Syntax: makee (object file) (star file) (flat file) [arc file] [2nd arc file] [arc1add=(FITS file)] [arc2add=(FITS file)] [arcmode=] [mode=] [raw=] [bias=(file)] [-nobias] [lpr=] [eperdn=] [ronoise=] [pf=(file)] [order=n,n,..] [comm=s] [sl=] [hw=] [-atm] [-novac] [-noskyshift] [skyshift=] [-nohc] [-showmask] [object=] [observer=] [log=] [oko=n,n,...] [-nox] [uop=] [ccd=] [ BlueOrders= ] [ -koa | -koa_products ] [-options] (show description of options) [-help ] (show description of options) object file : Object FITS file to be reduced. star file : Bright star FITS file to define trace. flat file : Flat field FITS file. arc file : Arclamp FITS file (optional). 2nd arc file: Second Arclamp FITS file (optional). mode= : 1 = Full extraction (default). 2 = Mask CRs but do straight sum of object. 3 = Mask CRs in sky only,straight sum of object. 4 = Median of whole order. raw=dir : Directory path for raw FITS files. (You can also set environment variable MAKEERAW, or do "ln -s (directory name) raw".) bias=file : FITS filename of bias (short dark) image. -nobias : Do not apply bias correction. pf=file : Use this parameter file instead of "makee.param". order=n,n,.. : Only extract orders n,n,.. where the bluest oko=n,n,.. : Only use these orders for trace centroids. uop=file : Load User Object Positions data file. -nox : No Extraction (exit after profile computation). BlueOrders= : Use this many orders for HIRES2 CCD#1 . ccd= : CCD location number for HIRES2 data. (This can be 1, 2, or 3, or blue, green, or red, or b, g, or r.) -showmask: Set pixels in masked (bad) regions to zero in reduced spectra. These regions will always appear as -1.0 in the variance spectra. comm=s : Add the comment "s" to each output spectrum. sl=v : Give estimate of slit length in pixels. hw=v : Give object half width in pixels explicitly. lpr= : Send output to this printer. -lesspr : Send less output to printer (just Flux-*). -atm : Apply atmospheric extinction correction. -novac : No vacuum wavelength scale correction (air wave.) -nohc : No heliocentric wavelength correction. -noskyshift: Do not apply automated skyline shifted scale. skyshift=v: Override automated skyline wavelength scale shift, set shift to v pixels. object= : Reset "OBJECT" name to this string (~=blank). observer= : Reset "OBSERVER" name to this string (~=blank). log= : Filename for log file for output messages. arc1add= : Arclamp exposure to provide additional lines to wavelength calibration of first arclamp. arc2add= : Arclamp exposure to provide additional lines to wavelength calibration of second arclamp. arcmode= : Arclamp wavelength scale averaging mode: 0 : Average scales of 1st,2nd arclamps(def.). 1 : Shift scale to 1st arclamp. 2 : Shift scale to 2nd arclamp. eperdn= : Inverse gain (electrons per digital number). ronoise= : Readout noise in electrons. { If "eperdn=" or "ronoise=" is not given, use (1) values in header, (2) values in "eperdn.dat" and "ronoise.dat", or (3) default values. The following are usually only used for testing purposes: -profpoly : Write out profile polynomial fit plots. -test : Write out prior/post masking test images. -notwhole : Read ee.get file for trace information. -trace : General testing... MAKEE VERSION= 5.2.2 : February 2008