last update 01/26/04 by Jeff Hickey;
comments, further P200 Instrument Support.
Much of this document was written by Eric Bloemhof
DO NOT turn off the DM power switch, which is located at the left of the Kepco PS. This was done in the past but is no longer necessary.
Turn off the 2 rack power switches (near bottom of each rack).
Remove and stow all fibers and electrical cables connecting racks and instrument.
Handle fibers with great care, never touch the ends, and cap them with plastic covers.
Put covers over fiber bulkhead connectors as well.
Disconnect the two large black cables that go to DM and motor connections on the racks. These cables are coiled and ride on the handling car on the removable wooden palette. Do not disconnect the instrument ends of these cable.
Screw on the dust covers over the large multi-pin connectors for the DM and motor cables,and their sockets on the racks.
Remember to put the mirror covers back on the OAP's and the DM.
If necessary log onto HARBOR (AO Sun workstation) as "aousr" (password provided).
Open an xterm window; give it the command
sudo poweroff
You will be prompted for the password to complete the shutdown.
Open the large access panel on the right-hand side of the "RAID" disk farm next to the Sun workstation; push the power button at top left that is labeled with the usual symbol (circle with a vertical line at 12 o'clock).
Now switch off the two black rocker switches on the opposite (back) side of the RAID unit, these turn off the fans.
Disconnect the small video monitor sitting on the computer bench.
Disconnect the two long orange fibers coming out of the back of the Compac/WFS workstation to an 8 pin adaptor connected to one of the racks. The black/orange fiber is in the blue 8pin fiber, and the white/orange fiber is in the orange 8 pin fiber. The 8 pin adaptor is only used in the AO lab.
Power down the Compac computer with the normal Windows shutdown.
Disconnect the network cable out of the Sun workstation from the wall which is in jack 31.
There are two network cables in the lab that go into the VME racks. In the lab disconnect these cables and reconnect the in rack network connectors hanging loosely nearby.
Finally, pull the power strip plug from the wall and you're ready to wheel the computer bench up to the data room.
It takes at least 3 people to move PALAO in its handling cart...4 is best.
Remove Cass floor and previous instruments and racks
Set Cass Ring to 0 deg.
Tightening handle should be to the West
Lower AO instrument on handling cart using hand crank (turn CCW)
Lower to near bottom of range
Position AO instrument with long end to North
North is marked on handling cart. The handling cart crank will be W.
Raise ram until guide pins approach Cass ring
When top of instrument is in cage, remove the "Stimulus Cover" (curved sheet-aluminum roof atop instrument): loosen the 2 captured bolts on South end, then lift South end until hooked hinges on North end are clear and cover lifts out.
While raising, check North clearance. Stop raising and roll cart South on ram when necessary.
Instrument clearance is tight, especially on West and South.
Watch for wheel brake on South side.
First contact will be on South end, since the North end of the instrument is heavy and rides lower than the South while on cart. To prevent binding, two people should hang off South end of instrument to help balance. Alternately one can push up on the instrument from the North side of the lift.
Pull pins from cart frame to allow lateral alignment
Carefully raise ram until first contact with mounting flange is made
Use hand crank to finish lifting instrument to Cass ring, compressing cart springs approximately 2 inches
Tighten Cass locking handle by turning it about 14 revs CW
When tightened, remove and secure the hand crank.
Loosen, but do not remove, 4 bolts holding instrument to cart
If bolt is stubborn, try rotating cylindrical cart post using 2 hands
Lower cart using hand crank
After lowering 2 or 2.5 inches, make sure AO is secure and 4 bolts are easy to turn
The SE bolt is shorter than the other 3
Remove 4 bolts holding instrument to cart
Lower handling cart using ram and reinstall Cass floor
Before raising Cass cage floor, place all cables (monster motor, DM, etc) on the non-removable portion of the Cass cage floor to raise with the floor.
Install towel racks and cable restrains.
Watch for clearance of cart going through Cass floor, especially on West side
Rotate the Cass ring to 335.8 degrees.
Remove mirror covers from PHARO, 2 OAPs, and DM
When reaching into instrument through base doors, always use new latex (or similar) non-powdered gloves so optics stay clean
Proceed to "Installing AO Cass Racks"
Install AO and PHARO electronics racks onto Cass cage
AO rack with top monitor goes on W; other AO rack with the VME crate goes on SW
PHARO rack goes on SSW
There's a trick with the PHARO rack: put the wood lift crate under the rack when you load it on the hoist.
Proceed to "Cabling AO Instrument in Cass Cage"
Connect and strain-relieve "Motor Cable"
This flexible large black cable splits in two at each end. It runs between the large connector low on the SW Cass rack and the connector mounted on the underside of the optics bench, near PHARO.
You'll want to run this cable, plus the "DM Cable", plus the flexible black 3/4-inch conduit, and the gray PHARO electrical cables in the covered cable track on the floor of the Cass cage, then coil them neatly in the N part of the Cass cage.
Connect and strain-relieve "DM Cable"
The DM cable runs between the large connector low on the W Cass rack and the connector atop a large flat aluminum box on top of the N end of the optics bench.
Connect WFS camera fiber cable
The WFS camera fiber cable runs (via a black, 3/4-inch corrugated-plastic conduit) from the connector on the underside of the NW corner of the optics bench (DUAL: PALAO END) to roughly the center of the thin patch panel on the SW Cass rack (DUAL: LEFT RACK)
Connect laser fiber
The green laser fiber labeled "FIBER" shared the 3/4-inch black conduit containing the WFS camera fiber cable. It runs from a small fiber connector located on a narrow aluminum patch panel on the W rack to a connector on the NW corner of the optics bench, near where the air hose and WFS fiber cable connect.
Connect 8-fiber cable
The 6-foot green cable labeled "8-Fiber" runs from the narrow aluminum patch panel on the SW rack to the connector labeled "ADAPTIVE OPTICS/8 FIBERS" on the panel located on the inside of the Cass cage above the W AO rack.
Connect the DM transmitter fiber cable
The 3-foot orange DM transmitter fiber cable is labeled "ORANGE" and runs from the narrow aluminum patch panel on the SW rack to the upper left corner of the 21 narrow modules in the W rack, just beneath the "Melles Griot" laser PS.
Connect the shutter cable
The gray 3-foot cable labeled "SHUTTER" runs from the brown connector on the lower right part of the SW rack, near the Motor Cable, to a similar connector on the narrow aluminum patch panel on the other (W) rack.
Connect the video cable
The long video BNC cable runs from the rightmost connector on the back of the video monitor in the W rack (for travel it's coiled next to the orange AC cable) and up to the "Pin 1" connector on the BNC patch panel on the W inside wall of the Cass cage. Connect the BNC cable from the SW rack "Telnet" cassis to the top BNC port on the W rack.
Secure the long cables to the towel rack and then neatly to the floor of the Cass cage.
It is helpful to have one person stand on the ram below the Cass cage floor to help secure the long cables with cable ties.
Since ring rotation is common with the AO system, there must be sufficient slack in all cables to allow -209o to +161o (370o total) rotation of the Cass ring without damage to any cable.
Power on AO racks.
The power cable for the W rack is orange and can usually be found coiled in the mid level open area. The power cable for the SW rack is black and also comes out of it's rack mid level. Plug the cables into one of the convenient power strips. A red switch at the bottom of each rack turns the rack power on and off.
Proceed to "Cabling PHARO"
See PHARO "User's Manual", sections 1.2 - 1.4 . The two grey multi-pin mil. spec. connectors go from the PHARO half rack in the South to the red Cornell power supply box and the aluminum motor box on the end of PHARO. The two cables cannot be confused as the connectors are different sizes. There is also a short purple multi-pin cable that connects between the red power supply and motor box on PHARO that is usually left connected.
Note that in the Cass cage for the Pharo optical fibers, the red connector at the red electronics box plugs into the location marked by the red dot. It's a good idea to clean the fibers before inserting them at the beginning of each run. The black connector plugs into the unmarked location next to the red spot. At the Cass cage optical fiber patch panel, the red connector plugs into number 7, and the black connector plugs into number 8.
Proceed to "Cabling AO Rack in Computer Room"
Run a dual ST fiber cable from ports 1 and 2 of the fiber patch panel on the wall near the blue rack (use the side labeled "DATA ROOM") to the very small module (with yellow/green/yellow LEDs) at bottom left of the blue rack as you look in the back door.
Polarity: attach the fiber marked with a piece of black tape to port number 1 on the box, and to the upper of the two connectors on the small module.
Patch the Video from the Cass. 7 pin 1 to data room BNC 1
Proceed to "Cabling AO and PHARO Workstations in Data Room"
Make space in data room for both AO and PHARO workstations.
Roll AO workstation bench into data room, put it to the left.
Roll PHARO workstation bench into data room, put it to the right, with one ordinary table in between.
Cable the AO workstation to the AO blue rack in the computer room.
Run the pair of long orange fibers coming out of the back of the AO/WFS COMPAC workstation to the breakout box (above and to the right of the night assistant's desk)... connect to positions 1 and 2 (fiber with black connectoron 1).
Fiber ports 1 and 2 should be used; insert the fiber marked with black tape into port 1.
Connect the fiber cable from the Ezra II cart to the same breakout box next to the night assistants console. The red fiber goes in 7, and the black fiber goes into 8.
Cable the AO and PHARO workstations to the Palomar LAN
To network the AO workstation: connect the network cable labeled "To network jack" coming out of the back of the AO Sun workstation to any of the network plugs on the wall that aren't blue (those are local only).
To network PHARO: connect the yellow twisted pair cable to the Palomar LAN (white) socket.
Cable and power the small auxiliary AO video monitor
The small auxiliary RS170 monitor requires a BNC cable run from the patch panel near the left side of the E wall of the data room labeled "From Comp Rm", subpanel labeled "SAM" and "DRM", connector #4 to the "video in" connector on the back of the RS170 monitor. [goes into the right input on back of the monitor]
Use the 3-to-2 "cheater" to defeat the ground connection on the monitor's wall plug, else pickup will degrade picture quality.
Cable and power an additional guider monitor for use at AO workstation
An additional RS170 monitor is usually set up to display the telescope guider information, to ease the use of the AO system. This requires a BNC cable run from the panel labeled "Aux Patch" and connector labeled "Video" and "11/23" to the "video in" connector on the back of the RS170 monitor.
Power on the workstations and monitors
Plug in all power cables to UPS power (gray strip).
Power on the RAID disk system on the AO workstation bench
Important: the proper power-on sequence is to first turn on both power supplys (and fans) via switches on the back of the RAID disk, then power on the LCD display on the left side of the front of the disk, behind a removable panel, it is a one-touch black button at upper left, with the computer power symbol (circle with line segment at 12 o'clock).
When RAID and monitors all powered up. Power up the Sun workstation (HARBOR) in the usual manner. Before logging in set the session to CDE. Log-on as aouser with the password listed on the yellow post-it stuck to the workstation monitor.
It's a good idea to ping aocp right away, to see that network communications are working.
The WFS PC can be turned on and the appropriate password is listed on the yellow post-it. Click the camera icon, and when the GUI pops up pull down the cameras menu. Select the smallest SciMeasure CCD (32 X 32) from the cameras menu. A screen will appear with a very tiny CCD image in the upper left-hand corner. Find the zoom out icon on the tool bar, and zoom out the image until it is a comfortable size. If the WFS camera "stops" there is a reset icon on the tool bar that is too difficult to describe, have someone show you. pressing this button will restart the output.
Balance telescope
Double-check Cass cage for loose tools or other issues involved with pointing during balancing, such as cable strain relief.
Proceed to "AO/PHARO Checkout"
(updated 01/23/04)
Turn on the power for HARBOR Log into the HARBOR workstation as aousr. Then type the current password, which is written on a small piece of sticky paper stuck to the shelf above the three HARBOR monitors.
In the left hand monitor on the HARBOR workstation, open an XTERM and type ping aocp. HARBOR should indicate "aocp is alive", which shows that network communications are working correctly. If an error condition is indicated, check the network connections.
In the same XTERM, type start_ao with one of the following switch options;
start_ao -tcs : If you want to connect as the remote instrument to the TCS. An example would be the PALAO system as the primary instrument on the telescope.
start_ao -notcs, If you do not want to connect as the remote instrument on the TCS. Examples would be, if you were working in the lab, or checking PALAO as a secondary instrument on the telescope.
After giving the start_ao command with the appropriate switch, several windows will appear in the left hand monitor during the 3.5 minute start up sequence. It is advisable to resize these windows as they appear, and place them in locations that will make finding them at a later time easier.
The first window to appear will be the PALAO SYSTEM LOG window. Resize this window and drag it into the lower left quadrant. This "black" window is, as the name implies, a system log with execution listings. The following are system log listings, which detail the system executions from start_ao to it's completion 3.5 minutes later.
001 00:00:00.016 INFO aocp: Starting aocp ().
023 21:10:33.025 INFO aocp: Starting with max message size 10240 bytes.
023 21:10:33.025 DEBUG aocp: Initializing wavefront processor.
023 21:11:11.625 DEBUG aocp: Initializing motion controller.
023 21:11:53.025 INFO aocp: Restoring configuration: DEFAULT.
023 21:12:07.875 INFO aocp: Initialization complete.
023 21:12:07.875 DEBUG aocp: Accepting connection from client.
After about 1 minute in the XTERM window that you first typed start_ao, you should see a statement which says "Palao startup completed". This is not really a correct declaration. The full sequence is not yet finished, refer to the system log window example above to know when the sequence is actually done.
Next the START_AOCP window appears, and if the startup is proceeding correctly the window should look something like the following followed by lines of text ending with a -> prompt.
killing windsh
starting tgtsvr
///// ///// ///// ///// ///// |
///// ///// ///// ///// ///// |
///// ///// ///// ///// ///// |
///// ///// ///// ///// ///// |
////// ////// ////// ////// ////// |
////// ////// ////// ////// ////// | T O R N A D O
///// ///// ///// ///// ///// |
///// ///// ///// ///// ///// |
///// ///// ///// ///// ///// | Development System
//// //// //// //// //// |
//// //// //// //// //// |
//// //// //// //// //// | Host Based Shell
//// //// //// //// //// |
//// //// //// //// //// |
/// /// /// /// /// | Version 2.0.2
/// /// /// /// /// |
// // // // // |
// // // // // |
// // // // // |
// // // // // |
Copyright 1995-1999 Wind River Systems, Inc.
C++ Constructors/Destructors Strategy is AUTOMATIC
#routeAdd ("", "", 1)
hostAdd ("honor", "")
Exception number 768: Task: 0x3a6a4d8 (tMountd)
data access
program counter: 0x1892e0
access address: 0xf0f0f0f
machine status: 0xb030
1b3f94 vxTaskEntry +60 : mountd ([])
1dda8c mountd +120: svc_run ([])
180c2c svc_run +9c : svc_getreqset ([])
After about 1.5 minutes into the startup, the PALOMAR ADAPTIVE OPTICS CONTROL (PAOC) window will appear. Often called TAO (not sure why), this window handles the important check out/startup procedures for the AO system. Place this window in the upper right quadrant above the system log window.
After 3.5 minutes have elapsed the startup and initialization should be complete as indicated in the system log window. Here are the final two lines that you should see...
035 22:15:42.352 INFO aocp: Initialization complete.
035 22:15:42.352 DEBUG aocp: Accepting connection from client.
Now we need to use the white light source in the AO bench to initialize and test the system.
Make sure that on the AO bench the mirror covers on the two OAPs and the DM, have been removed.
The Cass cage lights should be off. It is OK if the dome lights are on.
Click on the Set Servo Gains button in the PAOC/TAO window. In the pop-up window select FSM and move the integral gain slider value to 0.5. Now select DM in the same pop-up window, and set the integral gain slider value to 0.15.
In the PAOC window click the TAKE WFS Sky button. In the MEASURE WFS SKY window that has now appeared, click the Create & Load Pixel Offsets button. The WFS Camera indicator in the PAOC window should now turn green for about 10 seconds. A beep will be heard as the green light goes out. Close the MEASURE WFS SKY window.
Back in the POAC window click the Acquire Source button. In the GUIDE SOURCE ACQUISITION window that comes up, select "white light", and then click the Apply button. In a couple of seconds you should see the white light fiber optic appear on the Panasonic video monitor. The video monitor sits on the top shelf of the HARBOR workstation. Use the image move arrows in the GUIDE SOURCE ACQUISITION window, to move the white light source around the video monitor screen. Like many telescope paddles, the arrows move the white light source in the opposite direction than one would expect. The white light source needs to be moved to the field stop (a pick off mirror), which is indicated by two parallel grease pencil marks just to the upper left of center on the video monitor. Be patient, the four arrows move the white light source slowly due to update rates of the servos. When the white light source goes "behind" the field stop, look at the right hand monitor on the HARBOR workstation. This monitor shows the Wave Front Sensor Camera imaging the Shack-Hartmann lenslet array. Move the white light source up, down, left, and right, to get a good feel for it's location behind the stop. When you are satisfied that the white light source is approximately centered in the field stop, close the GUIDE SOURCE ACQUISITION window.
In the PAOC window click the Register DM button. In the DM ACTUATORS/LENSLETS REGISTRATION window, under pupil alignment select "both". Now click the auto align button. A dialog box appears that asks "Do you want to perform a coarse and fine DM pupil alignment?". Click yes to this query. At this point if you selected the -notcs switch for start_ao, you will start getting warning dialog boxes about not running tcs. Ignore these warnings.
The tip/tilt and DM indicators in the PAOC window will turn green during the auto align process. It will be necessary to move the DM ACTUATORS/LENSLETS REGISTRATION window out of the way to see this. After about 30 seconds the the green lights will go off and a beep will be heard. The DM ACTUATORS/LENSLETS REGISTRATION window can now be closed.
In the PAOC window click the tip/tilt button to close the tip/tilt loop. Green lights should go on in the tip/tilt and WFS camera indicators. Now click the DM button to close the Deformable Mirror loop. The DM indicator should also turn green. The AO system is now locked on the white light source.
Now we turn our attention to the right monitor on the HARBOR workstation. We need to run the AO system monitoring and diagnostic plots. While the system is still locked on the white light source, on an XTERM in the center monitor type cd /data/scratch and idl, as shown in the following example.
HARBOR:/home/aousr>cd /data/scratch
IDL Version 6.0, Solaris (sunos sparc m64). (c) 2003, Research Systems, Inc.
Installation number: 16978.
Licensed for use by: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
At the IDL prompt type go and hit return, a window pops up. In the pop up window, click Display Plots. The three IDL plots should come up in the center monitor, and start displaying data on the locked system. The top left plot displays the tip tilt mirror position in x and y axes. If the red or green line is at the very top or bottom of this plot, then the tip tilt mirror is railed (at limit). To un-rail the tip-tilt, unlock the DM(leave the tip-tilt locked), and then open the Acquire Source window. Use the Acquire Source arrow buttons to move the red or green line off the top or bottom of the plot. Push a button and wait for the plot to update, you will figure out which button to use by looking at the lines moving on the plot. The top right plot displays the DM and Tip-Tilt residuals. Ask a night assistant or support astronomer about the values expected for varoius situations contained in these plots. The lower right plot is the source intensity. Currently the white light is around 1200 counts.
There are two more system plots available from the PAOC/TAO window. Pull down the Tools menu and select Real Time Plots. Then select DM Postions, and DM Residuals. These plots will appear in the righthand monitor in the lower left with the IDL plots. These plots portray the positions and residuals of the deformable mirror actuators.
When finished checking out the AO with the white light source, unlock the AO by hitting the DM and tip/tilt buttons in that order. Select Acquire Source from the PAOC, and in that window select "sky" to remove the white light source, which also turns off the light. It is very important that this switch be made before the observer attempts flats and darks. The system should now be ready for the observer and night assistant.
However, if it is the end of the night, or the end of a run.
In the PAOC (TAO)window click the shutdown button. The shutdown process brings the AO system down safely. All the windows and plots on the HARBOR workstation remain up. However, the WFS camera is now off, the fans on the equipment racks are off, and the white light source is off, but still located in optical path of the WFS.
To restart the AO system after a shutdown without having to reboot, type start_ao -tcs (or -notcs) and proceeding from step #3 in this section. The start_ao command starts a script that checks to see if "old" windows have been left open from a previous shutdown. The old windows will be closed as new versions are opened with the new startup.
Unfortunately, sometimes the system "hangs" during a restart. If the following is displayed in the START_AOCP window;
killing windsh
Waiting to attach to target server (press CTRL+C to stop) \
then the system is hung up. An error message indicating that the connection has been refused may also appear. The solution is to reissue the start_ao -tcs (or -notcs) command to clear the error condition. If the system is still unresponsive after the second start_ao -tcs (or -notcs) command, then try rebooting HARBOR.
To hard boot HARBOR type sudo poweroff in any xterm. It takes a few seconds to completely power down. When the screen goes black and the lights go off on the workstation tower, power the Sun back up in the normal manner.
If the AO check out has been successful, it would be useful to do a quick check to make sure that the AO system and the Pharo science camera are communicating properly.
Assuming that the system is on the telescope, turn off the Cass. cage lights. If this is not feasible, the lights may be left on for this simple test.
Make sure that the AO system has started up correctly and is locked on the white light source as outlined in steps #1 through #6 of this section.
Log into the Pharo computer as user pharo, and with the password provided at the EZRA2 workstation.
In an xterm on EZRA2, start the pharo program by typing xpharo. In the window that appears type in your name and the data directory that you will be saving data to. The directory is created automatically.
In the Pharo GUI set the following selections for the wheels;
a.) Slit Wheel: 25" field
b.) Lyot Wheel: Std. Cross
c.) Filter Wheel: Br. Gamma
d.) Grism Wheel: open
e.) Carousel: 25 mas field
Take a test image on Pharo and store it in the source buffer by clicking Quick Src button. The default exposure time is fine for the white light source.
An image of the white light source should display automatically in the Pharo imager in a couple of seconds. The AO system and Pharo imager are now communicating correctly, and there is no need to call Rick or Jeff on their day off...
Once again it is very important to note that, if the system is to be left on for the observer, leave the GUIDE SOURCE ACQUISITION window in "star/sky" mode.
In many cases removal procedures are a straightforward reversal of the setup procedures described in detail in section [I], and the reader is then referred to the relevant parts as appropriate.
Turn off rack power switches (near bottom of the 2 racks)
Remove and stow all fibers and electrical cables connecting racks and instrument, including the air hose
Handle fibers with great care, never touch the ends, and cap them with plastic covers.
Put covers over fiber bulkhead connectors as well
Screw on dust covers over large, multipin connectors for DM and motor cables.
Proceed to "Decabling PHARO"
See PHARO "User's Manual", section 1.6
Reverse the steps in PHARO "User's Manual", section 1.3 and 1.2
Proceed to "Decabling AO Instrument"
Reverse the steps in section I-D of this document
Proceed to "Removing AO Instrument from Cass Ring"
Basically, the reverse of installation.
Raise RAM with handling cart until the cart is ~1/2" from the instrument. Line up by loosely installing four bolts. Short bolt goes on S.E. post.
Use crank on handling cart to complete full contact with instrument; ~2-2.5" of travel.
Hand tighten four bolts to secure handling cart to instrument.
Raise RAM up to compress four legs of handling cart to black marks. Loosen tightening clamp handle by turning CCW ~14 turns.
Put the wooden palette back on the handling cart, and carefully pile the big black DM and motor cable coils onto the palette for travel. REMEMBER do not disconnect these cables from the instrument.
Turn the hand crank on the handling cart through until it drops about 2 inches. The mounting pins should be coming down. Exert upward pressure on the North side of AO while turning the crank.
Slowly lower RAM, watching all four conical ring mounting pins. If it seems to be sticking, particularly on the South side, use crank on handling cart a few turns. If it continues to sag to the North side, have someone put downward pressure on the instrument on the South side.
Lower RAM. Insert two large cotter pins. Continue lowering RAM with instrument securely attached to handling cart. Stop when the instrument is in a good position to install the "Stimulus Cover". The South side has flange inserts and the North side has the clamping attachment.
Preferably, with four (4) people, roll instrument to instrument storage bay.
Reverse the steps in section I-C of this document
Proceed to "Decabling AO/PHARO Workstations in Data Room"
Reverse the steps in section I-G of this document
Proceed to "Setting up AO and PHARO in Ground-floor AO Lab"
Generally follow the steps in sections I-D/E/G of this document, modifying as appropriate for AO lab instead of Cass/data room
Reverse the steps in section I-F of this document
Connections are as desribed above, but some care must be taken laying out cables, particularly the large "monster motor" and DM cables. Also, as seen in the photo below, the air hose must be run through the opening in the front of the right-hand rack:
The heavy Lodestar PS for the fan and all the cables must be held in place with plastic cable ties.
The two electronic racks installed near the instrument at
Cass...NB this is an old photo, and the rack patch panels have been
The airhose and the two heavy black cables must be arranged carefully in the Cass cage, as shown in the two photos below:
Cable layout in Cass cage: (L) looking West toward racks;
(R) looking North, under PALAO
[NOTE: we no longer use that
little stand-alone PS for the air hose fan].
Click on FIGs, or, for hard-copy perusers, all the figures are collected below...
large blue dewar with red electronics box [FIG
...see Tom Hayward's manual for setup; has a 1/2-ht rack
put to left of AO racks in Cass cage.
large, black optical bench housing PHARO and AO optics [FIG
..."stimulus" is on top; main PALAO optics
hang under bench; PHARO (absent) would hang at left.
adjacent electronics racks (tan-colored)
[FIG 3]
...the one with a
video CRT goes on the left.
1 blue-colored rack in mezzanine computer room [FIG 4]
1] Blue PHARO dewar mounted on PALAO;
[FIG 2] PALAO optics bench
on its handling cart, parked under the "spit". The PHARO
dewar is absent, but would hang at left.
3] 2 tan-colored electronics racks, set up adjacent to PALAO;
4] blue electronics rack; set up in mezzanine computer room.