usa
1225	Perryman, M. A.C., University College Dublin, irl
1226	Young, Lisa M., New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, usa
1227	Gordon, Karl D., STScI, usa
1228	Masset, F. S., Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, mex
1229	Barth, A. J., University of California, Irvine, usa
1230	Kelly, B. C., University of California, Santa Barbara, usa
1231	Holman, Matthew J., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1232	Wolf, Christian, Australian National University, aus
1233	Wood, Brian E., Naval Research Laboratory, usa
1234	Ct, Patrick, National Research Council Canada, can
1235	Nicholson, Philip D., Cornell University, usa
1236	McQuinn, Matthew, University of Washington, Seattle, usa
1237	Donahue, Megan, Michigan State University, usa
1238	Stark, Daniel P., The University of Arizona, usa
1239	Metcalfe, T. S., Space Science Institute, usa
1240	Allende Prieto, Carlos, Instituto Astrofisico de Canarias, esp
1241	Conrath, Barney J., Cornell University, usa
1242	Queloz, D., Department of Physics, gbr
1243	Soderberg, Alicia M., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1244	Hurley, J., Swinburne University of Technology, aus
1245	Haynes, Martha P., Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, usa
1246	Adelberger, Kurt L., McKinsey & Company, usa
1247	Chapman, Scott C., Dalhousie University, can
1248	Skrutskie, M. F., University of Virginia, usa
1249	O'Connell, Robert, University of Virginia, usa
1250	Doschek, G. A., Naval Research Laboratory, usa
1251	Wilson, Andrew S., University of Maryland, usa
1252	Krawczynski, H. S., Washington University in St. Louis, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, usa
1253	Chae, Jongchul, Seoul National University, kor
1254	Lepine, Sebastien, Georgia State University, usa
1255	Martini, P., The Ohio State University, usa
1256	Scargle, Jeffrey D., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
1257	Van Dyk, Schuyler D., California Institute of Technology, usa
1258	Ciesla, Fred J., The University of Chicago, usa
1259	Koen, Chris, University of the Western Cape, zaf
1260	Greaves, Jane S., Cardiff University, gbr
1261	Levinson, Amir, Tel Aviv University, isr
1262	Zentner, Andrew R., University of Pittsburgh, usa
1263	Wheatland, Michael S., The University of Sydney, aus
1264	Cheung, C. C., Naval Research Laboratory, usa
1265	Nagai, Daisuke, Yale University, usa
1266	Boldyrev, Stanislav, University of Wisconsin-Madison, usa
1267	Negueruela, I., Universitat d'Alacant, esp
1268	Townes, Charles H., University of California, Berkeley, usa
1269	Read, Justin I., University of Surrey, gbr
1270	Franceschini, A., Universit degli Studi di Padova, ita
1271	Atwood, W. B., Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, usa
1272	Pevtsov, Alexei A., National Solar Observatory, usa
1273	Sanders, R. H., University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, nld
1274	Takada, M., University of Tokyo, jpn
1275	Allard, F., Ecole Normale Suprieure de Lyon, fra
1276	Isenberg, Philip A., University of New Hampshire Durham, usa
1277	Mendez, Mariano, University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, nld
1278	Hansteen, Viggo H., Universitetet i Oslo, nor
1279	Milani, Andrea, Universit di Pisa, ita
1280	Burles, Scott, Cutler Group, usa
1281	Hillier, D. J., University of Pittsburgh, usa
1282	Burrows, David N., Pennsylvania State University, usa
1283	Celotti, A., Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, ita
1284	Mouginis-Mark, Peter J., School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, usa
1285	Reale, Fabio, Universit degli Studi di Palermo, ita
1286	De Lucia, G., Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, ita
1287	de Pater, I., University of California, Berkeley, usa
1288	McLure, R., University of Edinburgh, Institute for Astronomy, gbr
1289	Bianchi, Luciana, Johns Hopkins University, usa
1290	Johnson, Jennifer A., The Ohio State University, usa
1291	Shields, Joseph C., The Ohio State University, usa
1292	Dubinski, John, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, can
1293	Reimer, A., Medizinische Universitat Innsbruck, aut
1294	Karlicky, Marian, Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic v.v.i., cze
1295	Staveley-Smith, Lister, University of Western Australia, aus
1296	Traub, W., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1297	Ciotti, Luca, Alma Mater Studiorum Universit di Bologna, ita
1298	Lin, Douglas, University of California, Santa Cruz, usa
1299	Willott, Chris J., National Research Council Canada, can
1300	Baron, E., University of Oklahoma, usa
1301	Shara, Michael M., American Museum of Natural History, usa
1302	Kirk, John G., Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, deu
1303	Willmer, Christopher N.A., The University of Arizona, usa
1304	Turner, T. J., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, usa
1305	Oh, S. Peng, University of California, Santa Barbara, usa
1306	Keenan, Francis P., Queen's University Belfast, gbr
1307	Van Der Wel, Arjen, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, deu
1308	Boroson, Todd, Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc, usa
1309	Ricotti, Massimo, University of Maryland, usa
1310	Schiavon, Ricardo P., Liverpool John Moores University, gbr
1311	Chary, Ranga Ram, California Institute of Technology, usa
1312	Calvet, Nuria, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
1313	Brown, Robert, The University of Arizona, usa
1314	Brown, Edward F., Michigan State University, usa
1315	Sambruna, Rita, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, usa
1316	Grenier, I. A., Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
1317	Slosar, An_e, Brookhaven National Laboratory, usa
1318	Yakovlev, D. G., Ioffe Institute, rus
1319	Meier, David, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1320	Napiwotzki, R., University of Hertfordshire, gbr
1321	Branch, David, Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, usa
1322	Horne, Keith, University of St Andrews, gbr
1323	Liszt, H., National Radio Astronomy Observatory, usa
1324	Coustenis, Athena, L'Observatoire de Paris, fra
1325	Lognonn, Philippe, Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
1326	Walborn, N. R., STScI, usa
1327	Frank, Adam, University of Rochester, usa
1328	Sereno, Mauro, INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Bologna, ita
1329	Del Popolo, Antonino, Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
1330	Tout, Christopher A., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
1331	Wolf, S., Christian-Albrechts-Universitt zu Kiel, deu
1332	Bressan, Alessandro, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, ita
1333	Shu, Frank H., Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, twn
1334	Lammer, H., Institut fur Weltraumforschung, aut
1335	Rosati, P., University of Ferrara, ita
1336	Melendez, J., Universidade de Sao Paulo - USP, bra
1337	Wanajo, Shinya, Sophia University, jpn
1338	Colafrancesco, S., University of Witwatersrand, zaf
1339	Spohn, T., Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- Und Raumfahrt, deu
1340	Read, Peter, University of Oxford, gbr
1341	Abdo, A. A., George Mason University, Fairfax Campus, usa
1342	West, Michael, Maria Mitchell Observatory, usa
1343	Gilman, Peter A., The Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory, usa
1344	Zhu, Zong Hong, Beijing Normal University, chn
1345	Grn, Eberhard, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, deu
1346	Fiore, F., Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, ita
1347	Gray, David F., Western University, can
1348	Chandran, B. D.G., University of New Hampshire Durham, usa
1349	Carbone, Vincenzo, Universit della Calabria, ita
1350	Martin, Sara F., Helio Research, usa
1351	Valageas, Patrick, Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
1352	Barlow, M. J., UCL, gbr
1353	Goobar, Ariel, Stockholms universitet, swe
1354	Tolstoy, Eline, University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, nld
1355	Patterson, Joseph O., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
1356	Bower, G. C., Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, usa
1357	Hillas, A. M., University of Leeds, gbr
1358	Ballantyne, David R., Georgia Institute of Technology, usa
1359	Milosavljevi_, Milo_, The University of Texas at Austin, usa
1360	Lister, M. L., College of Science, usa
1361	Han, Cheongho, Chungbuk National University, kor
1362	Hartigan, P., Rice University, usa
1363	Maz Apellniz, J., Centro de Astrobiologa (CSIC-INTA), esp
1364	Croom, Scott M., The University of Sydney, aus
1365	Carlsson, Mats, Universitetet i Oslo, nor
1366	Sakurai, T., National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, jpn
1367	Jaumann, R., Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- Und Raumfahrt, deu
1368	Caswell, J. L., Australia Telescope National Facility, aus
1369	McKinnon, W. B., Washington University in St. Louis, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, usa
1370	Madhusudhan, Nikku, Institute of Astronomy, gbr
1371	Fall, S. Michael, STScI, usa
1372	Wollack, E. J., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1373	Salucci, Paolo, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, ita
1374	Hood, A. W., University of St Andrews, gbr
1375	Smith, Michael, University of Kent, gbr
1376	Alard, Christophe, Institut d 'Astrophysique de Paris, fra
1377	De Moortel, I., University of St Andrews, gbr
1378	Mason, G. M., Johns Hopkins University, usa
1379	Rephaeli, Yoel, Tel Aviv University, isr
1380	Raulin, Franois, Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systmes Atmosphriques (LISA) - UMR 7583, fra
1381	Rust, D. M., Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, usa
1382	Burns, Jack O., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
1383	Geiss, Johannes, International Space Science Institute, che
1384	Kaplan, David L., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, usa
1385	Shimasaku, Kazuhiro, University of Tokyo, jpn
1386	Barger, A. J., University of Hawai_i at M_noa, usa
1387	Pilyugin, L. S., Main Astronomical Observatory Nasu, ukr
1388	Ackermann, M., Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), deu
1389	Kent, S., Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, usa
1390	Caldwell, Nelson, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1391	Fesen, Robert A., Dartmouth College, usa
1392	Sommer-Larsen, Jesper, Niels Bohr Institute, dnk
1393	Amari, Sachiko, Washington University in St. Louis, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, usa
1394	Helfand, David J., Columbia University in the City of New York, usa
1395	Bohlin, Ralph, STScI, usa
1396	Granato, G., Delft University of Technology, nld
1397	Cimatti, Andrea, Osservatorio Astrofisico Di Arcetri, ita
1398	Naab, Thorsten, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, deu
1399	Bouchet, Franois R., Sorbonne Universite, fra
1400	Vlk, H. J., Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, deu
1401	Lada, Elizabeth, University of Florida, usa
1402	Nakamura, Takashi, Kyoto University, jpn
1403	Clements, D. L., Imperial College London, gbr
1404	Diehl, R., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
1405	Lallement, R., Universit PSL, fra
1406	Wilson, T. L., NSF-MPS Division of Astronomical Sciences, usa
1407	Hjorth, Jens, Niels Bohr Institute, dnk
1408	DeVore, C. R., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1409	Lisse, C. M., Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, usa
1410	Ferrire, K., Universit Fdrale Toulouse Midi-Pyrnes, fra
1411	Rice, John A., University of California, Berkeley, usa
1412	Heger, Alexander, Monash University, aus
1413	Goossens, M., Departement Wiskunde, bel
1414	Livne, Eli, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, isr
1415	Bouwens, Rychard, Leiden Observatory Research Institute, nld
1416	Westall, Frances, CBM Centre de Biophysique Molculaire, fra
1417	Kastner, Joel H., Rochester Institute of Technology, usa
1418	Maraschi, L., Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica, Rome, ita
1419	Judge, P. G., The Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory, usa
1420	Taylor, F., University of Oxford, gbr
1421	Sumner, Dawn Y., University of California, Davis, usa
1422	Karkoschka, E., The University of Arizona, usa
1423	Maxted, P. F.L., Keele University, gbr
1424	Langevin, Y., Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
1425	dessart, L., Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, chl
1426	Medvedev, Mikhail V., University of Kansas, Lawrence, usa
1427	Shaviv, Nir, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, isr
1428	Bender, Ralf, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
1429	Bertero, Mario, Universit degli Studi di Genova - Dibris, ita
1430	Zhang, Shuang Nan, Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science, chn
1431	Hutchings, J. B., National Research Council Canada, can
1432	Carney, Bruce W., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, usa
1433	Couch, W., Macquarie University, aus
1434	Rpke, Friedrich K., Universitt Heidelberg, deu
1435	Lamers, Henny J.G.L.M., Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, nld
1436	Williams, Robert, STScI, usa
1437	Colombi, Stphane, Institut d 'Astrophysique de Paris, fra
1438	Elachi, C., Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, usa
1439	Ghirlanda, Giancarlo, Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, ita
1440	Keel, William C., The University of Alabama, usa
1441	Ulrich, Roger K., University of California, Los Angeles, usa
1442	Leighly, Karen M., University of Oklahoma, usa
1443	Tacconi, L. J., Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, deu
1444	Imanishi, Masatoshi, National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, jpn
1445	Duchne, G., University of California, Berkeley, usa
1446	Maloney, Philip R., Private Astronomer, usa
1447	Jackson, James M., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
1448	Shankar, F., University of Southampton, gbr
1449	Sahai, Raghvendra, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1450	Bruzual, G., Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, mex
1451	Nusser, Adi, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, isr
1452	Ayres, T. R., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
1453	White, Nicholas, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1454	Lee, M. A., University of New Hampshire Durham, usa
1455	Valle, Jacques P., National Research Council Canada, can
1456	Clayton, Geoffrey C., Louisiana State University, usa
1457	McLaughlin, D. E., Keele University, gbr
1458	Irvine, William, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1459	Park, Changbom, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, kor
1460	Astier, Pierre, Laboratoire de Physique Nuclaire et de Hautes Energies, fra
1461	Michel, P., Observatoire de la Cte d'Azur, fra
1462	Fulbright, Jon, Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc, usa
1463	Chen, P. F., Nanjing University, chn
1464	Srianand, R., Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics India, ind
1465	Takeda, Yoichi, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, jpn
1466	Mancinelli, Rocco L., NASA Ames Research Center, usa
1467	Ortolani, S., Universit degli Studi di Padova, ita
1468	Aoki, Wako, National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, jpn
1469	Mignard, F., Observatoire de la Cte d'Azur, fra
1470	Dutton, Aaron A., NYU Abu Dhabi, are
1471	Tamura, Motohide, University of Tokyo, jpn
1472	Giovanelli, Riccardo, Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, usa
1473	Ciardullo, Robin, Pennsylvania State University, usa
1474	Kovcs, G., Konkoly Observatory Hungarian Academy of Sciences, hun
1475	Lineweaver, Charles H., Australian National University, aus
1476	Berezhko, E. G., Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, rus
1477	Whitworth, Anthony P., Cardiff University, gbr
1478	Worrall, Diana M., University of Bristol, gbr
1479	Williams, D. A., Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, usa
1480	Kontar, Eduard P., University of Glasgow, gbr
1481	Debattista, Victor P., University of Central Lancashire, gbr
1482	Richardson, Derek C., University of Maryland, usa
1483	Roxburgh, Ian W., University of Birmingham, gbr
1484	Murphy, E. J., National Radio Astronomy Observatory, usa
1485	Wyder, Ted K., Apigee Corporation, usa
1486	Garnett, Donald R., The University of Arizona, usa
1487	Verbunt, Frank, SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, nld
1488	Snow, Theodore P., University of Colorado Boulder, usa
1489	Andersen, J., Niels Bohr Institute, dnk
1490	Pfrommer, Christoph, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, deu
1491	Welsh, Barry, Eureka Scientific, Inc., usa
1492	Burchell, M. J., University of Kent, gbr
1493	Mellema, Garrelt, Stockholms universitet, swe
1494	Leonard, D. C., San Diego State University, usa
1495	Kato, Taichi, Kyoto University, jpn
1496	Miller, M. C., University of Maryland, usa
1497	White, R. L., STScI, usa
1498	Bockele-Morvan, Dominique, Universit PSL, fra
1499	Ibata, Rodrigo A., Universit de Strasbourg, fra
1500	Landstreet, J. D., Western University, can
1501	Shore, Steven N., Universit di Pisa, ita
1502	Carlson, R. W., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1503	Aulanier, G., Universit PSL, fra
1504	Alcock, C., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1505	Ponman, T., University of Birmingham, gbr
1506	Flasar, F. Michael, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1507	Heyl, Jeremy, The University of British Columbia, can
1508	Sigurdsson, Steinn, Pennsylvania State University, usa
1509	Wada, Keiichi, Ehime University, jpn
1510	Peter, Hardi, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, deu
1511	Windhorst, Rogier A., School of Earth and Space Exploration, usa
1512	Welsh, William F., San Diego State University, usa
1513	Milone, A. P., Universit degli Studi di Padova, ita
1514	Colpi, M., University of Milano - Bicocca, ita
1515	Guzzo, Luigi, Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, ita
1516	Dehant, V., Royal Observatory of Belgium, bel
1517	Zepf, S. E., Michigan State University, usa
1518	Sarzi, Marc, Armagh Observatory, gbr
1519	Bulik, T., University of Warsaw, pol
1520	Brown, Warren R., Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, usa
1521	Meurer, Gerhardt R., University of Western Australia, aus
1522	Pounds, K., University of Leicester, gbr
1523	Malkan, Matthew A., University of California, Los Angeles, usa
1524	Gieles, Mark, Universitat de Barcelona, esp
1525	Combi, Michael, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, usa
1526	Miesch, M., The Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory, usa
1527	Spieler, H., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, usa
1528	Leahy, Denis, University of Calgary, can
1529	Berger, M. A., University of Exeter, gbr
1530	Wolszczan, Alexander, Pennsylvania State University, usa
1531	Klein, Richard I., University of California, Berkeley, usa
1532	Riechers, Dominik, Cornell University, usa
1533	Stofan, E. R., Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, usa
1534	Marzari, Francesco, Universit degli Studi di Padova, ita
1535	Weekes, T. C., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1536	Mbius, Eberhard, University of New Hampshire Durham, usa
1537	Macci, Andrea V., NYU Abu Dhabi, are
1538	Snowden, S. L., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1539	Mumma, Michael J., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1540	Thorstensen, J. R., Dartmouth College, usa
1541	Zucker, S., Tel Aviv University, isr
1542	Briggs, M. S., The University of Alabama in Huntsville, usa
1543	Rand, Richard J., The University of New Mexico, usa
1544	Serenelli, Aldo M., Instituto de Estudios Espaciales de Catalua, esp
1545	Van Zee, Liese, Indiana University Bloomington, usa
1546	Keszthelyi, Laszlo P., United States Geological Survey, usa
1547	Smith, P. S., The University of Arizona, usa
1548	Newsom, H., The University of New Mexico, usa
1549	Dartois, E., Institut des Sciences Molculaires d'Orsay, fra
1550	Yoshii, Y., The University of Arizona, usa
1551	Magorrian, John, University of Oxford, gbr
1552	Chugai, N. N., Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, rus
1553	Howard, R. F., National Solar Observatory, usa
1554	Rieutord, M., Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, fra
1555	Edgett, K. S., Malin Space Science Systems, usa
1556	Thomas, Nicolas, University of Bern, che
1557	Lacey, Cedric G., University of Durham, gbr
1558	Green, D. A., Department of Physics, gbr
1559	Makarov, Valeri V., US Naval Observatory, usa
1560	Faucher-Gigure, Claude Andr, Northwestern University, usa
1561	Ferraro, Francesco R., Alma Mater Studiorum Universit di Bologna, ita
1562	Pontoppidan, Klaus, STScI, usa
1563	Sotin, C., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1564	Schmitt, Henrique R., Naval Research Laboratory, usa
1565	Chiba, Masashi, Tohoku University, jpn
1566	Comastri, A., INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Bologna, ita
1567	Holder, G. P., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, usa
1568	Pian, Elena, INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Bologna, ita
1569	Joblin, Christine, Universit Fdrale Toulouse Midi-Pyrnes, fra
1570	Hoyle, Fred, Royal Society of London, gbr
1571	Baliunas, Sallie, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, usa
1572	Lockman, Felix J., Green Bank Observatory, usa
1573	Wright, Christopher, The University of Sydney, aus
1574	Phinney, E. Sterl, California Institute of Technology, usa
1575	Soderblom, David R., STScI, usa
1576	Viel, Matteo, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, ita
1577	Wu, Yanqin, University of Toronto, can
1578	Ruz-Lapuente, Pilar, CSIC - Instituto de Fisica Fundamental (IFF), esp
1579	Klu_niak, W., Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pol
1580	Ho, Paul T.P., Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, twn
1581	Gierasch, P. J., Cornell University, usa
1582	Mesinger, Andrei, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, ita
1583	Capetti, A., Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica, Rome, ita
1584	Gardner, Jonathan P., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, usa
1585	Taam, Ronald E., Northwestern University, usa
1586	Sion, Edward M., Villanova University, usa
1587	Goodman, Alyssa A., Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, usa
1588	Monaco, Pierluigi, Universit degli Studi di Trieste, ita
1589	Lamy, P., Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, fra
1590	Hudson, Michael J., University of Waterloo, can
1591	Pollacco, Don, The University of Warwick, gbr
1592	Figer, D. F., Rochester Institute of Technology, usa
1593	Bishop, Janice L., SETI Institute, usa
1594	Walker, Matthew G., Carnegie Mellon University, usa
1595	Costa, E., Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica, Rome, ita
1596	Dominik, C., Universiteit van Amsterdam, nld
1597	Piatti, Andrs E., Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas, arg
1598	Pierpaoli, E., University of Southern California, usa
1599	Aarseth, Sverre J., Institute of Astronomy, gbr
1600	Dominik, M., University of St Andrews, gbr
1601	Moos, H. W., Johns Hopkins University, usa
1602	Michelson, P. F., SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, usa
1603	Romero, Gustavo E., Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia, arg
1604	Fabrycky, Daniel C., The University of Chicago, usa
1605	Kalberla, P. M.W., Universitt Bonn, deu
1606	Geissler, Paul, United States Geological Survey, usa
1607	Holm, Nils G., Stockholms universitet, swe
1608	Kobayashi, C., University of Hertfordshire, gbr
1609	Roueff, Evelyne, Sorbonne Universite, fra
1610	Blake, Geoffrey A., Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, usa
1611	Bautista, Manuel, Western Michigan University, usa
1612	Thuan, Trinh X., University of Virginia, usa
1613	Scholz, R. D., Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, deu
1614	Ho, W. C.G., Haverford College, usa
1615	Hinshaw, G., The University of British Columbia, can
1616	Crenshaw, D. M., Georgia State University, usa
1617	Coppi, P., Yale University, usa
1618	Tagliaferri, G., INAF/Brera Astronomical Observatory, ita
1619	Farmer, Jack D., School of Earth and Space Exploration, usa
1620	Scannapieco, Evan, School of Earth and Space Exploration, usa
1621	Steffen, Jason H., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, usa
1622	Bicknell, Geoffrey V., Australian National University, aus
1623	Bianchi, S., Osservatorio Astrofisico Di Arcetri, ita
1624	Hilker, Michael, European Southern Observatory, deu
1625	Reig, P., Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, grc
1626	Ueda, Yoshihiro, Kyoto University, jpn
1627	Perets, Hagai B., Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, isr
1628	Mineshige, Shin, Kyoto University, jpn
1629	Cho, Jungyeon, Chungnam National University, kor
1630	Watson, Darach, Niels Bohr Institute, dnk
1631	Schmidt, Maarten, California Institute of Technology, usa
1632	Lewis, Roy S., The Enrico Fermi Institute, usa
1633	Sekanina, Zdenek, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, usa
1634	Eislffel, J., Thringer Landessternwarte, deu
1635	Vishniac, Ethan, Johns Hopkins University, usa
1636	Tauris, T. M., Aarhus Universitet, dnk
1637	Crawford, I. A., Birkbeck University of London, gbr
1638	Schmieder, Brigitte, L'Observatoire de Paris, fra
1639	Szyma_ski, M. K., University of Warsaw, pol
1640	Fishman, Gerald J., The University of Alabama in Huntsville, usa
1641	Bibring, Jean Pierre, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, fra
1642	Simnett, G. M., University of Birmingham, gbr
1643	Golub, L., Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, usa
1644	Vesperini, E., Indiana University Bloomington, usa
1645	Wood, K., University of St Andrews, gbr
1646	Harries, Tim J., University of Exeter, gbr
1647	Brun, A. S., Universite Paris-Saclay, fra
1648	Hecht, Michael, MIT Haystack Observatory, usa
1657	Beckwith, S., University of California, Berkeley, usa
1659	Tran, H., W. M. Keck Observatory, usa
1660	Katz, J. I., Washington University in St. Louis, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, usa
1675	Gomes, R. S., Observatrio Nacional, bra
1679	Hester, J. J., School of Earth and Space Exploration, usa
1694	Morton, Donald C., University of Windsor, can
1707	Artymowicz, Pawel, University of Toronto, can
1733	Michel, F. C., Rice University, usa
1742	Bonner, William A., Stanford University, usa
1769	Deprit, Andr, Universidad de Zaragoza, esp

# Histogram of fields of inquiry
     1	                                             	751	4.70
     2	"Art Practice, History & Theory"             	33	0.21
     3	"History of Science, Technology & Medicine"  	49	0.31
     4	"Sport, Leisure & Tourism"                   	132	0.83
     5	"Strategic, Defense & Security Studies"      	360	2.25
     6	Accounting                                   	95	0.59
     7	Acoustics                                    	599	3.75
     8	Aerospace & Aeronautics                      	979	6.13
     9	Agricultural Economics & Policy              	103	0.65
    10	Agronomy & Agriculture                       	1187	7.43
    11	Allergy                                      	317	1.99
    12	Analytical Chemistry                         	1834	11.49
    13	Anatomy & Morphology                         	123	0.77
    14	Anesthesiology                               	715	4.48
    15	Anthropology                                 	149	0.93
    16	Applied Ethics                               	101	0.63
    17	Applied Mathematics                          	345	2.16
    18	Applied Physics                              	4789	29.99
    19	Archaeology                                  	226	1.42
    20	Architecture                                 	24	0.15
    21	Arthritis & Rheumatology                     	675	4.23
    22	Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing   	4569	28.61
    23	Astronomy & Astrophysics                     	1658	10.38
    24	Automobile Design & Engineering              	40	0.25
    25	Behavioral Science & Comparative Psychology  	400	2.50
    26	Biochemistry & Molecular Biology             	3780	23.67
    27	Bioinformatics                               	382	2.39
    28	Biomedical Engineering                       	1051	6.58
    29	Biophysics                                   	386	2.42
    30	Biotechnology                                	1056	6.61
    31	Building & Construction                      	566	3.54
    32	Business & Management                        	939	5.88
    33	Cardiovascular System & Hematology           	3471	21.74
    34	Chemical Engineering                         	1179	7.38
    35	Chemical Physics                             	2205	13.81
    36	Civil Engineering                            	901	5.64
    37	Classics                                     	45	0.28
    38	Clinical Psychology                          	340	2.13
    39	Communication & Media Studies                	189	1.18
    40	Complementary & Alternative Medicine         	197	1.23
    41	Computation Theory & Mathematics             	351	2.20
    42	Computer Hardware & Architecture             	361	2.26
    43	Criminology                                  	191	1.20
    44	Cultural Studies                             	110	0.69
    45	Dairy & Animal Science                       	1021	6.39
    46	Demography                                   	53	0.33
    47	Dentistry                                    	1160	7.26
    48	Dermatology & Venereal Diseases              	851	5.33
    49	Design Practice & Management                 	183	1.15
    50	Development Studies                          	74	0.46
    51	Developmental & Child Psychology             	632	3.96
    52	Developmental Biology                        	3198	20.03
    53	Distributed Computing                        	203	1.27
    54	Drama & Theater                              	16	0.10
    55	Ecology                                      	1615	10.11
    56	Econometrics                                 	76	0.48
    57	Economic Theory                              	30	0.19
    58	Economics                                    	793	4.97
    59	Education                                    	1222	7.65
    60	Electrical & Electronic Engineering          	1861	11.65
    61	Emergency & Critical Care Medicine           	587	3.68
    62	Endocrinology & Metabolism                   	2249	14.08
    63	Energy                                       	3934	24.64
    64	Entomology                                   	550	3.44
    65	Environmental & Occupational Health          	255	1.60
    66	Environmental Engineering                    	896	5.61
    67	Environmental Sciences                       	1402	8.78
    68	Epidemiology                                 	256	1.60
    69	Evolutionary Biology                         	877	5.49
    70	Experimental Psychology                      	1127	7.06
    71	Family Studies                               	62	0.39
    72	Finance                                      	197	1.23
    73	Fisheries                                    	590	3.69
    74	Fluids & Plasmas                             	1104	6.91
    75	Folklore                                     	7	0.04
    76	Food Science                                 	1013	6.34
    77	Forestry                                     	513	3.21
    78	Gastroenterology & Hepatology                	1566	9.81
    79	Gender Studies                               	36	0.23
    80	General & Internal Medicine                  	2195	13.75
    81	General Chemistry                            	937	5.87
    82	General Clinical Medicine                    	335	2.10
    83	General Mathematics                          	1052	6.59
    84	General Physics                              	1334	8.35
    85	General Psychology & Cognitive Sciences      	58	0.36
    86	Genetics & Heredity                          	674	4.22
    87	Geochemistry & Geophysics                    	1752	10.97
    88	Geography                                    	334	2.09
    89	Geological & Geomatics Engineering           	922	5.77
    90	Geology                                      	269	1.68
    91	Geriatrics                                   	189	1.18
    92	Gerontology                                  	185	1.16
    93	Health Policy & Services                     	342	2.14
    94	History                                      	197	1.23
    95	History of Social Sciences                   	38	0.24
    96	Horticulture                                 	108	0.68
    97	Human Factors                                	276	1.73
    98	Immunology                                   	2778	17.40
    99	Industrial Engineering & Automation          	1845	11.55
   100	Industrial Relations                         	39	0.24
   101	Information & Library Sciences               	219	1.37
   102	Information Systems                          	344	2.15
   103	Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry                	1240	7.77
   104	International Relations                      	125	0.78
   105	Languages & Linguistics                      	252	1.58
   106	Law                                          	171	1.07
   107	Legal & Forensic Medicine                    	215	1.35
   108	Literary Studies                             	211	1.32
   109	Logistics & Transportation                   	447	2.80
   110	Marine Biology & Hydrobiology                	857	5.37
   111	Marketing                                    	222	1.39
   112	Materials                                    	3764	23.57
   113	Mathematical Physics                         	107	0.67
   114	Mechanical Engineering & Transports          	1998	12.51
   115	Medical Informatics                          	269	1.68
   116	Medicinal & Bimolecular Chemistry           	1706	10.68
   117	Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences           	1635	10.24
   118	Microbiology                                 	2788	17.46
   119	Microscopy                                   	72	0.45
   120	Mining & Metallurgy                          	590	3.69
   121	Music                                        	43	0.27
   122	Mycology & Parasitology                      	446	2.79
   123	Nanoscience & Nanotechnology                 	1558	9.76
   124	Networking & Telecommunications              	3417	21.40
   125	Neurology & Neurosurgery                     	6780	42.46
   126	Nuclear & Particle Physics                   	2370	14.84
   127	Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging           	1756	11.00
   128	Numerical & Computational Mathematics        	304	1.90
   129	Nursing                                      	747	4.68
   130	Nutrition & Dietetics                        	759	4.75
   131	Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine           	1382	8.65
   132	Oceanography                                 	301	1.88
   133	Oncology & Carcinogenesis                    	4734	29.65
   134	Operations Research                          	497	3.11
   135	Ophthalmology & Optometry                    	1091	6.83
   136	Optics                                       	1190	7.45
   137	Optoelectronics & Photonics                  	2162	13.54
   138	Organic Chemistry                            	2349	14.71
   139	Ornithology                                  	121	0.76
   140	Orthopedics                                  	1187	7.43
   141	Otorhinolaryngology                          	701	4.39
   142	Paleontology                                 	534	3.34
   143	Pathology                                    	403	2.52
   144	Pediatrics                                   	1029	6.44
   145	Pharmacology & Pharmacy                      	1981	12.41
   146	Philosophy                                   	165	1.03
   147	Physical Chemistry                           	678	4.25
   148	Physiology                                   	495	3.10
   149	Plant Biology & Botany                       	2379	14.90
   150	Political Science & Public Administration    	344	2.15
   151	Polymers                                     	1704	10.67
   152	Psychiatry                                   	1794	11.23
   153	Psychoanalysis                               	57	0.36
   154	Public Health                                	1003	6.28
   155	Rehabilitation                               	438	2.74
   156	Religions & Theology                         	137	0.86
   157	Respiratory System                           	1091	6.83
   158	Science Studies                              	83	0.52
   159	Social Psychology                            	688	4.31
   160	Social Sciences Methods                      	90	0.56
   161	Social Work                                  	130	0.81
   162	Sociology                                    	221	1.38
   163	Software Engineering                         	441	2.76
   164	Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology        	187	1.17
   165	Sport Sciences                               	473	2.96
   166	Statistics & Probability                     	406	2.54
   167	Substance Abuse                              	393	2.46
   168	Surgery                                      	1675	10.49
   169	Toxicology                                   	943	5.91
   170	Tropical Medicine                            	590	3.69
   171	Urban & Regional Planning                    	180	1.13
   172	Urology & Nephrology                         	1329	8.32
   173	Veterinary Sciences                          	972	6.09
   174	Virology                                     	1207	7.56
   175	Zoology                                      	295	1.85