EVNMERGE EVNMERGE translates data from the "EVN120" format of the European VLBI Network into the Caltech MERGE format. The EVN120-format file must first be copied from tape onto disk. To run the program use the command EVNMERGE: $ EVNMERGE The program asks for 1. Output file name, for the new MERGE file (eg 3C84.MRG). 2. Control parameters: free-format, ended with /. The parameters are the same as for MERGE; the important ones are SOURCE, STATIONS and TITLE. The source name (SOURCE) [up to 8 characters] and the station names (STATIONS) [two characters each] must match those recorded in the EVN120-format file; you may want to use parameter NEWSTAT to provide different station names for the output file (see MERGE). 3. Input file names (name of the EVN120-format file). More than one EVN file can be merged into the same output dataset. 4. Whether the amplitudes are uncalibrated (correlation coefficients) or calibrated (correlated flux density in Jy). The EVN120 format The EVN120 format is a text file, with one record of 120 characters for each visibility measurement. Program EVNMERGE uses the following fields in each record: Columns Format Description 1:3 I3 UT day number 4:6 I3 UTC hours 7:9 I3 UTC minutes 10:14 F5.1 UTC seconds 15:19 - ignored - 20:26 F7.3 Amplitude (correlation coefficient x 10^6, or correlated flux density in Jy) 27:32 F6.3 Standard error on amplitude 33:38 F6.1 Phase (degrees) 39:43 F5.1 Standard error on phase 44:68 - ignored - 69:70 A2 First station name 71:72 A2 Second station name 73:80 A8 Source name 81:120 - ignored - EVNMERGE Page 2 The EVN120 file should also contain header records supplying additional parameters. These are identified by a code in columns 1:4: RUN (reference time and GAST); SOU (source coordinates); or ANT (station coordinates). If these records are missing, the parameters must be entered in the merge-file header using VLBEDIT (see below). Warnings 1. The time recorded in the EVN120 file is assumed to be the UTC at the middle of the integration. 2. EVNMERGE changes the sign of the phase to match the Caltech convention. 3. It is assumed that all necessary corrections (retarded baseline, etc.) have been applied to the phases so that correct closure phases can be obtained simply by summing around triangles. 4. If the EVN120 file does not contain the necessary header parameters (source and station locations, etc.), EVNMERGE will issue a warning ("no data found") for each station that has no coordinates. It will be necessary to add the missing parameters to the MERGE-file header using VLBEDIT, specifying parameters RA, DEC, RAP, DECP, FLUX, X, Y, Z, YEAR, DAY, UT, GST, and FREQ. Note that it is vital to have the correct year (YEAR), antenna coordinates (X, Y, Z), precessed source coordinates (RAP, DECP), frequency (FREQ), and GAST at reference time (GST). The choice of reference time (DAY, UT) is arbitrary: usually 0h UT on the first day of observation is used. The source coordinates (RAP, DECP) should be the geocentric apparent position at this epoch. Use LIST to verify that all the header parameters are correct. Limitations This version of EVNMERGE accepts the EVN120 format defined in a memo from Lars B. Baath dated 13-Apr-1984. It has not been very extensively tested. The program should be used with care, and the resulting MERGE file should be checked very carefully for possible errors. History Version 1.0: 1984 Jun 5 - T.J. Pearson. Version 2.1: 1990 Feb 1 - revised for Unix (Sun/Convex).