Chandra X-ray Center (CXC)

The Great Observatory quartet of missions -- Hubble Space Telescope
(launched 1990) Compton Gamma-ray Observatory (1991) Chandra X-ray
Observatory (1999) Spitzer Space Telescope (2003) -- had a major
impact on astronomy.  Chandra built on the success of Einstein
(grazing incidence) and was both an imaging and spectroscopic
mission. It remains the highest angular resolution mission at X-ray
bands with no successor in sight (in this regard).

$ csChandra .. cone search
$ wsCXO ... weekly status of the Chandra X-ray Observatory

Simple cone search
CXC provides a convenient command line interface (CLI) to the holdings
of the Chandra data base

This is, by far the simplest and most useful, query and, like all
respectable data archives, CXC hosts this tool.  The base URL is
and an example is

$ curl "http://cda.cfa.harvard.edu/csc2scs/coneSearch?RA=$RA&DEC=$DEC&SR=$SR&VERB=2" -o out.vot
where $RA, $DEC, SR are in decimal degrees and VERB=1,[2],3 (see
Appendix I) and the ouput is a VO table.

I have written a Unix wrapper to this call and also a decoder to
convert the VO Table to a csv file. My program also, on request,
produces, a header file.

Weekly status of Chandra X-ray Observatory
Curious to know what CXO has been doing for this week?

$ wsCXO

Appendix I: Cone Search

REFERENCE: http://cda.cfa.harvard.edu/cscvo/

RA - Right Ascension in decimal degrees
DEC - Declination in decimal degrees
SR - Search Radius in decimal degrees
VERB -Verbosity of the result set. Defaults to 2. The following
      values are allowed: verbosity = 1 reports the source name,
      ra and dec values from the master source table for each
      matching source resulting from the cone search - verbosity =
      2 reports the master source summary results (the default
      verbosity level) - verbosity = 3 reports all the columns in
      the master source table
1 - Reports the source name, ra and dec values from the master
    source table for each matching source resulting from the cone
2 - Reports the following properties from the master source table:
    m.name, m.ra, m.dec, m.err_ellipse_r0, m.conf_flag, m.sat_src_flag,
    m.significance, m.flux_aper_b, m.flux_aper_lolim_b,
    m.flux_aper_hilim_b, m.flux_aper_w, m.flux_aper_lolim_w,
    m.flux_aper_hilim_w, m.extent_flag, m.hard_hm, m.hard_hm_lolim,
    m.hard_hm_hilim, m.hard_ms, m.hard_ms_lolim, m.hard_ms_hilim,
    m.var_intra_index_b, m.var_inter_index_b, m.var_intra_index_w,
    and m.var_inter_index_w
3 - Reports all master source properties
