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January 13, 2017 7-9PM

Event Type: Lecture and Stargazing
Title: The Universe through X-ray Eyes
Lecturer: Fiona Harrison
Position: Professor, PMA Division Chair
Institution: Caltech
The last decades have seen a revolution in astronomy with access to space, enabling telescopes that span the electromagnetic spectrum. Powerful telescopes have been launched that can view the universe in X-rays and gamma-rays, enabling astronomers to probe some of the hottest, densest and most energetic regions in the Universe. I will talk about how our current, panchromatic view has changed our understanding of the Universe, focusing on the high energy X-ray telescope NuSTAR.

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JPEGjpg 20170113.jpg r1 manage 236.7 K 2017-04-18 - 19:07 OutreachAdmin  
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