Syntax: opim [ add | sub | div | mul | pow | log | ln | mean | mdn | ade | abs | min | max | rol | ror ] (FITS file 1) (FITS file 2) ... (FITS file n) (result FITS ) [const=] [-clobber] [-verbose] [-constfirst] Operates on FITS files. Valid operations: add, sub, div, mul, pow, log, ln, mean, mdn, or ade. FITS header from file 1 will be used for result image. const= : specify a constant to use in the operation (constant will be last in operation sequence.) -clobber : overwrite "result FITS file" with no query. -verbose : give more details (and check HIRES angles.) -constfirst : put the constant first in operation sequence. (e.g. result = constant (operation) file .) Operations: add="+", sub="-", div="/", mul="*", pow="**", log="log base 10", ln="log base e", mean="calculate mean value", mdn="calculate median value" ade="add error images in quadrature" abs="take absolute value of data" min="clip data at a minimum value given by const= " max="clip data at a maximum value given by const= " rol="Rotate image 90 degrees left (counter-clockwise). ror="Rotate image 90 degrees right (clockwise). ( "ror" and "rol" work for square images only.)