MAKEE: Program Steps within "makee"

# Step Comments
1. Read parameters Including from "makee.HIRES.param" file.
2. Read OBJECT file FITS header To get parameters and information.
3. Read other files FITS headers Including the BIAS, FLAT, STAR, and ARC. To get more information.
4. Read and/or create the BIAS 1D image A processed copy is written out for later use.
5. Read and process FLAT image A processed copy is written out for later use to save memory.
6. Rough detemination of the slit length using FLAT image Using a cross correlation technique.
7. Read and process STAR image Includes baseline correction and windowing of image.
8. Fit order traces using STAR image Start by finding peaks and then centroid and "follow" the trace in each direction. Produces output plot (e.g. ).
9. Find background limits for each order using FLAT image Look for ends of the slit by summing along the trace fit.
10. Read OBJECT image Load into memory.
11. FLAT field correction Rescale entire FLAT image by a single constant and divide OBJECT image by FLAT image
12. Find object profile and boundaries Use a precentage of total object flux to set limits. Produces output plot (e.g. ).
13. Extract spectra Use dispersion-direction profile fits to do optimal weighting extraction. Cosmic rays are masked in the object and background regions.
14. Extract FLAT spectrum (go back to step 10.) Produces output file for user reference.
15. Extract ARC spectrum (go back to step 10.) Produces output file for user reference.
16. Wavelength calibration Use a database of previously calibrate arclamp spectrum to guess the positions of Thorium emission lines. Fit polynomials to each order using information from adjacent orders. Example of residuals plot: .
17. Apply nighsky emission line correction Shift the wavelength scale (all orders) (in pixels) based on known and identified nightsky emission lines. Example of residuals plot: .
18. Copy wavelength scale to the object The coeffecients of the 6th order polynomial are stored in the FITS header. Vacuum and heliocentric corrections are applied.
19. Write out spectra Produce Flux-*.fits and Err-*.fits spectrum output files. These are 2-D images where each row is a separate order. Spectrum example: .
20. Create other special spectra This includes DN-*.fits and s2n-*.fits.