Makee: Description of Output Files: Result Files

Flux-###.fits : Contains spectrum of object in 2-D format (each row is an echelle order). This may or may not be wavelength calibrated with the coeffecients of polynomial fits contained in the FITS header.
Err-###.fits : Contains (one sigma) formal error spectrum for the object in 2-D format.
Sky-###.fits : Contains the sky or background spectrum derived from the sky region on either side of the object spectrum. The level corresponds to the counts observed in 1 pixel of sky at each wavelength point divided by the rescaled flat field (see Flat-###.fits.) Take a look at sky notes for information of converting the sky spectra to (approximate) flux units.
Flat-###.fits : Contains the spectrum of the flat field (quartz lamp) exposure scaled by some arbitrary value. The level corresponds to the counts in 1 pixel at each wavelength point scaled by an arbitrary value.
s2n-###.fits : Contains the signal-to-noise (one sigma) per pixel corresponding to the object spectrum. (This is found by dividing Flux-###.fits by Err-###.fits .)
DN-###.fits : Contains the digital number (or count level) spectrum for the object. (This is found by multiplying Flux-###.fits by Flat-###.fits .) This is the total counts observed in the object at each wavelength point (minus the sky background.)

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