API calls to ADS

A good starting point for ADS, in general, is 
Underneath this URL you will find  how to construct "Query", review
"Search Results" and understand the default values in  "User

Reference (for examples):

I. Get an API Token
To make API calls you need to have an ADS account. You also need
to have your own "API Token". You get this at

Save the 40-character token (for future use) in a file "ADS_Token".
$ export Token=$(cat ADS_Token)  #this now becomes a shell variable, $Token
   			 #note: no space surrounding "="
Please do not share your API Token with anyone else. With the Token one
can look at your private library.

II. Structure of an API call:
An API call can be made from command line, using for example, curl.
For details of curl please look at Appendix I.

Some APIs are open and some, like ADS, are not.  The structure of
a simple call is
   $ curl -H Authorization BaseURL Endpoint Query 

For ADS API we have 
   $ export Authorize="Authorization: Bearer:"$Token
   $ export BaseURL="https://api.adsabs.harvard.edu/v1"
     and the endpoints are: /search, /metrics, /libraries
     The query has to be URL-coded (" " is %20; see Appendix V).
     For ADS API the query is limited to 1000 characters.

Though not essential at this point. There are three "methods" which
interface with the API gateway: GET (most common), POST (for large
jobs) and PUT. POST method has two addtional items: "payload" and
"data" (see Appendix I).

III. Determine quota for queries

You can make up to 5000 inquiries per day. See

Below we launch a simple API call (query: papers with "star" anywhere;
by default display first 10 entries). We will decode the message (stderr)
to determine how today's query quota

		#note the additional "-v" switch (for verbose)
		#note how stderr is piped to grep 
$ curl -v -H $Authorize 'https://api.adsabs.harvard.edu/v1/search/query?q=star' 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep ratelimit-

< x-ratelimit-limit: 5000          #maximum queries per 24 hours
< x-ratelimit-remaining: 4999      #number of inquiries left
< x-ratelimit-reset: 1591791308    #quota reset time

$ date -r 1591791308
Wed Jun 10 05:15:08 PDT 2020

EXAMPLE I: Simple query and a menu of outputs
	# will give basic information of first 10 papers for query "star"
$ curl -H $Authorize 'https://api.adsabs.harvard.edu/v1/search/query?q=star' 

	#the output is not pretty. so direct it to "jq"
$ curl -H $Authorize 'https://api.adsabs.harvard.edu/v1/search/query?q=star'\	| jq 

	#request one ouput field: in this case bibcode
$ curl -H $Authorize 'https://api.adsabs.harvard.edu/v1/search/query?q=star&fl=bibcode' | jq

	#you can request multiple fields: bibcode, author, author_count
	#see Appendix II for comprehensive list of fields
$ curl -H $Authorize 'https://api.adsabs.harvard.edu/v1/search/query?q=star&fl=bibcode,author_count,author' | jq

EXAMPLE 2: Given a bibcode return title, citations & references 
	#reduce typing by using $BaseURL
	#save output to "a" so we can inspect the JSON structure
$ curl -H  $Authorize $BaseURL"/search/query?q=bibcode:2005Natur.434...28K&fl=title,reference,citation" \
	   | jq > a
	#the output is in structure "response.docs"
$ jq 'keys' a

$ jq '.response.docs[] | keys' a

	#extract list of ref bibcodes & cites bibcodes
$ jq    '.response.docs[] | .citation[]'  a  #quotes on
$ jq -r '.response.docs[] | .reference[]' a  #quotes off

EXAMPLE 3: Given multiple bibcodes return the title ...
Here we seek titles, refs and citations for two bibcodes
	2005Natur.434...50H, 2019BAAS...51g.255H
In the GUI query box you would type either of these two queries 
	bibcode:2005Natur.434...50H OR bibcode:2019BAAS...51g.255H
	bibcode:(2005Natur.434...50H OR 2019BAAS...51g.255H)
You should view the actual call the GUI makes by going to the browser
command box (top line)

There is one catch: you need to replace " " by URL encoding (%20;
see Appendix V).  Apparently ":" is okay but not " ".


$ curl -H  $Authorize \
$BaseURL"/search/query?q=bibcode:(2005Natur.434...50H%20OR%202019BAAS...51g.255H)&fl=title,reference,citation" \
	| jq > a

$ jq '.response|keys' a
  "numFound",                     #number of "docs"
  "start"                         #starting index of "docs"

$ jq '.response.numFound' a

$ jq '.response.start' a   

$ jq -r '.response.docs[0] | .citation' a  #extract cites for paper 1
$ jq -r '.response.docs[1] | .citation' a  #extract cites for paper 2

EXAMPLE IV. Given a large set of bibcodes, return authors 

You encode the request in parameter that follows "-d". My understanding
is that at the present time the only filters you can use are bibcodes.
The list has "bibcode\n" followed by "bibcode1\nbibcode2\n ..."
Keep "q=*:*" and set "fl" to what you want.

$ curl -H "Content-Type: big-query/csv" -H "Authorization: Bearer $Token" \
"https://api.adsabs.harvard.edu/v1/search/bigquery?q=*:*&fl=bibcode,title&rows=2000" \
-d $'bibcode\n2005Natur.434...50H\n2019BAAS...51g.255H'

returns the same output as in the Example III.

Example V. Converting inquiries to utility

Appendix I: curl
-# ... display progress-bar
-d ... send specified datain POST request
-H ... headers to supply with request
-k ... allow insecure connections to succeed
-o ... output file
-s ... silent (quiet) mode
-v ... verbose
-w ... write out 
-X ... method to use  (e.g. POST)

When using with POST you need  to specify how you encode "d"

curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 
     -d "param1=value1&param2=value2$"
     -d "@data.txt"


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"
     -d '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}'
     -d "@data.json" 

Appendix II: Fields (name & explanation)
abstract 		the abstract of the record
ack 			Contains acknowledgements extracted from fulltexts (if
aff 			List of provided affiliations in a given paper
aff_id 			List of curated affiliation IDs in a given paper
alternate_bibcode 	List of alternate bibcodes for that document
alternate_title 	Alternate title, usually when the original
arxiv_class 		Which arXiv class was the paper submitted to
author 			List of authors on a paper
author_count 		Number of authors on a paper
author_facet 		Contains list of names with the number of
author_facet_hier 	Hierarchical facet field which contains
author_norm 		List of authors with their first names shortened?
bibcode 		ADS identifier of a paper
bibgroup 		Bibliographic group that the bibcode belongs to
bibgroup_facet 		Contains list of groups with the number of
bibstem 		the abbreviated name of the journal or publication,
bibstem_facet 		Technical field, used for faceting by
body 			Contains extracted fulltext minus acknowledgements 
citation 		List of bibcodes that cite the paper
citation_count 		number of citations the item has received
cite_read_boost 	Float values containing normalized (float)
classic_factor 		Integer values containing the boost factor used
comment 		This is currently indexed, but not stored. To see
copyright 		Copyright given by the publisher
data 			List of sources that have data related to this bibcode
data_facet 		Contains list of data with the number of
database 		Database that the paper resides in (astronomy or
date 			Same as pubdate, but of time format and used for
doctype 		Type of document: article, thesis, etc, these stem
doctype_facet_hier 	Hierarchical facets consisting of nested
doi 			Digital object identifier
eid 			electronic id of the paper (equivalent of page number)
email 			List of e-mails for the authors that included them in
entdate 		Creation date of ADS record in user-friendly format
entry_date 		Creation date of ADS record in RFC 3339
esources 		Types of electronic sources available for a record
facility 		List of facilities declared in paper (controlled
first_author 		First author of the paper
first_author_facet_hier Contains list of first names with the
first_author_norm 	First author of the paper with their first
grant 			Field that contains both grant ids and grant agencies.
grant_agencies 		Index with just the grant agencies names (e.g.
grant_facet_hier 	Hierarchical facet field which contains
grant_id 		Index with just the grant ids (e.g. 0618398)
id 			a unique integer for this record. Generally not useful,
identifier 		Abstract field that can be used to search an array
ids_data 		https://github.com/adsabs/issues/issues/73
indexstamp 		Date at which the document was indexed by Solr
inst 			List of curated affiliations (institutions) in paper
isbn 			ISBN of the publication (this applies to books)
issn 			ISSN of the publication (applies to journals - ie.
issue 			Issue number of the journal that includes the article
keyword 		an array of normalized and non-normalized keyword
keyword_facet 		Contains list of keywords with the number of
keyword_norm 		Controlled keywords, each entry will have a
keyword_schema 		Schema for each controlled keyword, i.e., what
lang 			In ADS this field contains a language of the main title.
links_data 		We use it to contain info on what readable linked
nedid 			List of NED IDs within a record
nedtype 		Keywords used to describe the NED type (e.g. galaxy,
nedtype_object_facet_hier 		Hierarchical facet consisting of NED
orcid_other 		ORCID claims from users who used the ADS claiming
orcid_pub 		ORCID IDs supplied by publishers
orcid_user 		ORCID claims from users who gave ADS consent to
page 			First page of a record
page_count 		If page_range is present, gives the difference
page_range 		Range of page numbers covered by the record
property 		an array of miscellaneous flags associated with the
pub 			canonical name of the publication the record appeared in
pub_raw 		Name of publisher, but also includes the volume, page,
pubdate 		publication date in the form YYYY-MM-DD (DD value will
pubnote 		Comments submitted with the arXiv version of the paper
read_count 		number of times the record has been viewed within
reader 			List of identifiers for people who have read the article
recid 			Unique identifier of the document, Integer version of
reference 		List of references inside a paper
simbad_object_facet_hier 		The hierarchical facets consisting of
simbid 			List of SIMBAD IDs within the paper. This has privacy
simbtype 		Keywords used to describe the SIMBAD type
thesis 			https://github.com/adsabs/issues/issues/72
title 			the title of the record
vizier 			Keywords, “subject” tags from VizieR
vizier_facet 		Contains list of VizieR keywords with the number
volume 			Volume of the journal that the article exists in
year 			Year of publication

Appendix III: 

abs 			combo: abstract, title, keyword
all 			combo: author_norm,alternate_title,bibcode,doi,identifier
arxiv 			query parser token
citations() 		returns list of citations from given papers; 
			use |[citations]| to get the field contents
citis() 		like citation(), uses less memory but is slower
classic_relevance() 	Toy-implementation of the ADS Classic 
			relevance score algorithm... wrap any query &
			obtain hits sorted in the ADS Classic ways (sort of)
full 			combines: title^2, abstract^2, body, keyword, ack
instructive() 		Synonym of reviews()
joincitations() 	Equivalent of citations() but implemented using 
			lucene block-join
joinreferences() 	Equivalent of references() but implemented using 
			lucene block-join
orcid 			combines: orcid_pub, orcid_user, orcid_other
pos() 			The pos() operator allows you to search for an item
			within a field by specifying the posn in the field.
 			Syntax: pos(fieldedquery,position,[endposition]). 
			If no endposition is given, endposition = position,
			otherwise this performs a query within the range 
			[position, endposition].
references() 		returns list of references from given papers
reviews() 		returns the list of documents citing the most 
			relevant papers on the topic being researched; 
			these are papers containing the most extensive 
			reviews of the field.
reviews2() 		Original implementation of reviews
topn() 			Return the top N number of documents
trending() 		Trending – returns the list of documents most read
			by users who read recent papers on the topic being 
			researched; these are papers currently being read by 
			people interested in this field.
useful() 		Useful – returns the list of documents frequently 
			cited by the most relevant papers on the topic being 
			researched; these are studies which discuss methods 
			& techniques useful to conduct research in this field.
useful2() 		original implementation of useful()

Appendix IV. ADS help: abbreviatio of journals, custom output format
ADS: Journal Abbreviation List 

ADS Custom Output

%[n.m]l ... print min(n,m) authors
%c ... number of citations
%R ... bibcode
%T ... title
%Y ... Year
%l ... author list
Appendix V. URL Encoding
Decimal	Character		URL Encoding (UTF-8)
0	NUL(null character)		%00
1	SOH(start of header)		%01
2	STX(start of text)		%02
3	ETX(end of text)		%03
4	EOT(end of transmission)	%04
5	ENQ(enquiry)			%05
6	ACK(acknowledge)		%06
7	BEL(bell (ring))		%07
8	BS(backspace)			%08
9	HT(horizontal tab)		%09
10	LF(line feed)			%0A
11	VT(vertical tab)		%0B
12	FF(form feed)			%0C
13	CR(carriage return)		%0D
14	SO(shift out)			%0E
15	SI(shift in)			%0F
16	DLE(data link escape)		%10
17	DC1(device control 1)		%11
18	DC2(device control 2)		%12
19	DC3(device control 3)		%13
20	DC4(device control 4)		%14
21	NAK(negative acknowledge)	%15
22	SYN(synchronize)		%16
23	ETB(end transmission block)	%17
24	CAN(cancel)			%18
25	EM(end of medium)		%19
26	SUB(substitute)			%1A
27	ESC(escape)			%1B
28	FS(file separator)		%1C
29	GS(group separator)		%1D
30	RS(record separator)		%1E
31	US(unit separator)		%1F
32	space				%20
33	!				%21
34	"				%22
35	#				%23
36	$				%24
37	%				%25
38	&				%26
39	'				%27
40	(				%28
41	)				%29
42	*				%2A
43	+				%2B
44	,				%2C
45	-				%2D
46	.				%2E
47	/				%2F
48	0				%30
49	1				%31
50	2				%32
51	3				%33
52	4				%34
53	5				%35
54	6				%36
55	7				%37
56	8				%38
57	9				%39
58	:				%3A
59	;				%3B
60	<				%3C
61	=				%3D
62	>				%3E
63	?				%3F
64	@				%40
65	A				%41
66	B				%42
67	C				%43
68	D				%44
69	E				%45
70	F				%46
71	G				%47
72	H				%48
73	I				%49
74	J				%4A
75	K				%4B
76	L				%4C
77	M				%4D
78	N				%4E
79	O				%4F
80	P				%50
81	Q				%51
82	R				%52
83	S				%53
84	T				%54
85	U				%55
86	V				%56
87	W				%57
88	X				%58
89	Y				%59
90	Z				%5A
91	[				%5B
92	\				%5C
93	]				%5D
94	^				%5E
95	_				%5F
96	`				%60
97	a				%61
98	b				%62
99	c				%63
100	d				%64
101	e				%65
102	f				%66
103	g				%67
104	h				%68
105	i				%69
106	j				%6A
107	k				%6B
108	l				%6C
109	m				%6D
110	n				%6E
111	o				%6F
112	p				%70
113	q				%71
114	r				%72
115	s				%73
116	t				%74
117	u				%75
118	v				%76
119	w				%77
120	x				%78
121	y				%79
122	z				%7A
123	{				%7B
124	|				%7C
125	}				%7D
126	~				%7E
127	DEL(delete (rubout))		%7F