Syntax: xplot (FITS file) [row= (specify for 2-D spectra)] [ef=(error FITS file)] [cf=(continuum FITS file)] [ (2nd FITS file) [ (3rd file) ] ... up to 4 ] [ xs= ] [ xe= ] [ min= ] [ max= ] [ mfm= ] [ nh= ] [ nv= ] [ npg= ] [ bin= ] [ -norm ] [-quit] [-oo] [-hist] [-dots] [-dash] [ color= ] [ y=plot#,ymin,ymax [ y= ... ] ] [pglw=] [ -ps | ps=file | device= ] [-portrait] [-colorps] [ uf=(user command file) ] [ uf0=(user command file for initial commands) ] [ ewf=(output filename for equivalent width data)] [ ll=(line list file)] [ qaf=(qso abs. line file) ] [ aux=(qal,hlm,...) {Auxilary mode key commands} ] [ xgf= ] [sl=(systems list file)] Options: nh,nv,npg : # horizontal plots, # vertical, # of pages. mfm= : set minimum as a fraction of maximum value. -oo : show object only on title line. pglw= : Set PGPLOT line width (1 to 201). -portrait : Use protrait (not landscape) for PostScript. -colorps : Make color PostScript file (note that you will always get color PostScript if the environment variable PGPLOT_PS_COLOR is set.) xgf= : XgapFraction (default=0.02)