Use this group for
access control of webs and topics.
- Member list:
- Set GROUP = CSTTestUser, CstcAdmin, YupingTang, LuYe, FredGuo, LuZhang, JinbiaoZhao, ChangjunJiao, JinpengLi, YongBi, JingquanChen, WeijieDu, LongCheng, HuiqinZhang, FengLiu, DuoCao, FrankRice, JimBartlett, JackSayers, ManuelAravena, RodrigoReeves, SimonRadford, DaveWoody, TonyReadhead, ZhongWang, SunilGolwala, JiashengHuang, MattBradford, JamieBock, NanyaoLu, ChenggangShu, DarekLis, RobertoAssef, JingwenWu, ShengCaiShi, MichaelStramenga, CristianCanales, RafaelRodriguez, DavidArroyo, JoseVial, NicolasMartinez, HiroYoshida, GonzaloRojas, SergioSobarzo, DanielLuhr, RodrigoHerrera, ZhengWang, EmilianoRasztocky, BrianAndler, JunhanKim, BillJohnson, FranciscoGodoy, PatricioAlarcon, VicenteMontesinos, CeciliaBustos
- Purpose of this group:
- Set DESCRIPTION = LCT General Group
- Persons/group who can change the list:
The GROUP and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE settings accept a comma-space delimited list of users and groups in
WikiFord format. Groups may be nested.
Related topics: TWikiGroups,