Club X-ray: Introduction
X-ray astronomy is undergoing a renaissance. The purpose of the
X-ray club is for interested scholars to come together and learn
the basic ropes of X-ray astronomy. The focus of this club is not
"new results from X-ray astronomy" nor "new models for X-ray sources"
but is instead to understand the basics of X-ray astronomy: various
types of optics (collimators, concentrators, telescopes), detector
physics, backgrounds and develop an excellent understanding of the
missions. As has been repeatedly demonstrated by the organizer,
excellent papers trivially follow from excellent data and analysis.
To this end, Kulkarni, the organizer, is arranging a series of talks
followed by discussions (with an eye towards internal talks on
methods and exciting results). Graduate student Yuhan Yao will
function as the secretary of this Club.
Kulkarni welcomes highly interested students and postdocs, particularly
those who are keen to learn about X-ray astronomy. This is not an
official departmental activity. Membership is by invitation. Those
who are members, specifically students & postdocs, agree to abide
by a few rules.
- Attend talks punctually and consistently.
- Agree to read the posted notes and papers ahead of the talks.
- Agree not to multi-task (texting, emailing, browsing) during
the lecture.
- Ask good questions in the Q&A.
Unfortunately, Kulkarni is not in a position to make the same
requests for faculty members.
Members are requested to visit
International Astrophysical Consortium for High Energy Calibration. Those who are serious about pursuing X-ray
astronomy are urged to register and become members of this
Picture of the Week
I invite Club members to contribute pictures of pedagogical interest.
Magnetic field on the surface of Earth. The SAA is dividing.
(source: Division of Geomagnetism, DTU Space)