Reducing a single observation with makee.
Reducing an entire observing run (multiple reductions) using makeepipe.
Before running makee you must select your four input images: (1) object , (2) trace star , (3) flat field , and (4) arc lamp . The arclamp is optional (you just won't get a wavelength scale.) It is also recommended that you specify a short dark image . See the makee syntax for more details. Also see ideal input files for MAKEE.
Select your input files by referring to your logsheets and/or a listing of your HIRES exposures Below is an example listing using rhh :
78 hires0078 0.2600 -0.6370 RED quart ug5 12s quartz 90 hires0090 0.2600 -0.6375 RED none clear 300s BD+284211 91 hires0091 0.2600 -0.6375 RED none clear 3000s Q2206-199N 92 hires0092 0.2599 -0.6375 RED ThAr1 clear 1s thar
This listing shows the observation number, filename (.fits is assumed), the ECHANGL value, XDANGL, cross disperser type (RED or UV), lamp name, lamp filter, exposure, and frame name.
In this example, we want to reduce observation #91, a 3000 second exposure of the quasar 2206-199. We will use the UV bright standard star BD+28 4211 (observation #90) to define the echelle trace curve.
The MAKEE command for this would be:
makee hires0091 hires0090 hires0078 hires0092 log=hires0091.log
Here we used a single quartz flat, although a sum of flats is usually recommended. We also used one arclamp, although only one was required. We have included the option "log=" to send the output to a log file, alternatively we could have had the output sent to screen (default).
First, look at the log file for this reduction, hires0091.log . Look for error and warning messages or excessive cosmic ray rejections (more than 300 in the object, or 2000 in the sky background).
Next, look at the trace PostScript file, . This shows the trace curve subtracted from a straight line through the end points of the curve. The deviations away from the fit should be less than about 0.2 pixels with larger residuals perhaps at the edges of some orders.
Then look at the profiles PostScript file, . The dotted lines show which regions were extracted as object and background. If the automatically selected regions are inadequate, you can manually select the object and background regions (see Controlling the Object Extraction Boundaries ).
Then look at the wavelength calibration PostScript file, . Each plot shows the residuals in the wavelength calibration polynomial fits to line identifications in each echelle order. The vertical range of the plot is fixed at about +/-0.4 pixels. The residuals should fall within about 0.2 pixels in most cases. The dotted curve shows points derived from an iterpolation (or extrapolation) of the polynomial fits to adjacent orders. These points allow for reliable wavelength calibration in regions of an echelle order with little or no real line identifications.
The second-to-last two plot in shows the RMS and high residuals in each echelle order. The solid line shows the RMS values which should all lay below the dashed line (suggested limit). The last plot shows the number of points used in each order. Non-partial orders (first or last orders) usually contain between 20-40 points if only one arclamp was used.
If those plots look ok, we can view the Flux-091.fits and
Err-091.fits with
spim0 or
xplot .
You can also view the PostScript file
produced by MAKEE.
The file shows the
same data in digital number units (not flat field corrected).
The file shows the
signal-to-noise per pixel of the data.
The program makeepipe can be used to create a script of "makee" commands. In the example below, we copy all of the raw HIRES images into a sub-directory (called "raw") of the working directory. The following steps are executed from the working directory:
cd raw; ls hires*.fits > ../file.list; cd ..
makeepipe file.list step=1 raw=raw
vi image.list
makeepipe file.list step=2 raw=rawmakeepipe reports the results of the "eperdn" and "ronoise" calculations. makeepipe does not automatically use these values. If these look ok, then ignore the output, otherwise you may want to include the "eperdn=" and "ronoise=" options on the following makeepipe command lines.
makeepipe file.list step=3 raw=rawYou will see a file such as "bias1d_1x2.fits" which will be used by MAKEE.
makeepipe file.list step=4 raw=rawNote the files such as "flat_0106.fits" which will have been created and added to the "image.list" file.
makeepipe file.list step=5 raw=raw -log xdtol=0.003
source makee.script &Note that all of the above steps could have been executed by one step:
makeepipe file.list raw=raw -log xdtol=0.003But it usually better to run it one step at a time to edit the image.list file and verify that each step runs properly.
egrep -i error *.log egrep -i warning *.log
logsum all