Shell variables

What is discussed here: ordinary variables, special variables and extracting 
selective parts of variable names.

I. Ordinary Variables.
A valid UNIX  variable consists of alphanumeric and underscore. It does not 
include punctuations and BLANK. It starts with alpha or _ but not a digit

The shell uses one (or more) blank spaces to separate the variables. Thus if
you want to set a variable, e.g. A=file it is clear that you cannot have a
blank space adorning the "=" signal.

$ a1='fileSQ'	#single quotea (useful if you do not wish to interpret meta-characters)
$ b2="Hello Kitty"	#double quote  (useful if the name includes a blank)
$ a="Hello_"

$ echo a1 
a1 		#interpreted as a literal

$ echo $a1 	#usage of variable requires "$"	

$ echo ${b2}	#also another form of calling up a variable
Hello Kitty

$ echo $a2
		#null (-> blank reutrn) since a2 is not defined

$ echo ${a}2    #concatenation is the defaul operation

$ echo ${#a1}    #number of characters

$ a1_length=${#a1}
$ echo $a1_length
II. Positional Parameter & Special Variables

$0 the filename of the current script
$# the number of arguments supplied to current script (string)
$1,..,$9,${10},${11}... positional arguments in current script

Position parameters are read only variables. Only "shift" and
"set" can indirectly affect them. So, it is best to copy
the position parameter to another variable and then manipulate
that variable.

$? exit status of last command (string)
$$ process number of current shell (for shell it is their ID)
$! process number of the last background command

$* "$1c$2c$3.." where c is the first character of IFS variable
$@  equivalent to "$1" "$2" "$3" ...
See "special parameters".

III. Extract various parts of a filename 

$ InFile="/Users/srk/Unix/Readme.txt"

We now apply "regular"-like commands to extract bits of characters
from the variable InFile

"#" applies to the characters starting from the first character and
    working to the right
% applies to the characters starting from the last character and
    working to the left 

The string manipulation operators are
 name#pattern ... removes shortest front-anchored pattern
 name##patetern ... removes longest front-anchored pattern
 name%pattern ... removes shortest rear-anchored pattern
 name%%pattern ... removes longest rear-anchored pattern
 name/pattern/string ... replace pattern by first string (note no closing "/")
 name//pattern/string ... replace all occurrences of pattern by string 

		#goal: delete extension
$ echo ${InFile%.*}	%delete shortest stretch of characters from "." to $

		#goal:extract extension 
$ echo ${Infile#*.}    #extract extension
$ echo ${Infile##*.}   #this is prudent since there may be other "." in 
txt                    #the variable

		#get base filename
$ echo ${InFile##*/}   #delete longest strech of chars from ^ to "/"

$ echo ${InFile##/*/} #maximal expansion, all characters between first "/"
Readme.txt            #and last "/"

$ echo ${InFile/.dat/.rat}    #notice there is no "/" at the end

$ number="   25"        #get rid of blank characters
$ echo ${number// /}

	#Less useful edits:
  #name    .. number of characters in variable
  name:start_ind:nchar  .. extract substring: from start_index (0,1,..)
                           and of length nchar

$ echo ${InFile:0:1}	#note the second parameter is the number of chars
/                       #and not an ending index

$ echo ${InFile:0:2}