Nikko 2019: Time Domain Astronomy in the Era of Massively Multiplexed

Friday: February 8, 2019
	Agenda: Meeting of PIs ("senior" astronomers)
	Location: Kavli IMPU, Seminar Room A (ground floor)
	Time: 1000-1500

1000    Introduction & Presentations (MMS, New Missions)
	We hope that all participants have done their homework and
	read up the bio sketches.  So introduction will be rapid
	(<1 minute per person).

	In order to simplify logistics the "Facilities"
	book will be projected (so speakers need not prepare any
	presentations). There will be no change of computers.
	We will kick off the meeting with presentations of MMS and
	new space projects. Each project is given 15 minutes divided
	as presentations (10 minutes) and questions (5 minutes).
		1 SDSS V (Kollmeier/remote)
		2 PFS  (Yasuda; )
		3 DESI (Nugent; p 40)
		4 SRG  (Rau; p279)
		5 TESS (Blagorodnova; p. 310)

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1500 Rapid presentation of TDA facilities
	It is assumed that all participants have read up the
	Facilities book. PIs are welcome to present a few (<=3)
	slides. Questions are encouraged ("what is the real status?",
	"are you looking for new investments?", "are you looking
	for collaborations and if so in what areas?"). A total of
	10 minutes has been allocated per presentation (including

	1  BlackGem (Blagorodnova)
	2  Gattini IR (De)
	3  KMT Network (S-C Kim)
	4  KPED (Kulkarni)
	5  LAMOST (Mao)
	6  MOA (Sumi)
	7  Prime (Sumi)
	8  Subaru HSC TDA (Tominaga) 

1500    Sharp end & Coffee  with IPMU staff

1530    Taxi departure to Edogawadai station

1750    Arrive Nikko 
	(shuttles to the two hotels; check in)
	Participants will be lodged at two hotels: Senhime Monogatari
	& Seikoen. Both hotels are managed by the same owner.  The
	meeting venue (Nikko Community Hall) is adjacent to the
	Senhime Hotel.  You will have breakfast at your own hotel
	but the two dinners (both grand) will be at the Senhime.

1900    Dinner at Hotel Senhime 
	During the course of the dinner each participant is expected
	to stand up and say a few words, preferably wise & witty.
	It is a Shri+Japanese custom. Young people should particularly
	feel free to say lots of words!

	Participants return to their hotels and then it is ONSEN time!

AN AGENDA FOR SATURDAY & SUNDAY will be posted separately.
The venue for the Nikko2019 meeting is the Nikko (Community Hall;
adjacent to the Senhime Hotel). The meeting will start  at 0900 on
Saturday and will end at 1630 on Sunday.