convert csv to latex (preliminary step to preparing a table
(N. Blagorodnova, Abhimanyu)

$ cat  file.csv
                    #note blank line
A, B, C, D
1, 2, 3, 4

        #Solution 1a,1b:
$ tr ',' '&' < file.csv | sed 's;$;\\\\;'  file.csv  #non traditional use of ";"
        #this also edits blank lines
$ tr ',' '&' < files.csv | sed '/^$/!s;$;\\\\;' file.csv

        # Solution 2a,2b:
$ awk -F, '{gsub(/,/,"&"); print $0 "\\\\"}' file.csv 
$ awk -F, '!/^$/{gsub(/,/,"&"); print $0 "\\\\"}' file.csv

Now we can convert this to a stand alone utility

$ cat csv2tex
  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 # csv2tex infile.txt (will produce infile.tex)
  3 infile=$1                
  4 file=${infile%.*}     #base_name of input file
  5 ofile=file".tex"      #output file is now "base_name.t"
  6 printf "\\\begin{data}\n" > $ofile
  7 awk -F, '!/^$/{gsub(/,/,"&"); print $0 "\\\\"}' $infile >> $ofile
  8 printf "\\\end{data}\n" >> $ofile

$ chmod +x csv2tex

$ ./csv2tex file.csv
A, B, C, D\\
1, 2, 3, 4\\

Now if you want to do this with only "sed".

Say the input file is file.csv and desired output file is file.tex

$ cat file.csv

What you wish is 
1 & 4 & 5 & $-$2 & A\cr
1 & 3 & 2 & $-$3 & B\cr

What you need to do go from .csv to .tex is 
	replace "," with " & "
	convert "-" to proper minus "$-$"
	add "\cr" to the end of line

We do this sequentially in three commands 

$ sed -e 's/,/\ \& /g' -e 's/-/$-$/g' -e 's/$/\\cr/' file.csv
1 & 4 & 5 & $-$2 & A\cr
1 & 3 & 2 & $-$3 & B\cr

	#compact & satisfying version
$ sed  's/,/ \& /g;s/-/$-$/g; s/$/\\cr/' file.csv   

Additional Requirement: Delete comment headers & footers 

Say your csv file had headers and footers that are easily identified
(e.g.  with a starting %).  So you want these lines to be deleted

$ $ cat file.csv

What is needed
	identify comment line and delete

$ sed '/^ %/d' file.csv | sed 's/,/ \& /g;s/-/$-$/g; s/$/\\cr/'
1 & 4 & 5 & $-$2 & A\cr
1 & 3 & 2 & $-$3 & B\cr

	#a real sed guru does not use sed more than once
$ sed -n '/^ *%/!{s/,/ \& /g;s/-/$-$/g; s/$/\\cr/;p;}' file.csv  > file.tex

Additional Requirement: Add headers & footers

Now let us get more sophisticated. We wish to insert "\begin{data}"
and "\end{data}"

Up until now I have been using "sed". However, gsed which is GNU
sed, has several attractive features especially for the task at hand. 

$ gsed -e '1i \\\begin{data}' -e '$a \\\end{data}' file.tex
1 & 4 & 5 & $-$2 & A\cr
1 & 3 & 2 & $-$3 & B\cr

Normally you would have copied file.tex  to another file and then
deleted the previous one etc. Instead try this

$ gsed -it -e '1i \\\begin{data}' -e '$a \\\end{data}' file.tex

In your directory you will find two files: file.tex which is your 
final file and file.text which is a copy of file.tex before lines 
were added.

Finally if you did feel that it was too much typing then try this!

$ sed -n '/^ *%/!{s/,/ \& /g;s/-/$-$/g; s/$/\\cr/;p;}' file.csv | gsed -e '1i \\\begin{data}' -e '$a \\\end{data}' > file.tex

	#now you are a sed guru!