GRBOX GRBOX : Gamma-Ray Burst Online Index

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v 0.7

GRB T90 commentsRA Decz XOR refs
970111 Three peaks, two close, last farther away. 15:28:15 +19:36:18 y n n 9
970228 3.6 First-ever detected GRB afterglow. Star-forming host. 05:01:46.61 +11:46:53.40 0.695 y y n 52
970402 Afterglow only detected in X-ray. 14:50:06 -69:20:00 y n n 2
970508 35 First radio afterglow; first spectroscopic redshift. 06:53:49.45 +79:16:19.5 0.835 y y y 47
970616 200 Very bright, multi-peaked. 01:18:54 -05:30:00 y n n 1
970815 130 Afterglow not identified until years after event. 16:06:53.12 +81:30:28.5 y y n 4
970828 160 Extremely bright burst, but no optical afterglow. 18:08:31.6 +59:18:51.32 0.958 y n y 13
971024 Very weak burst and afterglow. 18:24:57.96 +49:28:55.2 y n n
971214 50 First high-z burst; very energetic. Multiwavelength afterglow. 11:56:26.35 +65:12:42 3.43 y y n 16
971227 10 Weak burst with double pulse. Ambiguous optical detection. 12:57:10.6 +59:24:43 y? ? n 3

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Data Options:
Time: T90: Epeak: S: RA: Dec: err: b: E(B-V): z:
Sort: Reverse
Also show: Trigger UT X-ray flux (11 hr) Peak optical magnitude Excess N_H
Require: X-ray detection Optical detection Radio detection

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Show external links: GCNs Greiner ADS
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Show catalog query links: NVO
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Position Options:
Position format: hh:mm:ss dd.dddd
Use Butler XRT position: Always If best Never

Color legend:

High importance
Medium importance
Low importance

short (<1.5s)
intermediate (1.5-4.0s)
long (>4s)



Absorption spectrum
Emission/host spectrum
Host photometric

Site created and maintained by Daniel Perley (now at Astrophysics Research Institute, LJMU).
Please report any errors, problems, or suggestions for improvements.