ARRGEN is a program which generates two-dimensional arrays of
interferometer telescopes and maps them onto the curved surface of a
planet (e.g., the earth or the moon). The output is in the form of a
STATIONS file containing the station name, radius, latitude,
longitude, and zenith angle limit. (All telescopes are assumed to
have an ALTAZ mount.) ARRGEN is useful for creating small arrays
(such as VLA-like arrays, lunar arrays, etc.) for the purpose of
running programs FAKE or HAZI.
1. Create User-Specified Array on Moon
% arrgen
Radius = 1738000
LATitude = 0:00:00
LONgitud = 0:00:00
NSTAT = 12
EWoffset = 0.0000, 452.7406, -498.3997, 403.3182, -208.2298,
-402.4793, -454.2729, 0.55871205, 207.2576, 497.9849,
295.9012, -292.7386
NSoffset = 500.0000, 212.1913, 39.967656, -295.5227, 454.5767,
-296.6645, 208.8913, -499.9995, 455.0205, 44.839311,
-403.0411, -405.3441
ZENANG = 85.0
2. Generate WYE Array on Moon
% arrgen
Radius = 1738000
LATitude = 0:00:00
LONgitud = 90:00:00 WEST
NSTAT = 12
ZENANG = 85.0
ARRDIAM = 1000
EXPON = 1.716
PLOTFILE = wyearr.plt/ps
MARK =-1
Brackets [] indicate default values.
End the list of parameters with a slash (/) or end-of-file
(control-Z in VMS, control-D in Unix).
R = x [ 637000 ]
LAT = dd:mm:ss [ 00:00:00 ]
LON = dd:mm:ss [ 00:00:00 ]
NSTAT = n [ 2 ]
OUTPUT = "filename" [ "STATIONS" ]
ARRNAM = "arrayname" [ "ARRAY" ]
ZENANG = x [ 89.90 ]
ROT = x [ 0.0 ]
ARRTYP = "arraytype" [ "SPECIFY" ]
EW = x1,x2,x3,... [ compulsory if ARRTYP="SPECIFY" ]
NS = y1,y2,y3,... [ compulsory if ARRTYP="SPECIFY" ]
ARRDIAM = x [ -1 ]
EXPON = x [ 1.0 ]
RINGORD = n [ 3, i.e., a WYE array ]
XYPLOT [ default is no plot ]
PLOTF = "filename/plottype" [ compulsory if XYPLOT is true ]
DIAM = x [ 0.0 ]
MARK = n [ -1, i.e. a dot ]
LINEW = n [ 1 ]
FONT = n [ 1, i.e. a simple font ]
DOTSIZE = n [ default is LINEWidth ]
The primary purpose of ARRGEN is to produce STATIONS files for
use in simulated interferometer observations. Station coordinates are
specified in terms of the radius of the planet (earth, moon, etc.) on
which the array is to be placed (the parameter R in meters), the
latitude and longitude of the center of the array (LAT and LON in
degrees), and the east-west and north-south offsets of each station.
By default, the longitude values are assumed to be east longitude, but
ARRGEN will interpret them as west longitude if the WEST parameter is
The user has three choices of how to generate the coordinate offsets --
controlled by the parameter ARRTYP:
offsets (in meters) of each station's coordinates from the latitude
and longitude of the array center must be specified. At least two stations
must be listed in this case.
- If ARRTYP="WYE", a three-armed wye array is generated,
with one arm pointing toward the north. If NSTAT is not divisible by 3,
the odd telescopes are distributed counterclockwise at the outermost
positions starting on the north arm.
Along each arm, the telescopes are placed at distances from the
array center proportional to N**EXPON, where N is the ordinal telescope
number along the arm, in such a way that the entire array has a diameter
of ARRDIAM in meters.
- If ARRTYP="CRING", a crystalline (or Cornwell) ring set is generated.
The order of the ring is given by RINGORD; the maximum for RINGORD is 12
at present. If NSTAT=RINGORD, a simple crystalline ring is generated.
If NSTAT < RINGORD, an incomplete ring is generated starting with the
northernmost position and maximizing the baselines between subsequent
telescopes. If NSTAT > RINGORD, two or more concentric rings are
generated, with the telescopes in each ring lying along radial arms.
If NSTAT is not evenly divisible by RINGORD, the odd telescopes are
distributed by maximizing the baselines between outer telescopes; the
first odd telescope is placed on the northernmost arm. As with the wye
array, the placement of telescopes along each arm is determined by
parameter EXPON, with the distance being proportional to N**EXPON and the
entire array having the diameter of ARRDIAM meters. Setting RINGORD to
3 produces almost identical results to the wye array above.
In addition, the entire array can be rotated about the vertical by ROT
degrees west from north.
In the output STATIONS file there are NSTAT lines, and each
station name is formed from the first 5 characters of the ARRNAM
parameter. (In the first example above, the stations would be LUNAR-1,
LUNAR-2, etc.) All telescopes are assumed to have an ALTAZ mount with
the zenith angle limit given in degrees by ZENANG.
The algorithm for placing the telescopes on the planet surface lays
out the array in a plane tangent to the point (R,LAT,LON) on the
surface of the planet and then projects the telescopes radially down to
the surface. (The infinite plane is mapped to a hemisphere centered
at LAT and LON.) As such, ARRGEN is most useful for arrays which are
small compared to the radius of the planet.
An XY plot of the stations can be created on the PGPLOT file given by
PLOTF. The snapshot (u,v)-coverage for a source at the zenith
is also plotted on the same page. The (u,v) positions are in meters and
are computed after the stations are projected onto the
planet's surface. Parameters affecting the plot are: the symbol used for
plotting each (u,v) point (MARK), the width of the border and other
lines (LINEWidth), the FONT used (1=simple, 2=roman, 3=italic, 4=script),
and the pen size for the drawing symbols (DOTSIZE). To test the
consistency of the telescope spacing, the user can specify the DIAMeter
of each telescope, resulting in appropriately-scaled circles at the
position of each array element in the XY plot.
Version 1.0: 1990 Sep 25. New program (D. L. Meier).
Version 1.1: 1990 Nov 21. Add XYPLOT of station positions.
Version 1.2: 1990 Dec 6. Add computation of standard Wye arrays.
Version 1.3: 1990 Dec 14. Add computation of standard crystalline
(Cornwell) ring arrays. Fix plot bugs and
add snapshot UV coverage plot.
Version 1.4: 1991 Mar 18. Convert lat/long from decimal degrees
to decimal arcseconds (a la KEYIN).
Version 1.5: 1993 Jan 5. Divide XYPLOT into XYPLOT and UVPLOT (DLM).
Version 1.6: 1993 Jul 15. Use PGPLOT routine PGCIRC (TJP).
Version 1.7: 1993 Nov 11. Modified to conform to Fortran-77 (TJP).
Tim Pearson, California Institute of Technology