UVDIST UVDIST plots the amplitudes in a MERGE-format dataset versus uv-distance (projected baseline, or radius from origin in the uv-plane). One dot or error bar is plotted for each (non-deleted) data point. A simple circularly-symmetric Gaussian model may be plotted on the graph. The following example produces a printer plot from a MERGE file called [TJP.MAR79]1633.MRG: $ UVDIST INPUT = "[TJP.MAR79]1633.MRG" PLOTFILE = "UVDIST.PLT/PRINTR" XAXIS = "UVKM" FLUX = 1.24 FWHM = 0.35 / $ Parameters End the list of parameters with a slash (/) or end-of-file (control-Z). The following parameters can be specified: INPUT = "filename" : the filename of the input MERGE-format file. This parameter must be specified. PLOTFILE = "device/type" : any valid graphics device specification may be supplied, e.g., "TTA4:/TEK" for a Tektronix terminal, "/G" for a Grinnell, "/VT" if your terminal is a VT125, "UVDIST.PLT/VERS" for a Versatec-format file. The default destination for the plot file is the logical name TEKTERM which is defined in the VLB LOGIN.COM file. XAXIS = "option" : parameter XAXIS controls the formatting of the horizontal axis of the graph. Allowed values are XAXIS = "UVDIST" for uv-distance (projected baseline) in millions of wavelengths, XAXIS = "UVMETERS" for uv-distance in meters, XAXIS = "UVKM" for uv-distance in kilometers, "UVPA" for position angle in the uv-plane, or "PROJ" for baseline projected onto position angle BAPA. The value string (in quotation marks) can be in upper or lower case, and can be abbreviated to uniqueness (3 letters). Unrecognised values are treated as "UVDIST", the default value. YAXIS = "option" : the only allowed value for YAXIS is "AMP" at present. XRANGE = min,max : two values specify the range of the x-axis (units are millions of wavelengths, meters or kilometers depending on the value of XAXIS); if XRANGE is not specified, values will be chosen to include all the data. UVDIST Page 2 YRANGE = min,max : two values specify the range of the y-axis (units are Jy if the dataset has been calibrated, or dimensionless correlation coefficient otherwise); if YRANGE is not specified, values will be chosen to include all the data. MARK = n : set the symbol to be used for plotting each point. The default is -1, which gives a single dot. See documentation on the graphics package (PGPLOT) for the full symbol repertoire. ERRORS (no value) : if specified, vertical error bars (+/- 1 sigma) are drawn through each point; if both MARK and ERRORS are specified, the marker appears in the middle of the error bar. FLUX = f1,f2 : if specified, a circularly symmetric Gaussian model consisting of 1 or 2 components is computed and its profile plotted on the graph. FLUX specifies the flux density (in Jy) of the 1 or 2 components. FWHM = d1,d2 : specifies the FWHM im milliarcsec of the 1 or 2 Gaussian model components; ignored if FLUX is not specified. Default is FWHM = 0,0. LINEWIDTH = n : set the linewidth for the plotter. 1 is recommended for all devices except Versatec; 2 or 3 may give good results on Versatec. DOTSIZE = n : set the linewidth to be used for plotting each point; if DOTSIZE is not specified, the default value is that specified for LINEWIDTH. FONT = n : set the font to be used for the text annotating the plot [1=default, 2=roman, 3=italic, 4=script]. BAPA = angle: used in conjunction with XAXIS='PROJ', this specifies the projection position angle. XAXIS options XAXIS='UVDIST', 'UVMETERS', or 'UVKM': x = sqrt(u**2 + v**2). XAXIS= 'UVPA': position angle of the baseline. XAXIS='PROJ': the baseline is projected along a specified position angle given by parameter BAPA. This is useful if the source has (or is suspected of having) a well=defined axis and the data are insufficient for hybrid mapping. Also, it can be useful in displaying that the structure found in a map shows up explicitly in the data, especially if one is trying to, say determine the errors in separations. Limitations UVDIST Page 3 The program accepts input files containing (a) 20 or fewer stations, (b) 10000 or fewer (non-deleted) u,v-points. Program History Version 1.0: 1983 Jun 5 - new program (TJP). Version 2.0: 1984 Jan 3 - modified to accept MERGE-format 2 files, additional XAXIS options and parameters ERRORS, FLUX, FWHM (TJP/DLM/RLM). Version 2.1: 1985 May 24 - Do not die if station coordinates are missing (TJP). Version 3.0: 1985 Jun 4 - Add XAXIS="UVPA" option (TJP). Version 3.2: 1987 Mar 7 - Add XAXIS="PROJ" option (APM/TJP).