The October 2000 version of makee includes a few significant changes and additional features: New for October 2000: ) Reduces ESI echellette data (1x1) as well as HIRES data (1x1,1x2). ) Runs on PC/Linux (gcc,g77) systems as well as Sun/Solaris. ) Reduces single amp. and double amp readout data for ESI and HIRES. ) Created "esipipe" program for easier ESI run reductions. ) Added "oko=" option. ) Added "uop=" option. ) New program "cpgim"-- a simple interactive PGPLOT image display program. ) "xplot" can now overplot multiple 2-D spectra. New for March 2000: ) "Y2K" bug fix-- prevents possible heliocentric velocity error. ) "bracketting" arc lamps: If you have an arclamp taken before and after your object, makee will generate an "averaged" wavelength scale. This is important for night-sky-line-deficent UV cross disperser observations. .................