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June 2, 2017 8-10PM

Event Type: Lecture and Stargazing
Title: The Origin of the Elements
Lecturer: Ivanna Escala
Position: Graduate Student
Institution: Caltech
Abstract: To understand the origin of the elements in the periodic table, we must first look to the stars. Space contains astrophysical laboratories able to achieve energies and densities high enough for nuclear fusion, which is required for the formation of the various elements. Examples of these laboratories include the interiors of stars, explosive supernovae, and the ultra-hot gas of the early universe minutes after the Big Bang. We will explore the various environments in which different elements form, addressing the question of why only certain elements can form in specific astrophysical events. In addition, we will investigate how scientists measure these elements in our surrounding universe, from the backyard of our Solar System to distant galaxies.


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