numbering columns of header lines

Many csv files have a header line with the names of columns. You wish to 
extract a few columns using awk or python. To do so you need to know the
column numbers.  

The input file is say  HeaderData.txt
$ cat HeaderData.txt
%Object Name, RA, Dec, z
SN1054, 5.5,24, 0.0
SAndromeda, 0.75,41,0.001

First we have to extract only the first line and then assign a column number.

$ head -n 1 HeaderData.txt
%Object Name, RA, Dec, z

Next we want to replace the "," with newline or "\nl"

$ head -n1 HeaderData.txt | tr ',' '\n' | nl
     1  Index
     2   Object Name
     3   RA
     4   Dec
     5   z
Explanation: tr replaces every commma with a newline, nl assigns line 

Other solutions:
$ gsed '1s/,/\n/g' HeaderData.txt | nl 

Explanation: work only on the first line; substitute "," with newline
"\n". Note that sed does not accept newline, hence GNU sed (or
gsed).  If the file is super-long then you would not want to read
the whole file. So quit after the first line

$ gsed '1{s/,/\n/g;q}' HeaderData.txt | nl 

$ head -n 1 HeaderData.txt | xargs -n 1 | nl
$ head -n1 HeaderData.txt | xargs -n1 | nl 
$ head -1 HeaderData.txt | xargs -n1 | nl