Observing frequency: | 26-36 GHz (wavelength ~ 1 cm) |
Number of channels: | 10 channels, each 1 GHz wide |
Number of antennas: | 13 |
Number of baselines: | 78 |
Receivers: | HEMT amplifiers, cooled to 6 K |
Correlator: | 780 analog complex correlators |
Antenna: | Cassegrain, 0.90 m diameter |
Primary beam: | Gaussian FWHM 44 arcmin |
Minimum baseline: | 1.00 m (l ~ 630), or 0.58 m with smaller antennas |
Maximum baseline: | 5.51 m (l ~ 3500) |
Synthesized beamwidth: | FWHM 4.5 - 8.0
arcmin, depending on configuration |
System temperature: | 20 K |
Noise in visibility measurements: | 3.3 Jy s-1/2 rms in each 1-GHz channel |
Noise in image from a single pointing: | 4 mJy/beam rms in 900 s, 10 channels, at center of primary beam |
Noise in mosaic image (multiple 900-s pointings separated by 20 arcmin): | 2.4 mJy/beam rms, ~ uniform across image |
Brightness sensitivity in mosaic image: | 13 - 41 �K rms, depending on configuration |
Polarization: | Circular (RCP), giving images of Stokes I. Images of Q and U can be made (more slowly) by
switching some antennas to LCP and cross-correlating L and R |